I have a couple of scouts that for various reasons have been shunned by (told they are no longer a member of) their patrol.
I had previously met with the PL and discussed his frustration with one of the scouts. He has been a behavioral challenge and probably always will be. Great kid, nice family, he just deals with issues that he can not be held responsible for. Nonetheless, we do work on holding him responsible for his behavior. The PL and I discussed some strategies for working with the scout and how to know when the PL had had enough and needed to let someone else step in for a bit to give him a break or when a SA needed to shadow the scout for a while. All in all I thought we had a plan. Before I had a chance to observe the plan, the PL announced to the Scout that he was out of the patrol.
The other Scout wants to be in the patrol, crossed over with them from WEBELOS and considers them his friends. A couple of the Scouts and the PL have decided they dont like him and don't want him in the patrol and again the PL announced to this scout he was out.
We only have two regular patrols and a NS patrol. Neither of these Scouts wants to move to the other patrol.
I am guessing having a SM meeting with the entire patrol is my next step. Any counsel or advice on this before I do?
Any lessons learned that you could share?