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Everything posted by Fehler

  1. If the partnering agreement between your council and the school district requires each other to forward official correspondence, and this flyer fits the bill, then good on the district for holding the council to their end. I'd be happy to forward school district information if only the school district would consistently distribute scouting information.
  2. Never hand a Wolf scout something that looks like homework. Even diagrams are iffy.
  3. There's a "You might be a scouter" list at http://usscouts.org/humor.asp
  4. Some Councils/Districts are piloting a Webelos Transition schedule which will put cross-over to November/December of the 5th grade year, with the expectation that Webelos meet during Troop Meetings during the summer/fall of the 4th/5th grade year. Boys joining new as 5th graders go straight to the troop, skipping Cubs entirely.
  5. On a short timespan, I'd go for a "paper airplane race". hand out paper, have scissors, staples, tape, crayons, markers, etc. available, and build/throw for distance. If you have the help/space, make some "events" out of it, like "best looking" for design, have a "boomerang" competition, or even a "throw and catch" relay. Raingutter regatta can be a mess to throw together, and with 30 scouts who can only race two at a time, it can be unreasonable.
  6. Did I say Rick Perry's actions fit the charges as outlined in the indictment? No, I made a general statement, that any official who threatens to use their constitutional power as a personal cudgel, rather then in the betterment of public policy, is abusing their power. Nixon had the power to order Bork to fire Cox. Christie can order a traffic study on any damn bridge he pleases. Doesn't make it right.
  7. Tom Delay had a better smile. Many more teeth. This is the kind of piddly charge that many people can't understand, so they'll tune it out. He didn't stand a chance to be the president, so its not like it takes him out of the running. He'll pay a settlement in the end, or have a suspended sentence, and end up working at a K-street lobbiest, or on some corporate board, or yet another pointless think-tank. Maybe be an ambassador or cabinet appointment is some future administration. But this is boring enough to blow over (and yes, threatening to veto a bill to force an official to step down is an abuse of power).
  8. 10" is long enough? Just had a Spinal Tap flashback.
  9. Man, didn't Jesus tell a parable about this? In any case, our council is testing a souped-up Webelos transition, which will put crossover in November-December, rather then February-March, of the 5th grade year. There will not be time for a newly joining Fall 5th grader to earn the AOL, unless he wants to stay with the Pack for longer then the boys who were Webelos the previous year and did most of the AOL work the previous Spring/Summer.
  10. Are the trademarks ("Scout", "Eagle Scout", "Merit Badge") tied to the congressional charter, or are they a separate entity? If so, I could see some dilution/confusion with pop-up groups, and parents getting confused/disappointed with joining "competing" groups that made their structure look like ours. Otherwise, no.
  11. Scouts have been around a while. Civil rights marches used to be controversial (and dangerous). Is there a history of scout groups marching in civil rights parades?
  12. So, I'm considering trying to have some sort of one-night, "Winter Lock-In" in the basement hall of our charter church (which has an attached gym, kitchen, and a couple of "quiet area" rooms) for our Cub Scouts. Anyone try this before, and how well was it received, and what kind of things do I need to think about for planning?
  13. Until pride parades are rife with other youth groups (4-Hers, GSUSA, Boys and Girls Clubs, etc) I don't see a need to include the Boy Scouts. Churches, VFW Posts, political parties, civic groups, are adult organizations. If the BSA is the only youth group there, something is wrong.
  14. Verify it will be compatible with the 2015 Cub Scout Advancement changes before purchasing.
  15. We didn't. That (and Fitness, ugh) were the driving forces of the switch to that format (which worked well enough for Scientist, Geologist, Readyman, Athlete, and Traveler).
  16. A bit miffed this year, the scout shop is only stocking the new "catamaran" style boat kits. Ugh. Cost $2 more each, all the "old" boat kits left over are no longer useful, and I need to check to see if we'll need new gutters (or buy the new "inflatable" track the shop sells to go with the new kits).
  17. What didn't work was having it broken out to three meetings, which one-two different scouts invariably missed one of the three, leaving me with a patchwork of complete/incomplete requirements. By the end of the year, I switched to once a month, two-hour long Den Meetings on Saturday Mornings just so we could comfortably conclude 1 pin (with 1 fun Belt Loop if there was time) in a sitting. Longer time, bigger projects, and no partials.
  18. Scouts often lead flag ceremonies at political events and rallies (and then leave). Is carrying the lead flags of a parade considered a flag ceremony?
  19. Well, have your troop Webmaster set up a SignUpGenius account for your Troop's activity year, as decided by the PLC. Get the word out that adult help, in whatever form, is necessary. Make sure to have some non-driving tasks included. Parents will be more willing to help if they have some number of months lead time, rather than last-minute blasts. Include "Alternate" designations, too, so you have last-minute cancellations covered.
  20. For kids (and most adults), Jungle Book is Disney, not Kipling. I think its a good idea to step away.
  21. Boys get bored. Mix it up a little. If you want to keep focus during the awards, then you need to make them faster/smoother. Back when we had "themed" Pack Meeting plans, the advancement ceremonies were themed. Think like a Football theme, with the Cubmaster in shoulder pads and helmet, hiking the awards to the receiving cub scout quarterback, or the awards come out of a "Magic Hat" magician get-up. If you have to yell/scream/"signs up" for quiet so many times you have to write it down on the board, you will get boys quietly leaving the Pack.
  22. From: "A Scout is reverent. A Scout is reverent toward God. He is faithful in his religious duties. He respects the beliefs of others." To: "A Scout is reverent. A Scout is reverent toward God or his spiritual beliefs, whatever form they take. He is faithful in his religious or spiritual duties. He respects the beliefs or non-beliefs of others."
  23. Not fundraising, and not charging any dues except the registration fee? How did your pack expect to survive, even on a shoestring? Be honest, no one expect things to be "free". And you don't want to nickle-and-dime your Den Leaders (our Pack covers their registration, and training if they'll take it) or expect them to provide their own supplies (although most of ours do, with their personal stashes of supplies). Our pack budgets $10 per scout/year for badges/advancements/beltloops, $25 per Pack Meeting and $1 per scout per Den Meeting for meeting supplies (about 40 scouts in 4 dens of 10, 2 Den Meeting a month). PWD, if you already own a track, is $4 per car, $1.50 per patch, and $15 each for trophys. With a mix of Free events (nature hikes and sledding days) and a few "ticketed" events (Fall and Spring Camping, when campers pay about 50% of the costs and the Pack covers the rest, it comes out to about $25 per family for a weekend), you can have a very enjoyable year. Baseline, you can run a dang good program year for $100 a scout, which translates to $300 in popcorn sales. Give parents the cash or the fundraising option, let new families join for just the application fee until they see the big picture, and everyone will know its still a bargain compared to other activities.
  24. I go to training for the "War Stories", not for instructions of how to light a fire. Adults are a bit unrelaxed around youth (see YPT) so unless you have the "perfect" youth example leading the training, most adults would prefer adults. And if you did have the perfect youth example, why isn't he/she leading training for other youths?
  25. Without knowing the "hows" or "whys", its hard to offer advice. Has your Pack done fundraising before, either on your own or as part of the Council Popcorn Sale? Do you charge new and/or returning families dues? Are the awards waiting to be handed out a shovel full of belt loops, or everyone's rank badges? Was the money spent on single, large events, or just the one-meeting-at-a-time supplies and stuff?
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