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Everything posted by FireKat

  1. Brotherhood is on the right track IMHO. No one seems to tell the incoming scouts and their parents (especially) that the way of advancement has changed from a parent teaching/signing off to an independent advancement. Many incoming scout parents think that they still can sign the boys books as they did in cubs. They also think that they can teach MBs without being signed up as a councilor since they taught them WeBeLoS skills before. Try to tell them the difference and you get since they have always done it that way so why must they change. Oh, dont mention training as they will tell you that they have done training (they do not see the difference between cub and scout training). It seems to come down to educating the parents before they transition from cubs to scouts. I once watched a parent at a MB U follow his son and do all the work for his son. Too many kids in the group for the MBC to notice. I could see the boy was frustrated as he saw all the other boys doing the stuff themselves no parent hovering and doing it for them. Sad thing is the parent was a troop leader. I think that the cubs need to do more to prepare the parents for the style change in scouts.
  2. For anyone interested, I found a good way to keep the numbers together tighly. I baste them together before puting them on (makes them one large patch) I do stich around each number for security. Also if you have troubles with fraying of the patches (or any other parts of the shirt, like buttonholes) use ant type of a fray check that can be found in most places with sewing stuff. I have used it to secure cut edges of numbers when the machines cut through the border threads. It also holds down ant loose threads on the field of a patch.
  3. The flag as being "optional" is now a moot point as the new uniforms have a permanate almost plastic flag adhearedto the shirt. I like an embrodered patch. This seems to feel fake (or cheap) to me.
  4. the Ten Comandments the Golden Rule the Bill of RIghts Enough for a start?
  5. How about Ollie Oxenfree (sp)
  6. The only person I would over look the untucked shirt on is a pregnant lady.
  7. Overheard: father to son, "you WILL go to ordeal and get the patch, after that, whatever" OA all over is dying. Maybe there needs to be something else done so the boys stay. Maybe the wrong types of boys are being elected in. Maybe there should be a different way of selecting who gets in then an election (popularity rules). Just a few thoughts to mull over.
  8. To get more members maybe the BSA needs to get the boys' heros (read high $$ sports figures) to make being a boy scout cool. Look what that type of ads did for milk.
  9. I wonder if the missing MB may just be a bit more of the BSA controling items that must be earned. If you don't have the paperwork, you cannot buy the item. Some shops just would ask if you completed the requirements and trust your honor. Some now seem to want paper proof of your wanting the item. A bit like the Eagle items. I guess they can no longer trust the word of many scouters.
  10. Some come when negotiations have failed. Dealing with some people is like talking to a brick wall. They will not budge and the poster is looking for a civilized way of going to the next step. They hope someone has been there and done that and might give some ideas what might work and what has backfired. It is easier than groping in the dark. Some come to read the old 'war stories'; to get laughs, ideas, information, and news. Some of us come for all the reasons. Sometimes it is nice to know you are not alone in what you are going through. Some come to help others - isn't that what scouting is all about?
  11. FireKat

    Badge Magic

    To make it easier to sew make sure you have a sharp needle and coat it with bee's wax. Heat it on then polish. Hand heat is fine and any old cloth will polish. The needle should slide easily thru.
  12. Have you nnot ever wondered how the E. coli got in your gut in the first place? The average E. coli will not cause a disease. You would die without it. (bleed to death) There have not been human carriers of E. coli 0157 to my knowledge. Most cases are traced back to undercooked/raw meats, buy direct contact or cross contamination. A few to unwashed vegetables or fruits. It may not be appealing but the FDA allows a certain amount of fecal matter in processed foods. (i.e. rat droppings and such).
  13. GW, you do not get the disease from yourself. Escherica coli is need in your gut. The diseases caused by a substrain the has become virulent, not you every day gut version. It is easy to kill with proper cooking. Most of the troubles occur when people handle raw meats then, without washing their hands, start handling foods that will not be cooked. Hint. you should be OK as they will now be more vigilant so not to get anymore bad press. Make sure all ground meats are well done and do not let someone handle raw meat then anything that is ready to eat.
  14. I agree with acco40, Sewing and other life skills (laundry,etc). Men do need to know how to do basic tasks when no woman is around. How about inventiveness - like putting a square peg in a round hole as in "Apollo 13"? People need to know how to improvise an a lot of situtations when you cannot run and buy something.
  15. Bob quoted: "Here is what the BSA says . Page 31 of the Boy Scout Handbook, "TENDERFOOT is the first rank you will earn as a Boy Scout"" As stated by others you can quibble on this for a long time. Alot depends on emphasis place in which words. Tenderfoot is the first rank you will earn as a Boy Scout. This says to the reader that tenderfoot is the first rank. Tenderfoot is the first rank you will earn as a Boy Scout. This reads that it may not be the first rank in scouting but just the first the boy has to earn, not just have the rank given to him. When reading things much can be interperted by what the reader put emphasis on. The same can be said about spoken words. Take politics, pick on one or two words and change the whole meaning. It is up to nat'l to say but I seem to recall other BSA documentations that refer to Scouter as a rank. No, I don't have sources handy but I will try to find them.
  16. Ask a DE with only 6mo of total scouting experence (fressh out of school)? I think I would like a few seasoned opinions before asking someone so green. That way if it sounds like a case of 'baffle them with B...S..' I would know to continue up the ladder to get a more experenced verdict. Been burn that way before. And the tap dance always points back to the originator of the problem if it hits the fan.
  17. Contact your council. Some say CC can but not ASM(s). Best get an offical ruling.
  18. Just another example of people with more money than sense. What could scouts do with that type of cash!!
  19. Two more: 1)Grandparent(s) with grandkids, no parent in attendence. 2) Married couple, son(s) from previous relationship of mother. Not formally adopted by new husband
  20. Ok - here is a question. A boy finishes his eagle project on his birthday. Is this allowed? Would you sign his application?
  21. FireKat

    Badge Magic

    You don't!! I have yet to see anyone remove that leftover mark. Just sew a new patch over it. I really wish they would stop selling it as newbies try it and then have to get new shirts. (they always see to start with the temp patches ) It is really not hard to sew patches on; one or two poked fingers is not much bother. (This message has been edited by firekat)
  22. WOW! With your credentials you should be giving us advice. Don't let some of the other posters get under your skin. There are plenty of helpfull folk here.
  23. Please go back. The younger adults can do so much more in keeping up with the kids. But be ready for a few parents to be a bit nervous at first. That is just being protective. Don't let that bug you. Be patient. Give them a chance to learn about you. If you have a girlfriend, bring her along once in a while. All parents wonder why someone without a boy in the progrm would want to spend their time with kids. Talk about why you do it and the parents will settle in.
  24. I hope they do not combine districts in our area. Some of ours are all ready too big. With gas prices going thru the roof, asking people to drive farther for roundtable is asking for less participation not more. If anything they should make smaller geographical district so maybe more people whould/could attend. One district I know of makes those on the edges drive around 100 miles round trip to go to roundtable. Would you drive that far or farther?
  25. "acting SPL" is what happens at an outing when the SPL (and possibly the ASPL) are unable to attend. A bit like a mayor-protem.
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