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Everything posted by frank10

  1. Over the years I have seen camps offer: Youth Protection, Safty afloat, Safe Swim, CPR and first aid. For fun we have a pie eating contest, V-ball leader vs staff, leaders joind in on the staff hunt and big splash/ belly flop contest. Leaders BBQ is also a hit.
  2. If you can return the book it might be a good idea. Requirements change all the time so it is out dated by the time you get it home. the requirements are on line at http://meritbadge.com . This is not an offical BSA site, but it is kept up to date in most cases and it is free. For each badge he will need to buy the book forthat badge. It has info in it to help him with the badge. (he could also borrow one from a friend or older scout).
  3. If your son is in a New Scout Patrol (6th graders) than chances are the term is one month and they may limit him to only one shot this year. this is done to teach each boy how the job is done and how the troop is run. This allows each new scout to attend one troop leaders meeting, lead on one camp out and then it's the next guys turn.
  4. frank10

    Pants crusade?

    You do have to admit we complain about uniforms more than most folks. Did you ever hear a Scotsman request something a bit longer and maybe in a solid rather than plaid? Or a sumo wrestler ask does this thing make my butt look fat?
  5. frank10

    Pants crusade?

    "I have seen eight year olds whine less over putting on their Sunday dress clothes than adults here do over having to wear a scout uniform." ROFL... Thanks BW. Reminds me of the problem I have getting the kids ready each morning.
  6. First thing I ask myself is "Is it worth my time, do I really have nothing better to do." Since I only spend one hour a week onthis stuff I have to select carefully. Is time spent correcting someone for a uniform infraction better spent teaching a scout an eye splice? Second, Assuming it is worth my time, am I going to win? After all, if I am going to lose anyhow is it really worth my time? Third, does the other party already know what they are doing is wrong? You see, if he all ready knows I can't claim I'm being helpful and chances are I'm not being friendly, curtious, kind or cheerful either. Seems like if I impose then the only one I can claim is reverent and then only because I must think I'm some kind of saint. forth, can the other party do anything about the infraction? If some ones fly is down, I'll let them know so they can zip it up but what's the point of telling the tour leader he has a hole in his pants? He can't do anything about it anyhow and he'll be uncomfortable the rest of the day. Fifth, I have to remind myself that just about every one has stoped reading around item two or three, who do I think I am going on to five?
  7. Oops, typo - make that -> I have a bottle of "normal" screen printing ink and a small screen that can be used WITHOUT the press for the demo. ---------------------------- And while we are on the topic, Any one know of a good wholesaler for Tshirts. I use Virginia Tees but ther must be one closer to CT.
  8. I will be giving a demo on screen printing troop Tshirts at our upcooming roundtable. Problem is I use a small press, heat cure inks and a flash panel to do my work. This equipment is beyound the scope ot the demo but it is the only thing I know. I have a bottle of "normal" screen printing ink and a small screen that can be used with the press for the demo. I want to give them just enough iinfo that they could do a one color troop logo on a Tshirt but not so much that they write it off as too much work. Has any one ever used any of the low budget kits like the one from Speedball? are they worth it? Can they do 20 shirts? I can reduce the equipment list to: Ink screen squeegee photo emulsion (small jar) haligen work light yellow light bulb tape Tshirt Any thoughts or experiences to share?
  9. But don't make us wait! tell us all about it!
  10. More info on the flag fundraiser... http://www.scouter.com/forums/viewThread.asp?threadID=48083
  11. John, We might be able to help more if we knew more about you and your troop. Starting with location, size of troop and size of need. Here in CT, a quick one day bottle drive is good for about $400. Won't help much if you have 40 scouts, but if you have only 10... well you get the idea. Candy is always a good seller, but make sure you don't order more than you can sell and be sure the boys are into it before ordering. Another great idea is in anoter thread here about a flag fundraiser. We are starting that one this year for our troop but it's one that starts slow and builds up as you go. Please tell us more about your self and your troop and fill in your profile so we can get to know you better. and oh yes... Welcome to the fire.
  12. anarchist - you read my mind and saved me a bunch of typing. Thanks.
  13. "JUST NOT ONE SCOUT IN A CAR WITH ONE ADULT LEADER unless the scout is a son of one of the leaders..." anarchist - Please tell me you typed this wrong... and you really meant unless it is the son of the driver. Same rules apply to leaders sons and all the other boys!
  14. Sounds like you have BTDT (Got the mug to prove it).... I'd sigh you up for round table staff or training chair.
  15. Have you taken your Youth Protection training yet?
  16. Eamonn, How about if I just take what you have already come up with... " While a (FILL IN RANK) Participate in a Fun, Adventurous and challenging Event" Then leave a line forthe scout to fill in the event he used for the requirement.
  17. As long as you have two scouts in the car you are covered. The fact that one of them is your son is fine.
  18. "The highest rank a Scout can achieve -- the Eagle Scout Award -- was earned by more than 50,000 young men -- the highest annual number in BSA history." Are we getting better or are we letting our standards slip? "59 percent of all Boy Scouts and Varsity Scouts participating in a long-term camping trip." 41 percent didn't? I'd have thought we werer doing MUCH better than that.
  19. Bring in a guest speaker. In the past we have had an army Sarg. come in to do a bit of compass work. Another time we had an FBI agent come in and talk about his job (look them up in the phone book). Had the local ambulance (Explorer post) come down to show of there equipment. (They straped the SPL down to a back board and caried him around for a while)
  20. Mark, Thanks for this one... We used it tonight to close the Mad River District round table. Didn't open it up to th e floor, just had one guy do it from up front. I have a feeling it will be used at several troop meeting next week from the feed back. John B.
  21. Aardvark, Don't hold back. Tell them exactly whyt not. That way when some one else tells them its ok to be alone with them the scout will know it is not and report it. A scouts best defense is knowledge. Both my scouters and scouts know the rules and that any "Exceptions" are to be reported to me.
  22. We also plan to market it as a gift item. Print up some kind of certificate to give to their faverite friend, patriot, vet, mayor or what ever. Good point about the cpas getting stuck. what do you thiunk about using a hack saw to split the first inch of pipe? Also What size pipe did you use?
  23. Is this a Youth Protection violation or a GTSS violation? Either way he is wrong, but it will help your case if you term it right. (BTW: Being right doesn't always make you popular)
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