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Everything posted by Fehler

  1. Parents usually need to have been in Cubs a year before they will volunteer for anything (unless they are "that type" which is rare, or if they have positive scouting youth experiences). So, if you get them to hang around for a successful Tiger year, you've got your core volunteers for the next 2-4 years. If they just started their boys as wolves, you only get 1-2 years of volunteering out of them.
  2. There are thousands of companies and organizations that wouldn't exist save for Federal contracts or funding grants.
  3. Tonight I get to see how many of the boys who signed up the first night, actually show up for the second night.
  4. And Norm Coleman in MN refused to concede a 300 vote loss to Al Franken until every court had their say, dragging it out until July 2009. And Arlen Spector in PA switched parties in April 2009. And the guy appointed to complete Obama's Senate in IL term bought his seat (allegedly) from crooked Governor Rod Blagoevich (Burris was cleared of any wrongdoing). And, as you said, Ted Kennedy died, and a change was made in the Senatorial Appointment laws to prevent a 5-month vacancy. Even if what your saying it correct (and I don't grant you that fact), you claim that if the heavily Democratic MA legislature followed proper public disclosure laws (which I'm not convinced that they didn't), it would have prevented the the law from passing, and Kirk's appointment, in the window of time between Kennedy's death ant Brown's swearing in ceremony? How long of a public notice period are we talking here? The ACA passed. Normal. Laws and rules were followed. Lots of things get passed under reconciliation (even health care: that's what the "R" in "COBRA" stands for). Even the "Deem and Pass" procedure is legal. The issue is settled.
  5. It got the votes. It passed. Its been upheld by the Supreme Court. We've had a presidential election since then, and the president was reelected. If the House wants to repeal it, go ahead and keep taking meaningless votes. If the House wants the Senate to act on any of those proposals, then they better be willing to offer something in return. What has the House offered? If the Democratic Senate or the President allows the Republican House to put policy/program demands into continuing resolutions, what will happen when the next continuing resolution comes up? In two weeks when the "Debt Limit" will be reached, what will be the demand made to keep the nation from defaulting, a national abortion ban?
  6. My Pack is chartered by a Catholic Church and School. As Committee Chair, I got an e-mail from the Archdiocesan Catholic Committee on Scouting, with a 2-page newsletter. Mostly reminders about the Religious Emblem Programs. But they included a notice/reminder that all Adult Scouters in Catholic Units must complete both BSA Youth Protection Training and the archdiocesan VIRTUS, Protecting God's Children training. I've got no problem with Youth Protection, its good, and the BSA makes it very convenient with on-line, DVD, and in-person options. But VIRTUS is a monster. It's a 3-hour, classroom only program, offered only at very limited times and locations. And frankly, its garbage. We watched two boring videos produced in the 80's (seriously, the hairstyles and fashions were so dated they were comical, thus distracting) and had half-hearted group discussions about "yeah, we need to watch out for that". The BSA YPT was better, faster, and had points that stick in your head (Two-Deep Leadership! No one-on-one contact!). I've taken VIRTUS because I was am a Sunday School teacher. But I don't want to require every Den Leader/Assistant to waste their time this. My COR has never mentioned this, and he's been pretty adamant about anything to do with the church to go through him first. I'm an Assistant Den Leader and Assistant Cubmaster away from filling all major leadership positions, I'm really hoping not to be pressed on this. Has any Catholic unit out there had to require VIRTUS?
  7. 21 new scouts, I just hope I can get them back for the second meeting. It'll take the sting off a bit when I drop the 15 I'm losing at recharter.
  8. After seeing the prize selection, my son made a goal to hit $1000 in sales. He made $250 the first weekend, none of that to family/friends/coworkers. Its nice to see some ambition (and gives me something to hold over him when he feels like slacking).
  9. If you do it as listed (Tiger Pin after Tiger year), it seems weird since the boys are getting the "wrong" color. If you do it your way, hardly any boys will earn the Tiger pin, and a few may earn the Webelos pin twice. I've heard packs doing it both ways. Its not really a big deal, is it?
  10. Chocolate Carmel Crunch was a clear taste-test winner. More than a few boys running to the water fountain after sampling the Buffalo Cheese Corn.
  11. You can't solicit (ask for) donations, but you sure can accept them.
  12. Give me a motivated 13-year-old Eagle over an 18th-Birthday Eagle any day.
  13. Do some in-Pack service, like a joint paired-off meeting/activity with the Tiger or Wolf Den. Give them a small taste of helping the younger scouts, maybe they'll want to be Den Chiefs some time after they cross over.
  14. Our District has a ceremony with OA, separate from our Pack's ceremony. They charge $5 for the arrow, and hold it outside at a campsite/campfire in the spring (a bit more scout-ish than a church basement in February).
  15. Starts Friday for us. 6 of our 7 top selling families are returning. No Troop/Pack split families. Cautiously optimistic.
  16. Yeah, this looks like a person created a Facebook page for her old Pack, and when she moved, she renamed the existing page rather then create a new one. I don't understand how to "transfer ownership" of Facebook pages myself, and maybe this person didn't know how to create a new one, and hence the confusion. Unlike/unfollow it, and create a new Facebook page for your Pack, if the Committee wants one, complete with ownership/transfer issues worked out in advance. And when the new page is ready, kindly ask the previous owner to share/post any old photos/info.
  17. He can cross over when he turns 11, regardless of what rank he earns. Otherwise if he's interested, he can earn Webelos and AOL in a minimum of 9 months, so September to May, which is about the same as "completing the 5th grade", and join then. He can maintain Cub Scout registration, and attend Troop meetings/activities as a guest of the Troop with the other boys from his Den/Patrol, as he finishes AOL requirements if he wants it.
  18. I've seen committee meetings held monthly at a parent's house, with only that parent and one other leader. I've tried doing them the half hour before, and also the half hour after a Pack meeting. It really makes no difference in attendance unless you have committed/involved parents, and something worthwhile to talk about.
  19. Committee Chair and Advancement Chair, I'm guessing he also did Activities Chair, Fundraising Chair, Membership Chair, and all that other bullwork. None of which was the Cubmaster's responsibility, of course. And I'm guessing the real problem is everyone else thinks you are going to be doing everything now that you are "in charge". Start by breaking down the list of responsibilities. Then ask persons to step into defined roles. Don't "broadcast ask" for help, you will get none. Pull someone aside, ask them to do a specific job, with specific duties. Or is the problem what KDD mentions, that you actually have the role/duties of Cubmaster, but you don't quite get what those duties are supposed to be. From the description you gave, Pack Meetings and scouting program, that's what you should be doing.
  20. Troops can make their own policy, and Scoutmasters approve POR's. But let the troop know that its not a National policy. I had to fight my troop, who insisted that the Den Chief had to attend the council training session before becoming a Den Chief (which was annoyingly scheduled the same weekend as the district camporee). I showed them they were following the rules for the "Den Chief Service Award", not the rules for becoming a Den Chief.
  21. Napkin holders are pretty easy. A 12" 1X6 board, two cuts (5,5, and 2), and four nails. Use a 1X4, increase board to 22" (5,5,5,5,2), add 8 more nails, and you have a pencil holder. Or google the "1-board birdhouse" and get some plans (hinging one side for cleaning is optional, but drilling a birdhole is a pain if you don't have the tools for it).
  22. Tie it to the leg of a homing pigeon..
  23. And "Hacker Jackers" or "Hacker Jacks" sounds a lot cooler than "Hacker Scouts".
  24. Stop doing the work for them. Tell them to step it up, or its nothing but Day Camp. Them's the rules, and if you as IH won't enforce them, who will? Sure,. if training is unavailable on the short notice, give them the option of inviting someone from another Pack. But make them do the call/set it up. Stop the hand-holding.
  25. A semantic thing, camping is camping, an "overnighter" would be sleeping in a museum or church basement or gym thing. Its a cover-all, so people can't get around training rules in regards to camping, by saying "we're not camping, we're sleeping inside a polebarn at the nature preserve."
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