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Everything posted by frank10

  1. Mines a 94 GL1500i... the Goldwing Interstate model (No reverse, no CB and No Cruise control). 110,000 miles. All you hear is the radio. (Member GWRRA, Past member GWTA)
  2. Asking for help at a roundtable is kinda like standing up in a singles bar and shouting who "wants to go out with me". If you get any results there's a good chance you won't be happy with it. If you want something, walk up to a person and ask them yourself face to face.
  3. Start traditions now! Don't miss your chance. ashes from the first fire. A log book signed by every scout ever in the troop. Yearly charters all stacked in one frame. That Elvis/Chuck B./ Beatles song you blast on your way back from every camp out/cabin trip/summer camp/klondike. Shaving the SM's head every time the troop has a new Eagle.... What ever, nows the time to start!
  4. Hi Hops, Our saying is that we run a farm not a mill. We provide a place to grow, it''s up to the boy how far he grows. We don''t expect to turn our identical Eagles.
  5. "clearer differences in interests between different sections of the country." Hunt, has this changed all that much? What is deemed normal in places like CA would never fly in the bible belt. Folks in the northern states wonder why we have to keep sending support for hurricanes when no one bails me out after a blizzard. Farm support? There are hundreds (thousands?) of issues that are strong for and against by region or state. The EC was set up as a compromise. Small states would have loved to go with one state one vote, since they were all equally independent at the time they had a point. Larger states (think MA at that time not CA and TX)would have liked to have proportional voting. And since they had the larger land mass, more population and there for more resources, they too had a point. By giving one vote per senator and one for each seat in the HoR, no one got what they wanted, but all got some thing they could live with. The country has grown, but it still seems like a good way to share the power.
  6. The E.C. was designed to give small states a voice in electing a president. It was created for exactly the same reason as the senate. Would you like to remove that as well? (Bet folks from RI would think not!) BTW: as it stands now, a voter in RI has almost 3times the voting power of a voter in CA.
  7. Assuming it''s a list of first names and phone numbers you can use the reverse look up feature at http://anywho.com (It''s by AT&T) to find the last names of the listed ones.
  8. If I was a scout, I''d want to know why this new document wasn''t given to the SM and SA''s at the same time as the PLC
  9. http://www.scouting.org/factsheets/02-558.html
  10. Our rule is you must be in uniform, we just don''t require you to be in a scout uniform.
  11. Is that anywhere near 1313 Mockingbird lane?
  12. Trevorum: I can''t believe you sit still for this! Shouldn''t you stand up and say something? I mean... Chess in school? promotes war and imperialism. (I''d feel bad about doing this to this thread but it''s so far gone already)
  13. I thank you, my wife thanks you, my children thank you...
  14. We have a uniform bank. We pay $5 per shirt or pants and send them out at the same price. keeps the bank full because the scouts want the $5 when they outgrow the uniform. Before we did that, the bank was always empty and the families that needed it most wouldn''t take them. Now it''s not charity it''s business.
  15. What number are you looking for? I can sell you a few 115''s.
  16. ... I was sitting in my office at IBM Talking on the phone to an other scouter as things got crazy. Ran out to my motorcycle to grab a 2 inch LED TV (prize from selling popcorn). the whole team crowded around that thing and watched while we waited for a co-worker to call in and let us know he was ok. Turned out he was late for work that day and was just exiting the subway when the first plane hit. But what I remember most was for the next few weeks any time you walked into a meeting the uneasy looking around the room waiting until some one worked up the nerve to ask "every one here ok?" Only then could you do any work. We purchased our first home the next morning. Didn''t dare celebrate. Even the "congrats" balloon on our mailbox by my mother seemed wrong. By the time I arrived home from work the next day my wife had placed lit candle in each of the 14 street side windows. I remember advising my international co-workers to go home and stay inside. They seemed confused, they didn''t understand that this was new to us. I remember spending the night with our troop serving coffee and donuts to the folks at the all night prayer vigil. They held doors and walked the elderly to their cars. We weren''t really needed but it gave the boys a way to fight back. I remember I cried that night too. We''ll never be the same again.
  17. Open with a large (poster size?) photo of a great place to camp. Scout one puts it up along with a sign that says "BEFORE". Scout two replaces the sign with one that says "AFTER" (same photo) Scout three holds up a sign that says "Any Questions?"
  18. I see no problem with limiting it to the boys who helped. Since it was on the same day, I''d back you even more, if he wasn''t available for putting up the flags, I wouldn''t expect him to be available for the fun. On the other hand, not sure about taking the boys on the river with out filing a tour permit....
  19. Ah yes, the Eddie Eagle program... Our daycare uses it. For 6 months months we got a daily rendition of: STOP, Don't touch it! Leave the area, Tell an adult! Sung (yelled) at a level that can only be achieved by a 4 year old. (including dancing and hand motions that would do any camp staff proud. I was surprised that some one didn't object to brining in an NRA program. May have been that fact that no one at the school ever mentioned the NRA only the Eddie Eagle. How ever they got it in, I'm glad they did!
  20. Beavah:"They're designed to absorb that fall along with a 20+ mph impact." No helmet can save you from a 20 mph impact. As I pointed out above, at impact the shell stops and the brain has 1 to 1.5 inches to slow down before it too must come to a dead stop. above a 2 meter fall this is over 300 g's. A 20 MPH stop would turn the brain to jello. Helmet shells are designed to hold togeather with the high forward motion but the foam is designed to absorb the impact of just the fall hight. Any EMT types want to chime in? Or maybe an engineer?
  21. Eamonn: it's his third lap top and your shelling out $300 for the extended warranty? I think I see a flaw here...
  22. Welcome back to the fire! A town of 900? I've been classes larger than that. Just thinking that half them 900 are of the "other" gender that leaves 450 males and of them no more than say 10% could be cub age (were down to 45 folks) and that's for the whole cub program from Tigers to Webelos II. Take out the ones who just aren't interested and well... Talk about a pack where every member counts. Good luck!
  23. I expect that no matter what you do this boy will be out soon... That said, Please don't let them rush it. When (if) the boy is shown the door he should be able to directly tie it back to his own actions the troop owes him that much. Give him rules to follow and predictable (and fair) penalties. If you kick him out now he will feel that it was unfair and the troop just didn't like him. Let him know what is required to remain at an event and what is required to remain a member of the troop. Support him but stick to the rule. Let him know that you want him to stay but that it is up to him. Standardize things as much as you can. Use the "sign" to quite the group. Start things on time. Require the entire patrol to wait on Grace before anyone starts eating. Watch his behavior, he may be the first to get board but may also be a great indicator that the other boys are only 10 min behind him. This allows him cues on how to react rather than having to read the situation. In the end, the effort put into him is exactly what is best for the troop anyhow. In the end, he just might prove me wrong and make it. Best luch to him and you.
  24. Ok, first off, my ID "Wingnut" comes from the fact that I ride a Honda Goldwing (110,000 miles on this bike so far). I know more about helmets than you would ever want to read. I would require a helmet designed and certified for the sport it is to be used in. A bike helmet is designed to protect the brain from a fall of about 4 feet. A rider's head on horse back is more like 8 feet off the ground. Upon impact with the ground the shell of helmet is stopped while the brain inside it is still moving, the EPS (Styrofoam) liner is crushed at a rate that allows the brain to slow down. If the bike helmet was tough enough to take the fall, I'm suer they'd have labeled it as such. BTW: In my motorcycle class we were told that there are more deaths from head injuries from riding houses than riding motorcycles (Based on a per mile of riding). Don't have a source for this but it sounds likely.
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