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Everything posted by frank10

  1. We buy an eagle flag/banner and let every one sign in on it.
  2. "A few boys sign up for merit badge classes. They go to the classes and sign in. Then they bail out on the class. The classes are very large, and they are not missed. This happens for a few days, before the leaders find out about what the boys are doing. How do you handle it? " I inform the camp that I won't bother sending my scout to the classes until they can get the class size down to a manageable size. If the scouts aren't missed then their better off not going. Might as well just send one scout with a camcorder and have the whole troop can watch it rather than going to camp.
  3. Would part of keeping your nose clean include taking the pot leaf off your myspace page or is this the kind of reform where you tell the adults what they want to hear? (is the pot promo on youtube yours too?)
  4. I was hoping there was an official national training like BSA fast start that I could take so I could get it right the first time. From BSA I know better than to ask the local folks (grin).
  5. I've been a BSA leader for 25 years and went and had a girl. she's almost 5 now and going into kindergarten. She'll be getting into GS soon and I'd like to know what I'm getting into. Is there any online training I can take to get ready? I don't want to go in telling everyone how we do it in the BS.
  6. Won't work indoors and not for the winter, but how about soda bottle rockets?
  7. As part of our "new family" talk we inform parents that the troop is forth behind family, church and school. At the pack level I'd think it would be even more so.
  8. I feel sorry for the folks at Robert Kaufman fabric http://www.robertkaufman.com/fabrics/designers/boy_scouts_of_america/ They printed the fabric in the old colors. My wife was going to order a load of it for her company for resale but not worth it now until they come out with new designs. We even registered scoutfabric.com and scoutfabrics.com ... Oh well.
  9. You already know that it is not allowed. Announce it, make a sigh and post it. If the SM can't stand on her own two feet when a BSA policy issue come up she doesn't have what it takes to be a SM. She's there to lead not to teach arts and crafts.
  10. 'trust everybody, but cut the cards.' Ronald Reagan (and others)
  11. Block Island... The scout camp is the only place on the island where anyone (including home owners) can pitch a tent.
  12. Call his bluff... Approve his project and see if anything turns up under your chair. If you find a pay check call the cops ASAP. If not, it must have been bad humor after all.
  13. "I am planning on showing" Do you do the showing each month? We used to do it this way until we'd burn out another RT commissioner and tell the truth we'd be glad to see him retire. Then we shook things up and started limiting each one of us to one demo a year. the RTC was happy, the troop leaders were happy and we got lots of new folks involved. Since your not in hiking shape, find the best hiking SM in your district and ask him to do the demo. You'll get to sit back and learn something too. Good luck!
  14. When I was a scout we knew all classical music... And which cartoon it was from.
  15. http://www.vacreepertrail.org/index.html Looks like a great place to ride! Wish we had something of this scale here in CT. But 17 miles of this look like a lot for cubs. The guide lines are not polices but the folks who make them up have good reasons for them.
  16. If I ran the zoo... My motor cycle club has very active forums that like here are saved "forever". Except one area that is not devoted to motorcycles. It's a place where club members just talk to each other about what ever is on their minds. Any topic anytime. But they do not save the topics. After a week or so, they just fade from the system. It's the same kind of chitchat you'd find in any camp after the kids turn in and it's just the adults. I would enjoy an area like that here.
  17. If you plan to have drug sniffing dogs, you might want to remind the parents several times about the demo...
  18. Great to hear it went well! Just for amusement at this point, but just how big (and deep) was this pool anyhow?
  19. http://www.northerntool.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/product_6970_7262_7262 If you have room for a few more inches... it's 55 inches wide.
  20. Not sure if any of our leaders have tattoos, the females have their own showers and I've never felt it was safe to ask.
  21. Sounds like a great trip to me... The Asm may have a reason that he hasn't shared with you yet, However, I'd still welcome the pitch by my scouts even if it was something that was undoable. Some of our best trips started as wild pipe dreams. (btw: my spell checker is ok with doable but will not accept undoable, maybe the spell checker knows more than the ASM.)
  22. If the pool is a shallow above ground call it all a non swimmers area. If it is an in ground pool, divide it as needed. Post a pair of lookouts. HAVE FUN! We use the boys shoes on the deck as a count of who is in the pool.
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