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Everything posted by Fehler

  1. Every school month except February, which instead is Blue/Gold. May's Pack Meeting is year-end picnic (same stuff, but with dinner and a larger outside activities). Summer months have an activity (usually a sport, a service project, and Raingutter Regatta) on the regular meeting night, but no pomp/ceremony. However, next month I was trying to set up a tour for my Bear/Tiger dens (the two dens have 4 sets of brothers, so they meet in the same building in different rooms). But the only day available at the TV studio was our Pack Meeting evening, so we're having an "on-location" Pack Meeting and bringing the other two dens with us.
  2. Ok, do you have the new "puffy pocket" shirt? And are the unit numbers the same? Then sew on one position badge, and sew the other on to a ribbon so you can flip it in/out of the pocket when needed, or glue it onto a money clip that slides over/into the existing badge. Using a clip would work even if you didn't have the puffy pocket, just open the seam on the inside patch a bit to slip the clip between the patch and the shirt.
  3. This year, we had 13 Tigers, 7 Bears, and 2 Webelos 2's. Our membership fell out one year, and another den imploded. So, I used the two boys (who were head and shoulders taller then the Bears, and really hated being in the same "group" as a gaggle of Tigers) as pseudo-Den Chiefs during the Pack Meetings (considering I don't have an ASM to begin with, it helped). And I had some special projects, such as when the Tigers and Bears went to make Christmas mitten-cards, the Webelos and I took some coat hangers and wire cutters and made some mobiles. Boys getting to 5th grade really start to resent being told they're a "kid", and compared/grouped with much younger boys. It should be easier when the current Bears become W2's, since three of them have Tiger brothers and they're a cohesive group, unlike what happened to my recently-crossed batch.
  4. It reminds me of "Cheek to Cheek", "Heaven, I'm in Heaven..."
  5. If the Catholic Church can refuse to offer contraceptive health benefits, can they also refuse to offer pregnancy/maternal health care for an unmarried woman?
  6. If I can be honest, I don't think your problem is the software. You have too much information, its starting to no longer be useful. District meetings and special trainings 6 months out? Why do non-PLC scouts need to know when PLC meetings are? Simplify a printed "Parent's Information" calendar, and then tell the SM/ASMs/MCs to look it up on-line and print their own if they need it. Also, have you tried printing 2 sheets/page in Adobe Reader's Print Setup? Or even four sheets/page? With that, and duplex, you can shrink a 20 page monster down to a trim 5-page booklet.
  7. I have a Pack, not a Troop, so the number of multi-day events is one a year. I have January-May Pack events on two pages (not including den meetings, they do their own scheduling). You don't have to print all calendars at once in Google Calender, you can break it out to a "Meeting Calender" and a "Camping Calender". Do you need to say the "where" on every meeting?
  8. I've found Google Calendar to be a great solution. Can be linked directly onto a Google Site website, can be subscribed to for the people with hand-helds doing their scheduling, and can be easily printed (well, exported to a .pdf which can be easily e-mailed/printed) in either a standard month/day format, or the "agenda" format, listing all the events for the next 6 months on one page. Multiple users (with Google Account logins) can add/edit events. Multiple calendars (if all are Google and shared public) can be viewed at once, so I have my personal calendar, my Pack calendar, the Troop, District, and the Pack-down-the-street calendar all viewable at the same time, or I can click a calendar on or off as needed.
  9. I try to get to our Roundtables, but they are held the same day as our Den Meetings. But the ones I've been to are not the "info share" that you're describing, but more of "council guy disseminates information from on high: recruiting, popcorn, FOS, JTE, recharter". The stronger Packs don't need Roundtables, and the weaker Packs get nothing of value. As for the original question, I plan activities using two methods: I have about 6 years worth of digital pictures I can't post to our website (no permission slips/flyers from parents of long-gone scouts), but I can see what they did and get an idea of if it was a fun activity or not. The second method is keeping track of my neighboring Packs by reading their websites/electronic newsletters. I was all gung-ho about arranging a Christmas Event at a local nursing home, until I saw it was already on the calendar of the Pack down the road.
  10. That's my point. If banks had a stake in a student's education, those loans wouldn't be so easy to come by. As long as a student can't declare bankruptcy to get out of debt, the bank has no incentive not to loan them the money.
  11. You cannot legislate what majors or studies students pursue. That's bad. If a student wants to go into hock for a Victorian Literature major, that's their decision. And if the school wants to teach it, fine, supply the demand. But what should happen is to stop guaranteeing student loans. If a student gets out of college and finds no job, they cannot declare bankruptcy to get out from under student loan debt. If banks were forced to accept the risk of bad debt, then loans to students/studies with poor financial outlooks would dry up very, very quickly. Switching your major from Electrical Engineering to Renaissance Poetry? Ok, your interest rate just went from 0.32% to 14.79%.
  12. Fehler

    Hand Drill

    So I can't use power tools with Cub Scouts. So where does one find a non-power drill?
  13. In my case, I have a den of 6 Bears and one Wolf, and a den of 8 Tigers meeting in the same building. The Wolf has a younger brother in the Tiger den, which is why I put him with the Bears and not with the Tigers (3 other Bears have Tiger brothers). We have a second Tiger den of four meeting in a different building. If we suddenly got 2 more Wolves, I'd like to create a Wolf Den and have them meet concurrently with the other Tiger Den.
  14. Fehler

    Parade Ideas

    So, we have a parade coming up. Any ideas on what we can do, other then walk in uniform? I the past, we had a trailer and handed out candy. But since no one knew what we were doing, the trailer looked slapped together (a teepee tied up with duct tape), all the candy was thrown out on mass and gone by the first three blocks, and near the end of the parade all the cubs were hunkered on the wagon, not waving. How can they be tired on a simple 1 1/2 mile parade, walking slow? This year I want to put my foot down: No float unless someone knows what they're doing to make one. No candy, either (big money suck for little gain). If the route is too long, have a switch/out at the halfway point rather then have cubs drop out before the end (the end of the parade is the festival, where the big crowd is). Any other parade ideas for a novice parader?
  15. So, looking at the Family Talent Survey Sheet, is there other information you wish was included? I'm coordinating recruitment, and I'm realizing I don't know where half of my scouts go to school (there are four different schools and one home school in my den of six). Therefore I'm not sure which parents to ask for help at which school open houses. So I'd add school, church, siblings and ages (so I have an idea who to ask to be Tiger Leader next year), an e-mail address for both parents, and "level of outdoor experience", either avid, novice, day camp only, or prefer to stay indoors. I'd also like to know if anyone can play a musical instrument.
  16. I am blessed to have a Pack Secretary who is bilingual (English-Spanish), as is her son (who has earned his Interpreter Strip). I would like to add a sentence/blurb noting that on our recruiting flyers, but I don't know the best way to phrase it. I don't want to be too wordy, I want the flyers to be short and sweet with the details. Also, I don't want to imply that we are running a bilingual program, all meetings will be conducted in English. Does "Pack leaders speak Spanish" imply that all leaders speak Spanish? "Spanish Translation Available" sounds like we will be translating every form/activity, which won't be the case. Or how about "Questions answered in Spanish upon request, for more information contact packsecretaryemail.com", which is probably the extent of what we will offer.
  17. Well, had the make-up hike. Sent an all-pack e-mail on Saturday announcing it, sent a reminder e-mail on Tuesday morning, and had the hike Tuesday evening. No one came. Not an unforeseen occurrence, only one other family had "signed up" for the July Activity, with another begin a "maybe". And Tuesday is not our regular night, we usually do activities/Pack Meetings on Thursdays. But still, ouch. We aren't a big pack, but out of 17 boys I was hoping for some more buy-in. I guess everyone is waiting for school to start. So, is it crass to award the National Summertime Award to the only Cub who came to all three activities, my own son? I wouldn't make a big deal out of it, just slip it in between the belt loops in September. But I've been hoping to get more scouts earning the "optional awards", like the Outdoor Activity and Leave No Trace awards, and I think this would set a good example.
  18. So, due to situations beyond my control (MN State Government shutdown, grrrr...), one of our Pack's summertime activities was cancelled. Would we still qualify for the Summertime Pack Award? We had two "Pack" activities, in June and August (hopefully). In addition, two of our dens (Webelos and Bears) went/are going camping (Webelos in June, Bears in August). Could I count either/one/both as "Pack" activities, even if just one den is attending? And neither occurring in July?
  19. Hey, while we're talking about what we use for our sites, how about posting some of them? Using Google Sites, with Picasa and YouTube and Google Calendar. The "comments/join now form" is a form/spreadsheet in Google Docs, which is set up to send me an e-mail whenever it gets modified. Site is hosted by GoDaddy. www.bsaPack38.org
  20. Make sure there are air holes for when the inevitable scout hides or locks themselves or someone else in the trailer.
  21. There's a big difference in the law for "misappropriation of funds" and "forgery". In the given example, the former Cubmaster was able to argue that the first few withdrawals were for "last minute camping". If that was the limit of the withdrawals, then the organization may not have had a recourse to seek reimbursement, even if it had drained the account at the time. But if that former Cubmaster had to fake a signature on a check to get the money, there's no "bookkeeping error" excuse to fall back on.
  22. Fehler

    Target help

    Two thin sheets of metal, with a small gap between them, wired to a battery and a buzzer. Shooting an arrow pushes one against the other, completing the circuit. Could get fancy, and make separate circuits/buzzer sounds/lights for each ring of the target.
  23. Don't know why/how the political demographics of your area is relevant to the makeup of your troop/patrol. But anyways.. The Troop Committee shouldn't have "veto power" over the decisions of the PLC over something as basic as Camp A/Camp B. Your presentation should be focused on the Patrol Leaders, not on the adults. And if you want more support within the PLC, then break up your monster patrol into 2-3 patrols, and you'll give yourself 1-2 more votes!
  24. A wide-brimmed, sun-protecting hat is needed for younger cub scouts these days.
  25. Can't update my pin. Keep getting "There are no units for this user or the unit where the user is a member is not supported by the BeAScout program. "
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