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    Houston Texas

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  1. A lot of our experienced leaders are very involved at the District and Council level as well. We have Two assistant District Commisioners. A Unit Commisioner. Someone from our Unit usually chairs or at least key staffs on the District events. We also provide a large amount of volunteers to our Councils Winter Camp. Which raises another question. How often to you think seasoned Scouters should go back and be retrained in Scoutmaster Fundamentals and Basic.
  2. I'm sure you are right about that. It seems a lot of people don't mind going for the glory spots but fewer and fewer want to take the important positions like Patrol Advisor, Chair for a specific fund raiser and such. To me being a Campmaster on a campout or pulling off a successful fundraiser so the boys can afford a high adventure trip is the most rewarding. I now know you have to br very specific and ask a person to do a particular thing. General blanket pleas for volunteersa tend not to work. Everyone expects someone else to step up.
  3. Thanks F Scouter, You are correct and we do that. But are key leaders in units across the country serving as Scoutmasters and Committee Chairs and COR's 10 and 20 years?
  4. Good Answer. Thank you. You bring up very good facts. Our issue is we are a large unit with a lot of new talented /trained folks. To me they look like buds on a vine ready to bloom. Many of them could/would fill key leader positions but existing leaders will not or do not want to give up their role. I see the new folks wilting on the vine. I've always felt the more adults you can rotate into key positions the more boys you have later in life that can say "my Dad was the Committee Chair or my Dad was the Scoutmaster. This would make them more likely to be Scout Leaders when they grow up thus proliferating the Scout program across generations to come.
  5. Thanks for the response. I am looking to see what other Troop/Crews practice or have written into their policies. I understand the recharter process. However in our neck of the woods Recharter is perceived as registration not election or review/replacement of leaders.
  6. Does your Troop have Term Limits for Adult key leaders? How Long?
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