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Everything posted by frank10

  1. Cookies and coco come to mind... or hot cider.
  2. I don't see how any one could say any thing about favoritism since a scout does not need to "pass" his S.C., he only must participate in one. That said, he could have one with his SM, his ASM and any one else who want to have a heart to heart talk about his scouting and his life. Ten in one night if you want.
  3. Wow, If my scouts were discussing a fellow scout in this manner They'd be invited to sit at my table and reflect on a few points of the scout law. On the chance that Mr. C........ should see this thread, Congrats on a job well done! And thanks. All, Please keep in mind that once posted here conversations don't go away.
  4. I can see why you'd bring it up. It does seem a bit thin for an Eagle project. But then again, wiht out the details, who know might have been a lot more work than it sounds.
  5. GW, Dan and AnaMaria, One more item you missed... "His" ID is ManuelsMUM.
  6. Reaching out to an IH almost cost me a troop.We sat down with the new minister and explained that we were more than just another group that used their hall and that we belonged to them and were part of there outreach ministry... She replied "oh no, I'm not interested in that, I have a dream of using a drama program to do outreach"... Had to call in every favor I ever had to save the troop. Now when the CO ignores me I smile.
  7. "it is very likely that the upcoming World Conference will impose sanctions on BSA. " Does this mean they will stop taking our funds,oh no, I can feel my troop failing as I type.
  8. Jo, I won't say every item is open at all times but I will say my guys come tired and with more partials than completed MB's. My selling point for camp is I guarantee each scout that they will do or see something new that they have never done or seen in their life each year they go to camp. Not one boy has beat me yet even after they have been to camp 6 years in a row. White water rafting is off site so you schedule it and check out the camp van to go. We have a stable on the reservation with 10 horses. The MB class needs them for a two hours a day, the rest of the time they offer them for trail rides (about $10). COPE, indoor Climbing wall, rappelling (on the rocks) and Zip line are at the other end of the reservation, you reserve staff and hike up when it's your troops turn. Water front staff have to take care of the MB's first but we get is a troop row boat swamp and a game of Greased watermelon each year. Troop shoots and free shoots are a bit harder to get but it can be done. Most years we pass on it because NY law limits the ages of shooters. In most cases if a troop suggest something, the staff will make it happen. Oh and you can sign one of three hand crank ice cream makers to go with your dutch oven apple pie. quote from past post------------------ Curtis S. Read Scout reservation is about 30 miles north west of Lake George NY in the town of Brant Lake. It belongs to the Westchester-Putnam Council of NY. It has three camps, Buckskin (traditional dinning hall camp), Waubeeka (patrol cooking) and Summit base (stagging area for treks of all kinds plus rock climbing, indoor climbing walls, COPE (high and low), Zipline into pond and a lot more). The reservation also has a horse barn with 10 horses for use of all the camps. You can my summer camp phtos on my website http://onmyhonor.com or you can view the camps website at http://www.wpcbsa.org/Read/ Great camp. (This message has been edited by wingnut)
  9. Wow, after reading what fotoscout and the others are saying, I glad we have C.S. Read (upstate NY). We encourage our scouts to limit themselves to one or two MB's at camp. Rest of the time is used up Troop Swim Row Boats Canoes Greased watermelon (at waterfront) Zip line in to lake Volley ball Hoarse back riding White water rafting COPE indoor Climbing wall rappelling (on the rocks) Two sets of caves hiking/ berry picking a few small mountains to climb and sleep on staff hunt two camp fires camp wide games free shoot (bow, rifle and shotgun) I will say the best activity is limited to nights only but that's just how star gazing is. And if you insist in spoiling it, you can take astronomy MB. Please tell me we're not the only ones doing this kind of camping! No wonder numbers are down if all they get is MB classes.
  10. Herms: Please don't stop there, tell us more!
  11. LH, I see a BOR as about the same as my yearly performance review when I was a programmer. I'd sit with the bosses, we'd talk about the past year, my strengths and weaknesses, areas to improve in, training ops, how I felt about them and a whole lot more... Never once did a manger ask me to prove to him that I could write a program on the spot. And that review was for real $$ not for First Class.
  12. Also a lot of British slang thrown in at the higher levels.
  13. "What else did the scoutmaster tell him?" Is this a riddle?
  14. Words fail. You'll all be in my thoughts and prayers.
  15. Could it have been his dads shirt?
  16. You have a point, but, there is also other options... 4H Royal Rangers Campfire YMCA (Dang, now the song is in my head...Its fun to stay at the Y-M-C-A.) FFA And since most of the kids don't want to camp anyhow, all the sport clubs Band Point is they don't have to hijack our program and then strip it of what is important to us until I feel out of place. Their schools G&L support club or even Chess Club.
  17. Was it hard to learn English when you got here? (grin)
  18. I would have to ask my self if this persons continued participation would be a positive or negative pull on the troop. That would determine their role in the future of the troop. BTW: I assure you that by now, most/all the boys know about it. Note to scoutlady105: keep in mind as you post that topics here never go away and the world is a small place. I have found that I have met some of the folks who post here in the past.
  19. "Camouflage is verboten for anyone in BSA." Please provide source. Thanks, John B
  20. Glad to hear they were able to cure your hiatus, welcomer back.
  21. Side note: "They could even sit on Boards or Review." BOR is limited to committee members only.
  22. Box oven... http://www.buckskin.org/Resources/Outdoor/Files/boxoven.pdf
  23. FS:" I would wonder what the troop scribe and troop quartermaster would think about 2 or 3 other kids running around wearing his patch. " Might depend if he saw them as his staff or not... If they are his assistants, he might want it. This has me thinking of how this relationship could work out great...
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