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Everything posted by frank10

  1. Our troop does a three way split, troop for a third, the parents a third and the scout MUST earn the final third. In case of hardship, the troop will pay the parents part but not the scouts third. (If a scout can't find his own wat to earn the cash, We always have a list of folks willing to hire out for yard work (YP rules apply!))
  2. We used to have a guy in our troop that had MS. Couldn't hike/camp/you name it... BUT since he was home all day he was great at the back end of the program... press releases, paper work, all them phone calls that I can't make from work... he kept on top of it all. Don't drop out, adjust. (Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family)
  3. frank10

    Hi All

    Step in as little as you can when it comes to your son. Otherwise, let him have fun. (I understand he has special needs, but Scouting is (should be) a safe plce for him to "fit in" on his own.)
  4. I install flooring for a living, just not that kind, (I install pre-finished hard woods and laminates (think pergo style but a higher end brand)...) What we tell our customers is to avoid any thing that is oil based (like WD-40 and such) as it can leave behind an oil spot. As for what we do recomend, well, that varies by brand and I'm not sure how any of it relates to a sheet floor of unknown brand and type. But here goes... My floors clean up well with a white rag with a small amount of alcohol OR mineral spirits OR acetone. If you do know what brand the floor is, look it up on the web.
  5. Did you spot ours? http://onmyhonor.com/joke.htm
  6. one key method we use is to have issue delt with by some one who is not involved with leading the group at the time. The PL, SPL or even SM only tell the youth to go see the Pl, SPL ASPL, SA or SM and then get back to leading. First this leaves the active leader in their role with group and does not disrupt the program. Second it takes all the fun out of being dieruptive. Nothing works like depriving them of an audience.
  7. "we can only find his footprints now and then. " Sounds like a commissioner.
  8. You should have seen the one that got away.
  9. B-P was british, elections didn't mean as much to im as they do here.
  10. I spent 4 years as a tenderfoot scout and then 24 years as an adult leader (so far). I'm always thankful my SM let me do it my way.
  11. I gave my son his first wheels. Insurance is not an issue as he is only alowed to ride his tricycle on the back deck at this point.
  12. there's always that one hour a week myth...
  13. Don't call them planning meetings. We just do some "paper work" at our staff only boat trips.
  14. L.H., Don't feel too bad about getting off track, If you didn't post it, I'd have had to. Back to the topic: The key is contact between the Webelos and boy scouts... early and often. We invite them to work with us on our Scout for Food blitz ($8,000 worth of food collected this year)and a few camp outs. We privide helpers to the PWD. We provide den Cheifs. By the time they cross over they are comfortable around the troop so they fit right in. (ok, maybe I'm pushing it a bit you get the idea.)
  15. CM Randy: it's the band not the place (25 or 6 to 4:00) SWScouter: I'd stay away from 9, 22 38, 357 or any other good gun number. Might also avoid 8 (8-ball- drug term) and the always unlucky 13. 404 (not found) might not exactly be it either.
  16. SN, From the donner side it's not a real problem, they can count it as a donation, an advertising expence or just an operating cost... all the same. It's on the receiving end where the IRS "could" cause a problem.
  17. Oh, this brings back a trip from long ago... Two scouts came to report that Billy peed on them. Billy was a first year scout and it didn't sound like him. I like to hear all sides of an issue so I ask where Billy was. He was with another adult reporting the same case... only the details were diferent. in the end it worked out this... A scout had dropped hid flashlight (turned on) in to the open pit outhouse. Billy went in to use it but failed to lock the door. the two older scouts thought he was just there to look at the light like they were and pushed their way in before he was done. I'm sure there was some blame to be had but...
  18. 2XX looks like a good troop that could be great with your help!
  19. I'd like to see a required post-eagle service. They all stand up there at their COH and comit to the Eagle charge to give back and run for the door. It's kinda like curing lepers, your lucky to see one of ten come back.
  20. Since he is a bean pole, also have him bring a wool blanket inside his sleeping bag to take up the extra space. other wise every time he moves the bag acts like a bellows blowing out the warm air and then sucking in the cold.
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