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Everything posted by Fehler

  1. If you tap a Den Leader to do the dreaded DL/CM Combo, then make it known that the "Cubmaster" is just the mouthpiece guy who opens and closes the Pack Meeting, hands out awards, and maybe leads one song. Any added game/activity/event/song is rotated every month to each Den (W2 in September, W1 October, Bears in Nov, and so on loops back to W2 in February in time for Cross-over/BlueGold.
  2. So, our Pack is losing our PWD Track provider. We had previously hired a guy from another Pack to bring in their track and run our race for us (and he replaced an even older guy who did the same thing for us for the number of years). Trying to talk to our neighbor Pack, and they won't commit to helping us (we've butted heads over recruiting/fundraising "territory" in the past) right now. So I'm looking at options. Anyone buy a new track in the last few years? And how did you finance it, one big, special fundraiser? Or did you borrow/payback the costs? I figure the cost of a bare-bones track (with the finish-line timer mechanism) would be paid back after 6/7 years, considering what we were paying to hire the track. I need to check with the Troop to ensure there's a place to store this monstrosity, should we buy it. Any other considerations for purchasing the track? Insurance? Starting our own "hire service"?
  3. I've seen them used in a "Patch Grab". Kind of like a lottery, stick a note/mark on the back of a patch, dump a bunch into a bowl, and have each boy grab one out of the bowl to win the "big" prize.
  4. Two nearby Packs merged when one of their Charter Orgs wanted to start charging the Pack for meeting space rental. It wasn't a merger so much as the one Pack absorbed/mass transferred the other Pack (both Packs fed the same Troop).
  5. 2.) The in New Program, a boy may earn the AOL without earning the Webelos Badge. Also, my Council (Northern Star), certain districts are "pilot programming" a new Webelos Transition model, where 4th graders are normal, but the 5th grade year starts with the Troop, and Crossover happens in November/December, rather then February/March. So, if you get new 5th graders, shove them into the Troop culture right away rather then getting them acclaimed with the Pack, and then moved to the Troop.
  6. I would report this person's actions to your council's CSE and your charter org's IH. Then tell either of them that you'd like to have a restraining order filed against this person, by either the council to keep him from Scouting events, or the CO to keep him from the CO's events (either way would work). If the person wants to contest the restraining order, then get the press involved. But you are not public, and have no need to accommodate this individual.
  7. ANd now the Cub Scout award requires viewing/completing TWO repetitive activities on two different websites. Utter crap (worse than the "Yet Another Poster Project" that beltloops became).
  8. You will never escape public records, or news accounts, the internet, or any of that. If the council rejects your application, I don't think they will broadcast any information about the "why" to anyone except the CC/CM/COR. A parent may ask what happened if you start leading Den Meetings and then have to quit suddenly, but that can usually be waived away with "personal issues" and left at that. Only a truly vindictive parent would conduct their own public records hunt, but those parents are out there. At some point, your son will find out (if he hasn't already). Decide how you are going to handle that, whether you want to got through the explanation now, or after he jumps to his own conclusions. Be sure to back up your story with family/friends who knew you from before this happened, so if he has questions he doesn't want to ask you, he has someone he can ask.
  9. Volunteer, but be up front with the unit leaders on what it was. If they are willing to sign you up, they'll pass your application on to the council who will either approve/disapprove (but more likely you will never hear anything back from them about it). Be courteous, there may be a random parent who finds out about your history and raises a fuss, so be prepared for how you'll react (and how you will explain your mistakes to your son, if you haven't already). Your son is a Webelos Scout, so you've had this conversation, right?
  10. If they're a Webelos, unofficially we put them on their Webelos Colors with the other pins.
  11. How about making (and then distributing) seed bombs of native plants? Or building/maintaining a butterfly garden? Or both, making seed bombs of butterfly garden plants?
  12. Garbage collection is the old standby, of course. But invasive species removal (buckthorn, burrdock) is pretty big, too. My city (Minneapolis, and I know St. Paul has it, too) has a program where groups check out a box of supplies from the public works building. In it are all the tools to go around and clean trash from around storm drains, and stencils to spraypaint "No Dumping: Drains to River"(with fish outlines) on the curb next to the drain. Its a fun hour/two hour project, even if the younger cubs had trouble with the spray cans. The kits come with a map of all the storm drains in the area you tell them you're targeting, and door hangers you can hang to let residents know the whats/whys of the message on their street.
  13. Is this a "Friends of Pack" non-profit board election? That's a completely separate thing from the Pack Committee.
  14. Giving donations to a Pack or a Troop is just fine, and thank you for that, and units can accept those donations gladly. But going out and asking for them, by way of putting up a "donations" link, is a no-no.
  15. I'm fairly sure a Pack/Troop can't directly solicit funds (ask for direct donations) for their program. One of the Packs around here got flack for putting a paypal "Donations" link on their webpage.
  16. You want to help out Cub Scout Advancement on the District level? Here's some suggestions: 1) Hold a "Bobcat Breakfast" for new Cub Scouts on a Saturday morning in November. Have stations, go through the Bobcat requirements with juice and donuts, and sell the program/leadership for parents new to the program (and don't quite understand it) on the side. Focus on older new scouts, who joined a Den of boys that earned it the previous year. 2) Some of the Tiger "Go See Its" are a pain in the "You Know What Its". "Visit a television station, radio station, or newspaper office" is one we've had to fudge in years past, such as including options like "library" or "print shop". Arrange some tours at the District level, or gather up a list of tour possibilities and contacts for Packs to use. Make sure to include details like how long the tour would be, what the max group size is, how much "touching" is allowed, and if its a weekend only or weekday evening tour. No "ticketed" tours, Packs get enough ads for them already, its the free tours that are the hardest to find. 3) Webelos Pin Day. Get 2-4 leaders, who can each teach/lead a different Webelos Pin in a 2 hour time period, and then over a 4 hour afternoon have Webelos make a choice of which pins to earn. Gets the boys ready for weekend Merit Badge programs!
  17. A story about an Eagle Scout, and the 10th-grade dropout who saved his life. http://www.arcamax.com/currentnews/newsheadlines/s-1490108?fs
  18. Its a hard decision. They shouldn't have rejected the project due to the time limit, if the project could have been completed. But with the 5 Merit Badges left, they also have a duty not to "string the boy along". They approve the project, but then what? The boy won't earn eagle without the poorest, shadiest merit badge councilors signing off on some half-assed rush jobs. So maybe its best that the boy gets his "no" on the Eagle now. But he can still go ahead with the project for his own/troops growth, if he wants to complete it. Any odds that will happen?
  19. A happy ending, he dropped off a check, and seemed to act oblivious that I was worried about it. And he said he wasn't interested in being a Den Leader next year, and offered to help recruit his replacement (we agree on who should be asked next). I'm going to delete this topic next week, since its a bit personal and I don't want it google-able. Once the check clears.
  20. My son crossed the bridge two weeks ago, also. I'd say "no looking back", but right now he has more friends in the Pack's younger Dens than in the Troop (he socializes younger).
  21. My son recently crossed over to a Troop (whee!) and I've been asked if I want to be an Assistant Scoutmaster, having been Den Leader wolf-webelos. But I'm currently the registered Committee Chair of the Pack, and I want to make sure the Pack succeeds over the next two years (there is no Webelos I den, but strong Bear, Wolf, and Tiger Dens). My CC registration lasts until December, do I register as a ASM and have both registrations, or if I complete the ASM application does the Pack no longer have a CC? Right now, I'm thinking of completing the ASM training, but not register/be directly involved in the Troop until next year (to give the boys some distance from me starting out).
  22. And since the younger brother is starting Cubs, you can have them both make them together (so you have one ready when needed).
  23. Our Webelos Den made something like this for Craftsman: http://cubscoutcrafts.com/belt-loop-and-pin-display-case/ Simplified with 1X2 and wood connecters rather than 2X4 and nails, used large rubber bands and a staple gun rather then elastic cord, backed it with construction paper, added a sawtooth hook for hanging on a nail/wall. Stain/paint optional.
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