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Everything posted by frank10

  1. Eamonn, Our best game is much like yours but we have a light house (one side, Shore (the other side), Dock (line down the center of the hall) and best of all SURF! (on your belly where ever you are). Every now and then I'll ever yell out SURF! when were not playing and the scouts will still dive for the floor.
  2. Hi Dave, One correction, you are the SM of a large troop with lots of openings for new members. Good luck! Just do you hour a week and you'll be fine.
  3. Our troop does the $5 buy/sell bit. works well for us.
  4. Old SM tags new SM and yells "no backsies"
  5. "For those of you who hand out a yearly permission slip or get permission slips signed when the Scout is dropped off for the outing; how do your patrols plan for the amount of food that is purchased? How do you track who is planning to go?" As I said, my troop signs the kids in when they arive. Food money is how we know who to buy for. For troops that collect the slips in advance, what do you do when some one doesn't show up the day of the trip? The parents think he is in your care but you have no idea where he is.
  6. Is this a question, a proposal, a dream or a reply that got seperated from the original post?
  7. ours are signed in the parking lot when the boy is turned over to us.
  8. Since he is acting as part of the SM's staff I (as CC) would first ask the SM if he would like to do the talk himself. If the SM took a pass on it, then the CC (me) would do it. Then again, anyone who is going to summer camp with our troop MUST take YP first.
  9. I'd also have to see the write up before I could answer either way... Could the leader ship be in the gathering hte 150 pounds of supplies?
  10. Don't know much about tie dying, but I do silk screening for several local troops and we buy our blank shirts from http://www.virginiats.com/index.html much cheeper than retail.
  11. Red feather, My thought and prayers are with you and your family. It sounds like your dad was a great leader and will be missed. Rest easy Mr. Sisco, you've done your hour.
  12. Each year our troop does 30 to 35 nites of camping. Each camp trip has it's own flavor. Most of them are patrol cooking, one is eaten as a toop but is "bring a dish" by the patrols, one is make your own all day long (at the race track - we set up the grill and the boys can eat what ever / when ever they want). Point is, we have enough time for each style so we don't miss it when we eat in the dining hall (C. S Read Scout Reservation offers two camps, one by patrols one by dining hall)
  13. Set the ground rules now...What happens when: A Scout transfers to an ohter troop (or Crew) A scout ages out A scout is dismised A scout leaves If the troop moves If the troop loses it's charter or dies If the troop "splits" I like to limit the amount in hte accounts to what is needed for the next goal (Camp, special trip or what ever) Another thing I have done that worked great was rather than cash we offered a hooded sweat shirt with the troop logo. The only way to ger one was to earn it, they were not for sale at any price.
  14. Rat, This weekend our troop will take a train (from Brewster north to GCS) and walk to see the USS Intrepid (Air and space museum in an aircraft carrier). They have an SR-71 Bird and a Concord jet plus lots of other planes and helicopters. Return trip same night by train. Bag lunch and group rates keep the cost way down. http://www.intrepidmuseum.com/ http://www.onmyhonor.com/events9900/intrepid/index.htm
  15. " The GPS is coming from the tower not the phone?" The phone uses distance from the towers to determin it's location same as you would use two peaks and a map to find your location. Some phone do however use real gps and would work in the woods (to provide location that is)
  16. GB- ummmm yes but no and no... they could if the cell phone was on,had real GPS and had power. First, the new law requires that the phones have gps like tracking but many of them use the cell towers rather than satellites so out in the woods they lose location as well as useability. Second, the reason cell phone last so long between charges is that the cell phone yells out "can you hear me now" (ok, not really but it pings the tower) and the tower replies "yes, please wisper" (ok, no really but it does answer back)... the phone lowers it's power level and tries again and the tower replies again, each time telling the phone to lower it's transmiting power until finally the tower doesn't reply and the phone is forced to raise it's power just a bit. When near a towner my phone will last three or four days between charges, in the woods, it last just hours.
  17. Lisabob, Yep, That's him. He was a real friend and I'll miss him, but I'm glad to say the last time I talked to him I took the time to tell him what he meant to me and how he had helped make me a better person. Neither of us knew he was sick at that time, it was just something I always wanted to tell him and finally found a chance to say it all. I sent you a copy of his obit. All - Sorry to bring this thread down, if there was any point to my post it was that this kind of stuff can make for long term friendships.
  18. Best one I've ever pulled was on an other ASM... Jim O was ASM for our troop and the DE for another district. He alwas planned to be at camp with us but would get pulled at the last second and have to do something district related back at the office. Since we were at his councils camp he couldn't bluff them. He'd call ahead with the latest arrival time which would often be pushed back again and again. One year he was finally going to arrive at camp durring Wednesday lunch. As he entered the dining hall scouts at each table started pointing and yelling "there he is". I had gotten in earlier and plastered photos of him on each milk carton. For years he would re-tell the tale of that day with a huge smile. And pride of knowing we cared where he was. Jim passed on last month, but where ever he is, I'll think of him when ever I pass the milk in the dining hall of camp Curtis S Read. (Rest easy Jim, You've done your hour.)
  19. The UP can have at it, but I don't know in what BSA book it says how high to hem your pants.
  20. And the donations get even bigger when they are followed up with thank you letters and wall hangers. (Just be sure that the person that gave out the free-bee's wants you you to thank his boss) we supply our SM with BSA thank you pins that he keeps under the flap of his uniform pocket for on the spot thankyou's(This message has been edited by wingnut)
  21. You may be able to find "Proof" in the Home Repair Merit Badge book.... (I don't have a copy, but I expect it will have photos that confirm that scouts can use power tools.
  22. I don't know how high is too high, but I'd want it high enough that if a cubs foot was stuck in the ladder his nose wouldn't be under the water.
  23. Won't help you with getting back what is allready out, but... start signing out tents before the camp out. Scout signs it out, take it to the camp out and returns it (after drying) to get his name off the list (posted in the gear room).
  24. "(same camps, same activities)" You already know the answer...
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