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Everything posted by FireKat

  1. I got these sent to me. Why do we need jokes when these can be found in the records?? "These are from a book called "Disorder in the American Courts" and are things people actually said in court, word for word, taken down and now published by Court reporters who had the torment of staying calm while these exchanges were actually taking place. Some of this is truly UNBELIEVABLE!!!! ___________________________________________________________________ ATTORNEY: This myasthenia gravis, does it affect your memory at all? WITNESS: Yes. ATTORNEY: And in what ways does it affect your memory? WITNESS: I forget. ATTORNEY: You forget? Can you give us an example of something you forgot? _____________________________________ ATTORNEY: What was the first thing your husband said to you that morning? WITNESS: He said, 'Where am I, Cathy?' ATTORNEY: And why did that upset you? WITNESS: My name is Susan! ______________________________________ ATTORNEY: Do you know if your daughter has ever been involved in voodoo? WITNESS: We both do. ATTORNEY: Voodoo? WITNESS: We do. ATTORNEY: You do? WITNESS: Yes, voodoo. ______________________________________ ATTORNEY: Now doctor, isn't it true that when a person dies in his sleep, he doesn't know about it until the next morning? WITNESS: Did you actually pass the bar exam? ____________________________________ ATTORNEY: The youngest son, the twenty-year-old, how old is he? WITNESS: Uh, he's twenty-one. ________________________________________ ATTORNEY: Were you present when your picture was taken? WITNESS: Are you s***'in me? ______________________________________ ATTORNEY: She had three children, right? WITNESS: Yes. ATTORNEY: How many were boys? WITNESS: None. ATTORNEY: Were there any girls? WITNESS: Are you s****'in me? Your Honor, I think I need a different attorney. Can I get a new attorney? ______________________________________ ATTORNEY: How was your first marriage terminated? WITNESS: By death. ATTORNEY: And by whose death was it terminated? WITNESS: Now whose death do you suppose terminated it? _____________________________________ ATTORNEY: Can you describe the individual? WITNESS: He was about medium height and had a beard. ATTORNEY: Was this a male or a female? WITNESS: Guess. _____________________________________ ATTORNEY: Is your appearance here this morning pursuant to a deposition notice which I sent to your attorney? WITNESS: No, this is how I dress when I go to work. ______________________________________ ATTORNEY: Doctor, how many of your autopsies have you performed on dead people? WITNESS: All my autopsies are performed on dead people. Would you like to rephrase that? ______________________________________ ATTORNEY: Do you recall the time that you examined the body? WITNESS: The autopsy started around 8:30 p.m. ATTORNEY: And Mr. Denton was dead at the time? WITNESS: No, he was sitting on the table wondering why I was doing an autopsy on him! ____________________________________________ ATTORNEY: Are you qualified to give a urine sample? WITNESS: Huh....are you qualified to ask that question? ______________________________________ ATTORNEY: Doctor, before you performed the autopsy, did you check for a pulse? WITNESS: No. ATTORNEY: Did you check for blood pressure? WITNESS: No. ATTORNEY: Did you check for breathing? WITNESS: No. ATTORNEY: So, then it is possible that the patient was alive when you began the autopsy? WITNESS: No. ATTORNEY: How can you be so sure, Doctor? WITNESS: Because his brain was sitting on my desk in a jar. ATTORNEY: I see, but could the patient have still been alive, nevertheless? WITNESS: Yes, it is possible that he could have been alive and practicing law. ***REMEMBER-- THESE ARE "EDUCATED" PEOPLE ASKING THESE QUESTIONS!!!"
  2. SMEagle819 wrote: "At one time there were 2 viable troops in my little town. Now, due to pressures of the council/district maintaining its "Honor Council/District," there are now 4 troops in the same village fighting for boys to join their troop. I have asked everyone from the UC (past and present) on up the chain to the SE, and have never been given a reason why there is an over saturation of Boy Scout troops in my area." That seems to be the same thing that has been happening around here. New packs and troops form but disappear almost as fast. The older ones struggle to get scouts but those that tried the 'new' ones now have a bad taste in their mouths about scouting. We cannot get them to even check us out much less join. Why is it that it seems like the council will not tell callers about the older troops and packs any more? One parent that was really interested in scouting found us and asked me that question. When she called for troops/packs she was only told about the new ones which had already folded. I had no answer. Maybe someone can tell me how to answer if this question comes up again.
  3. Over reporting.. In our area it has contributed to the deaths of a few kids. This cause the state to step in and revamp the investigating entity. I believe in reporting it you think something is going on. Part of the problem around here is those that use it as a threat. I have some (distant) In-law types that use the threat of reporting as a means of controlling their adult kids.(It appears to be a common thing in this area) Example: If the adult kid wants to move away from them, the parent say they will turn the adult kids in for abusing their kids, even when nothing is going on. I would like to see this type of over-reporting punished. This type of reporting can cause the investigators to develop a cry wolf reaction to many reports so real abuse may get overlooked or brushed off. Just be careful that people dont over do the reportings. Does anyone have any statistics on investigations/ convictions of any direct contact Scouters? I remember one in Nationals office but do not recall any direct contact ones. Just interested to see if the YP program may be working.
  4. Try here: http://www.projectwild.org/StateSponsoringAgenciesandOrganizations.htm Kat
  5. FireKat

    Spoof Knots?

    Why not check with a local custom embrodery business? Most can do custom work. Kat
  6. (standing up for an ovation) Bravo!! Well stated and great advice!! Let's all give OGE a big hand!
  7. From what I have seen it will be an ongoing thing at each level. The new handbook has requirements added to each rank. It seems that they have not worked all the kinks out. I would have them do the bear requirements to keep educating the boys in taking care of our planet.
  8. I have seen many parents/scouts doing this type of thing. It bothes me when a parent encourages the doubling up. It happened during my son's painting MB class where a father was encouraging his son to think on where else he could use what he was doing. They came up with also counting his time as 'community service hours'. I had to bite my tongue so not to give my view on community service and what it means. To me it is to teach the kids of the great feeling hat you can get in helping out someone or the community to build lifelong good citizens. As JFK said - ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country. My son never has a problem getting more than enough service hours, he is always volunteering to help whenever he can (us too). Serve as part of your duty and honor, not just for advancement and build good citizens who will continue to serve. Not people who look for loopholes and how to do the minium. My 2 cents, Kat
  9. "Eagle Factory"..... Just saying that brings to mind an assembly line with others puting the pieces together to make a fully assembled item. No life in it. An imitation. An Eagle is a living thing. It grows, learns, and makes mistakes on the way to being a beautiful living thing. I would be offended if someone called out troop that. We raise Eagle, not assemble them. Kat
  10. We have an autistic scout in our troop. He joined just before my son. What seemed to help him was two things; first he attached himsrlf to my son who I have always tried to make tolerent of peoples' differences. My son did the best he could at his age to deal with the boy (sometimes not too well) The other major affect was the way the older boys treated him. One was especially good at including the autistic boy in activities. This was done on his own, no adult influence. His patients with the autistic boy was something to watch. He went from being fairly closed down to a very active member of the troop. If you have some kids in your troop who could function in these ways to help the boy be more comfortable it might make him wish to stay. Oh, we are not a troop of special needs kids, just a regular troop in a small town. Hope this helps a bit. Kat
  11. It takes a big man to admit he made a mistake, awesome1_in_cc, I applaud your honesty and ability to look at your action clearly. I hope Source's SM will do the same.
  12. We have a new cub who is 9 but in the first grade. Not sure what to do, leadership asked the boy where he wished to be; by age or grade. He chose grade. Should we encourage him to move up of stay in tigers and advance with them? Maybe try to catch him up to the age group over time? If anyone has dealt with this, any advice would be welcome. Thanx, Kat
  13. Our council says to fill out an adult app evenif already registered but ALL MBC do NOT pay the fees to be MBC. They can be scouters or just people from the community. When in doubt, contact the council.
  14. Most of the other poster have been polite but that person needs to go. Adults are roll models and her behavior is not a roll model I ever want to see around kids. If she beats her husband what is to keep her from hitting a kid? Don't wait for it to happen, remove her before someone gets hurt.
  15. How about a bit of both, GW? I think it is also good for the boys to see their parent(s) being a bit more kid like than alwas to 'adult'. "I may be getting older, but I refuse to grow up" Kat
  16. Fun.... How do you define it? How do kids now define it. I grew up playing in an untouched forest. Fun was seeing what we could find. We found vines strong enough for multiple kids to swing at once. A fallen log turned into a horse. Sniched pieces of wood became a treehouse. We made fun out of what nature provided. Kids now must have electronics. If it is not preset up or the batteries die they get board and don't know what to do besides bug parents. We need to remind parents as well as kids how to have fun without purchased items. The littlest ones still have it... the cardboard box the fancy new toy came in on Christmas. Lets try to bring that imagination back to the kids. Time now for us to teach learning for fun sake not just to advance in rank. Stop and smell the roses FK
  17. Our troop requires the Historian to keep a scrapbook. If he does not, he hasen't shown responsibility.
  18. Also contact your District EB chair. Ours is a VERY big help. The letters ARE a REQUIREMENT!!! Get those done ASAP! Many council/district websites have info on them. All items need to be done the day BEFORE your 18 birthday not on your birthday. Goodluck!!
  19. I am curious, Merlyn, this is a boy scout site so why are you on it? I see no mention of Scouting at your son's web page. Just lots of indoor gaming. Do you not like scouting, outdoor activities and such? Are you on who only enjoys word games instead of being in the world? I have not seen anything really positive from you. What if anything do you belive in? It does not seem to be the American belief of allowing individuality and leting it be expressed. How can a simple rock with a simple statement be seen buy a rational, logical person as the government forcing a Religon (cap to indaicate a specific Sect or Group) on anyone. Oh, also the forceful removal of a belief in a supreme being can also be forcing a 'religion' on the people (see Communism) I believe we should live and let live. You may have your opinion but do not try to force it on me. Let peace and scouting return to the forum. IDIC K
  20. Merlyn_LeRoy stated "Theories are never proven true; they can only be shown to be false (or incomplete)" I beg to differ with you. You CANNOT prove a negative or that something does not exist. And also: "There is no difference between a law and a theory in science". Please get a refresher in science before you make those statements as they are not part of science.
  21. I don't know if anyone here can answer this but I thought I would ask anyway; Who came up with the idea of 'first class, first year' and why? Most kids are not emotionally ready for any of the responsibilities of the rank which can lead to feelings of failure. Kinda doesent seem to be working in our troop. It is either creating power crazy 'leaders' who just sit back and give orders or ones that avoid trying leadership.Do any of you have the same trouble? How have you handled it? Thanx and .... ***Felez Navidad*** Mele Kelikimaka +++ Merry Christmas +++
  22. Please be careful when you join the troop. It is different from the cubs. My best advice is to sit back for about a year to learn the ropes. It can cause major problems when cub parent jump straight into a troop without seeing how things go. Our troop had some problems with new parents in the troop still trying to do all advancement at home, not understanding the Boy Scout method. Be patient and soon the leadership will be finding a place for you. FK
  23. I guess I am in trouble because I embrodered the logo on my son's patch blanket, purchased from the offical scout shop, because the poorly attached iron on logo that the licenced maunfacture put on it and started to fall off as soon as it was handled. Oh, well, so much for making sure that the are quality products. Another strange question..... Are we all in trouble for the trademark stuff on Troop websites????
  24. If you wish to keep the vest looking more like the felt ones but washable, try fleece. I just use some in making a holloween costume and it was very user friendly in sewing and has the feel of felt.
  25. Welcome! We, too, have an autistic boy in our troop. He joined about the same time as my son. I am VERY proud on how the boys made him feel accepted. We have watched him come out of his closed world and become a good scout. The father told us how some troops he want to before ours could not or would not let him join. I am glad the family did not give up on scouting after being reject by them. It can be hard on the adults and boys to deal with special needs people but all should be allowed the chance to grow and learn. Also, we have some adults in our troop with specal needs. I still sometimes se people ignore or avoid them. (usually the new ones who learn how to deal with time because of how the 'oldtimers' handle things) there is still a lot for all to learn in accepting differences.
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