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Everything posted by fgoodwin

  1. BW said: I am afraid you are incorrect fgoodwin. The orange background has not represented Tiger Cubs for over 7 years. That's longer than this years Wbelos have been around. Tigers have for some time started their first year with the yellow background of cub scouting. As evidence here is a PDF of the 1997 Cub Uniform inspection sheet. You will notice in the instructions for the left pocket area that even then it specifically said that Tigers use yellow and not orange. http://www.scoutstuff.org/misc/isheets/34282.pdf You sound pretty sure of yourself, BW. I would make just a few comments: (1) The URL links to an inspection sheet that is listed as a 2001 revision -- the very year they made the change in the Tiger Program. So it is irrelevant to how orange stars were worn prior to 2001. (2) As FOG said, my Scout Shop (NCAC) also sold the orange backing until sometime in the 2000-2001 timeframe; my Pack (468) awarded my son an orange backing at the end of his Tiger Year (June, 2001). (3) My copy of the 2000 supply catalog shows orange backings on page LE5 (item #X00062). I'd be happy to email you a color PDF copy of the page if you'd like. Right or wrong -- those are the facts.
  2. Bob White wrote: Yes, to the religious knot, "fine why not, no harm" to the recruiter strip, Council strip, American flag, yellow backed service star, World Crest, any temporary patch, no ranks except for Arrow of Light. I think that's all of them. RE: service stars: there is one more. This year's (2003-2004) first year Webelos are the last group to earn the Tiger Strip. They are allowed to wear a one year service star with orange backing. That "orange star" can be carried over to the Boy Scout and Adult uniforms.
  3. NWScouter wrote: It is my understanding that the oval Webolos badge is replacing the diamond one and the old one will be no longer available. I don't believe that is correct. LDS does not use the Tiger program, so LDS boys (who make up a significant percentage of Cub Scouts) will have room for the Webelos diamond patch, meaning that patch should be around a long time.
  4. I was never in the military, but I thought these were called "garrison caps"?
  5. If any of you have tried to wear a necktie with the "roll-collar" on the current leader shirt, you know that it isn't easy. I wish the shirt had a dress collar (i.e., with a seam and crease), but since it doesn't, here's my question: Have any of you heard of a do-hickey or some form of collar-stay that one can use on a roll-collar while wearing a neck tie? I was once told by an ex-Navy guy that the military sells such a thing, but I've never been able to find one, and have since forgotten its name. Does anyone know what I'm talking about?
  6. [FOG] No matter which way you're trying to twist the rules, the program works better if implemented as designed and each Scout works on the religious emblem for his faith. [/FOG] Isn't that what NWS was saying? [NWS] It is designed for youth to do in the own home congregation and many of the activities pertain to the their denomination. Roman Catholic youth would get more out of their own program. [/NWS] So FOG, it seems to me that NWS wasn't "twisting" anything.
  7. If you support the traditional values of Scouting, and wish to see units sponsored by more Episcopal parishes, please join us at the Episcopal Scouters Discussion Forum: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/episcopal_scouters/ The Forum is open to all Episcopalian Scouts and Scouters, as well as non-Episcopal Scouts and Scouters in units sponsored by an Episcopal parish.
  8. You might want to include explanations of common acronyms / abbreviations like: IH, COR, CC, MC, CM, ACM, DL, PWD, AoL, FST, NLE, etc.
  9. You've gotten some very suggestions so far, many of which I second. However, may I suggest before you involve your DE and UC, that you have a talk with your charter organization rep? Who sponsors your pack? That organization has a lot at stake in the selection of a good CM. Do they know your current CM is unsure about his future in the pack? Are they aware of your willingness to take over? Also, there's nothing preventing you from going to training now. I highly recommend it, even for folks who are in assistant positions (ass't DL, ass't CM, etc.). If you get trained now, you can step-in immediately in the current CM drops out. Finally, you *really* need to get a new CC onboard so all that administrivia doesn't fall to you (and I'm not demeaning the CC job -- I am a former CC myself). Good luck and keep us posted. Fred Goodwin (current) ACM, Pack 2003, Alamo Area (former) CC, Pack 468, National Capital Area
  10. It's been a while since I used PM, but my recollection is that it does not allow patrol names for Webelos. It expects all dens to be identified by den number. Now this was as of 2-3 years ago -- newer updates may have added that capability. Fred Goodwin (currently) ACM, Pack 2003, Alamo Area Council (formerly) CC, Pack 468, National Capital Area Council
  11. I can't answer the question about multiple registrations, because I have no idea -- but regarding the question of a CO *requiring* membership in a Scout Troop: isn't this what LDS churches do? I am not LDS, so if I misunderstand, please forgive me. I was under the impression that Scouting *is* the youth program (at least for boys) in LDS churches. Does a boy in an LDS church have the option of joining a non-LDS Troop? I'm just asking because I honestly don't know. Fred Goodwin ACM, Pack 2003 Alamo Area Council
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