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Everything posted by FireKat

  1. I like your points, Fishsqueezer. You assume that because I disagree with you that I am bigoted against a capable man? I get the feeling that pappy is the bigoted man. Bigoted against women. Why else would he use kids cool terms like manly, girly-man. Also the term hysterical for an angry woman? Has he used it in reference to any of the male posters? Do you describe a marine as manly-man or an honorable man? A manly-man is more of a cave man than a modern , honorable man. The term will go the way of macho. Talk about honor, humanity, stewardship, face (oriental meaning) no more of this silly made up term of manly-man. And dont use terms for women as an insult to men. It just makes everyone focus on the terms not the ideas. (This message has been edited by firekat)
  2. and a forester helped us locate the desirable and undesirable trees and shrubs. Sometime I think you make other such outrageous statements to get our goat because you turn around and make these statements. That is not a description of slash and burn but of properly controlled harvesting. A true forester picks and chooses what trees to take down for the overall benefit of the environment.
  3. C. Shoot an animal (or use your bear hands) and watch it die. This can be consider psychotic type of behavior, especially in the young. All serial killers displayed this behavior in their youth. I cannot see a rational adult tell a kid to kill an animal with their bare hands to watch it die, that is just sick. If that is not what you intended to mean, please restate that list. B. Watch lots of Westerns, especially John Wayne and Clint Eastwood films. These are so far from what really occurred during that time frame as to be absolutely ridiculous . I bet you are one who loves The Alamo with John Wayne and believe the Alamo is out in the middle of the west Texas desert with no water anywhere around! (BTW do you know who Juan Seguin was?) There is no such thing as a girly-man(ness). It is a made up term by an actor/ politician (when have they ever been known to tell the truth?)
  4. But the emphasis on No Trace should never supersede our perspective on man's rightful relationship with his environment- which is that we are here to build, create, nurture, plant, hunt, and form. Over-emphasis on keeping nature pristine is really wrong-headed and narrow. A statement like that is highly egocentric. Mans relationship is to take care of and not treat it as our personal playground. I am firmly in the camp that says slashing and burning, cutting and building, is a lot more about conserving the manly arts and man's proper relationship with his environment In this day and age I cannot believe anyone would say such things.! slashing and burning, has never been about much more than laziness. Those type of so called foresters did such things because they did not wish to take the time to do harvesting properly. My dad was an internationally known forester who never believed in the slash and burn attitude. When he harvested trees from a forest there was STILL a forest there. .. by not emphasizing their expression of power and intelligence in the natural environment. I really do not see any signs of intelligence in slash and burn!!!!! Manly arts indeed ! (I had wanted to stay out of this but I cannot take someone claiming slash and burn is intelligent in any way shape or form!!)(This message has been edited by firekat)(This message has been edited by firekat)
  5. http://www.scouter.com/forums/viewThread.asp?threadID=181739 Sorry to hear of the troubles. Best of luck
  6. Most of what I have heard is that they need to do the new requirements for their next rank. Don't need to go back. Most are photocoping the requirements (or downloading them) and just inserting that sheet into their books.
  7. Eamonn, influenza A is on the rise in our area. It is attacking even those who were vaccinated against it.
  8. Carl, As much as you wish to avoid 'petty politics', those little critters will get you no matter where you go. Decide if you wish to put your time and effort into the old troop or a new one. Evulate the pros and cons of each. Check out some others too. Either way take your patients with you, eays and ears open and a can of your best 'tic spray. Best wishes and lots of luck. Most of us will still be at this fire to do the best we can to help.
  9. I was extremly proud of both of their composure even when the adults fumble a bit. They will be good eagles. I hope they can stay and pass on their wisdom. A moment I will not forget.
  10. I waited a bit for someone else to start ....... I decribe on of the difficult days which I hope we handled well. The usual end-of-year rush of kids wanting to be done before christmas or age was sneaking up on them. We ran them past 10pm (last scheduled to start at 10). Just before we started it was brought to our attention that two of the candidates had very reciently lost a parent. I think things went ok (walking on eggs might have been easier) but was wondering if anyone has some helpful suggestions if that happens again.
  11. I had a friend whos dad had a place in the country that was close to what you describe. Just bare minium things. Did have elect & water (and indoor plumbing ) Maybe your bunch can find someplace with just bare bones and stay there for the weekend. That way nothing gets spoiled at home.
  12. Have any others here sit on EBs? I would love to compare notes. I have been sitting on them for awhile now but still am learning things. Our DAC/ EC has been doing them for over 20 years. I think I will always feel like a novice next to that much experence. Now days it appears Natl only has problems with paperwork errors. The main attitude is that if there is a problem and it was an adult caused error, the eagle stands. You did not set up the board, adults did. Not your error but theirs. I do not see that natl would have a problem. As stated above, if they had turned you down then you would have good grounds for an appeal. edit for clairity(This message has been edited by firekat)
  13. We are only human and forget at times. They did realize their 'opps' later and may be more careful. Since there is no real problem as you are an Eagle now (congrats!!!! ) enjoy! and do not let it bother you. I commend your concern - you did nothing wrong so go plan your ECoH! Oh - Bob, He IS an Eagle as of the date of the EBoR. Just waiting on the paperwork to verify recording it.(This message has been edited by firekat)
  14. In my book.... NEVER!!! As to policies others can expound on those. An adult is an example and should never degrade others in such a way. I can over look an accidental use of language whan a finger gets smashed by a hammer or such. But never towards another. That is one of the few times I will fuss at another adult in front of the kids and expect the adult to apologize for the language. I really want to hear how others handle the situation. Kat
  15. I was hoping I was not alone in my thinking that one man's actions and local petty politics were the exception not the rule in scouting. Oh how I wish that were true We need to do our best to see that good people help train our youth. Many time some of the adults are in it only for what they or their family can get out of it. I think we all have experenced some of these. They are fustrating to try to work with but in the long run it is best to try to work with them peacefully and do our best to continue to help all the kids. Fan their egos and find things for them that may keep them busy and happy. In the fire service we called these 'glory hounds'. They always wanted the hose and tried to get their picture in the paper. They disappeared when the real work of firefighting started - the cleanup - no glory in that. I learned (almost the hard way) that when things get tough, they are the first to 'rabbit'. We must stand our ground. Wait for the others to rabbit and go pose for pictures We will quietly go about cleaning up. I hate politics..........do you know the define it? Poly - many tic (tick) - a small blood-sucking insect.
  16. The book is probably the only good thing he has done for the state of Texas.
  17. Little hint, Beavah, Type the message in a text program first. Then you can rant and edit without accidentally submitting. (firekat sits staring into the fire. Tail curled over toes. Tip twitching wondering when the delicious pot roasts will be ready.) Always keep your steam under control or you lose the best flavors. Let's eat! What to drink with the lovely pot roast?
  18. We were at Eagle Boards last thurs and the District Eagle Chair was very happy to tell us about the changes as she had been wanting to see that on the app for a long time. We already had ben asking for total hours so it is not a big deal except turning in the correct form on the correct time.
  19. Why don't we let Beavah, Bob, and Ed have a thread all to themselves. That way we can discuss pot roast and not have other personal things break the flow..... As to my pot roast - I like it slowed cooked and spiced as I and my guests are in the mood for. The cut of meat plays a big role in how it will be prepared. You also have to take into account what iingridents are at hand and what can be purchased within the time frame of the meal. I am always accepting stuff brought by the others but sometimes they don't fit with that meal. You can hold them and try to work them into your next pot roast.
  20. One thing that can happen online that may not occure around a reular campfire is the anonymity. People are freer to say what is on their minds without (most times) being tagged as trouble. I fell this allows a better exchange of ideas. We are not so afraid to try out radical thoughts.
  21. I don't know about y'all but there is always alot of wine (read whine) at our activities!! Hey Beav... how do your make the smiley that sticks out its tongue??? My attempts fail (This message has been edited by firekat)
  22. Packsaddle, you and I probably could rant for days. I do not like the way some summer camps do MB's. Some are OK. You KNOW it is bad when the kids complain about not learning anything!! I was thinking a bit & seem to remembere an older brother (back in the early 60's) doing summer camps that were basically large scale service projects. I may be wrong . Can anyone verfy this? Brother did a large projct at a Natl park involving much hiking and camping just to gt to work site. Before many summercamps became MB focused, what activities did they do?
  23. I agree with the others that it is water under the bridge. Use it to learn from. I think what you are looking for is how to handle something like that it it would happen again. I would talk to the CoR, they are the say in SMs. Include the CC in the talk if possible. If the problem cannot be resolved there is always going to another troop. I have found sometimes if you can get a third party to talk for you it can keep your temper under control if you have a fear of loosing it. I hope the Troop is running better nowand that did not sour your son on scouts. P> Edited for typos(This message has been edited by firekat)
  24. Ah.. but they did, as it appears in the King James version of the bible. Now if he said the Torah or the Dead Sea Scrolls I would argue. A bunch of catholics got together and decided what and who's accounts would be included. They left out many gospels such as Thomas. At least he did not say the 10 commandments
  25. The best Aggie jokes come from the Aggies themselves! Living close to both UT and A&M there is alot of maroon and burn orange around here. Let me think if I can remeber one that is clean enough for public.....
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