You are right, "There are plenty of authors and scientists who come down on both sides of the debate." Generally, the authors of questionable books come down on one side and the scientists the other. Very few trained scientists favor creationism. Such folks are anomalies.
As I said earlier, I am glad you are reading on the subject. If you care to broaden your choice of reading material on the subject, I can make some recommedations. I read both of the books you recommended years ago and found them seriously wanting. The arguments were weak, old and uninformed. Aging has not improved them.
You provide a few quotations in your latest post and they are even older than the books you cited. Belief in the Genesis account can be justified on the grounds of religious belief, not science. A few quotes strung together, don't refute the scientific evidence supporting the theory. You may take comfort in them, but they don't make the reality of evolution go away.