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Everything posted by Fehler

  1. And the GSUSA FAQ page about social issues: http://www.girlscouts.org/en/faq/faq/social-issues.html Excerpt: Does GSUSA have a relationship with Planned Parenthood? No, Girl Scouts of the USA does not have a relationship or partnership with Planned Parenthood.
  2. I'm perplexed by this announcement. The reasons the Archbishop lists are not due to any specific teaching/motivation/activity of the Girl Scouts in his diocese, or even in the GSUSA as a whole. Its all based on a perceived connection between the GSUSA, the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts, and issues/positions the WAGGGS and other WAGGGS member organizations have taken. There doesn't seem to be anything specific about the GSUSA. Ties between the Girl Scouts and Planned Parenthood are a complete myth (sorry, "Alternate Fact".) This announcement is based on a lie, or is using the lie as a convenient excuse to do what they were going to do anyways (replace the Girls Scouts with AHG Troops)
  3. I had to register on SCOUTBOOK as an MBC this year. SCOUTBOOK also has my YPT information, and if my troop ever decides to start using SCOUTBOOK, I think I can initial bluecards on line? Maybe, haven't looked at it much.
  4. Alcohol I'm not too concerned about, if its kept secure. But if it's a smoking-allowed room, absolutely not, even if no one is smoking when scouts are present. Can't abide the stink.
  5. And the best way to encourage adults to lead campouts is to ridicule the gear they use when camping with their family.
  6. 3/4 of the boys in our Lion Den are younger brothers of wolves/bears/webelos. The parents do not want a separate organization, that meets separately on a different night/location.
  7. Monetary/professional benefits for Eagle earners (such as the up-step in pay in the military) should be rescinded, unless the award can also be earned by girls, or if a complimentary award (such as the GSUSA Gold Award, and/or whatever the top Venturing award is) is also recognized.
  8. That is Major General Bradley Becker, according to Google Image Search.
  9. I disagree, Patrol Method should be taught as part of Scoutmaster/ASM Position-Specific training, IOLS should concentrate on the basic nuts and bolts of how to camp/cook/firstaid safetly. Combining the two trainings into one weekend is ideal, but shouldn't be the only delivery method.
  10. I would rather have recharter in the mid spring, rather then now when it's due mid November. We've pushed it too close to the fall recruitment cycle, I can't chase down all the paperwork in that short timeframe (our council has a new form this year that needs t be completed for all new and returning scouts, in addition to the BSA Youth App for new scouts).
  11. Where is your local Troop? As a Webelos, he can attend Troop activities and meetings, and with a concerned mentor/Troop Guide, complete his Webelos/Arrow of Light requirements there (or just turn 11 and switch shirts). Harder to do if he's the older brother of one of the wolves/Tigers, or your local Troop does nothing but Merit Badge work.
  12. Skimming over the Tiger changes (I'm subbing for the Den Leader tonight), I'm very hopeful for this. The new Cub Scout Program has a lot of new items, but is very limiting on what needed to be done to complete an adventure. Selection options and loosing the calendar will give Den Leaders and their Cub Scouts freedom to pursue their own interests, rather then locked in the 6+1 rote. Not looking forward to having to replace all the new handbooks and leader guides we just invested in. Last new printing was what, 2009? So I guess the handbooks will be upcycled in 2023.
  13. Yet another right winger complaining that too many stupid leftists vote.
  14. Never had a problem with Cub Scouts voting for the awards. But parents had ballots, too, so we don't end up with a 30-way tie for first place with one vote each.
  15. If my treasurer insisted on half of those proposals, I'd never get anything accomplished. No bank cards? All camp deposits and payments are made on the internet these days. So I'm supposed to register everyone's camp on my credit card, incur interest, and hope to get two of the signers together some day to write a check (which I'm sure isn't going to pay me back my bank fees). Two signatures on checks? Is that even offered as an option anymore? This lock-down procedure may work for larger non-profits, where you expect a treasurer to remain in position for a good number of years, and serious dollars are coming in. But for a Cub Scout Pack where I'm changing leaders every two years, and the account never creeps over $1500, it's overkill.
  16. For Webelos Den Camping, isn't there a requirement for an IOLS/OWLS trained leader? Seems odd that specific type of camping has no training requirement.
  17. How high is your ceiling, are we talking gym here? Stomp rockets are good, indoors or out.
  18. The Metro Lakes District of the Northern Star Council is piloting a new program this year (after piloting Lion Cubs, and Accelerated Webelos Transition, I'm getting sick of this airplane). Rather then the $24 registration fee (and $12 Boys Life), all scouts will be charged $144 annually by the Council. This fee will cover registration ($24), Boys Life ($12), Handbooks ($10-$13 per year Cub Scouts), and Rank Badges/Merit Badges/Adventure Loops and Pins ($15-$20, depending on activity level). As you can do math, this does not add up to $144. The council (starting with this district) will no longer conduct Family Friends of Scouting at the unit level (prior high-level donors will be contacted through Community Friends of Scouting). Popcorn Sales and other fundraisers will still occur. The forms families will fill out for each scout will give several options, from paying upfront, paying in installments (Credit Card information required for installments!), or requesting financial assistance. The form as introduced last night did not make it clear how families can request financial assistance, or make an allowance for partial payments (the forms were pulled back last night and will be reworked/reprinted). I've got more to say, but will have to say it later.
  19. I doubt that a downtown metropolis is most scouts "natural habitat". Adventure is where you find it.
  20. So, in your world cities don't exist? We shouldn't be teaching teenagers how to navigate an urban environment using public transportation?
  21. People laughed at Geocaching when it came out. Mark Twain called golf "a good walk spoiled". It could be a fad, or a movement. Smart phone requirements are limiting the audience to the younger Gen-X/Millennial crowd (appropriate, since Pokemon is turning 20 this year). My District has an "Urban Exploration" event for Venturers in the fall (various "get around downtown using public transportation and other methods, complete activity/scavenger hunt"), and a smartphone is required.
  22. Warning tech-averse Scouters: Pokemon GO is a thing. And it is getting people up to wander around outside. You've been warned.
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