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Fat Old Guy

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Everything posted by Fat Old Guy

  1. "FOG, if his folks okay it, I'll just bite the bullet and let him wear his purple knot along with the rest of his buddies. You'd do the same thing." I couldn't prevent it but I'd explain that for him to legimately wear the knot, he needs to earn the Roman Catholic award (I think that it is called "Seige of the Holy Land").
  2. I suppose that they could earn it BUT they wouldn't be eligible to wear it or a purple and silver square knot on their uniform to represent it. Why? Because the Scout is supposed to earn the religious emblem for HIS faith.
  3. "I'll bet you are still using Windows 3.1 on a 486 chip and running Internet Explorer 3" Nope, Q-DOS on a breadboarded 8088 with 1 MB RAM and a 10 MB Winchester drive.
  4. I have never seen any of the "Friday the 13th" movies but I read the descriptions of them and based on that, I choose to save my money. I view MS Woodbage 2001 the same way, why should I spend a significant chunk of money if I'm not convinced that I will enjoy it or gain anything from the course? Just so I can get a set of beads?
  5. Bob, it all depends on the agreements in place. I used to have an extensive technical library that was paid for by my employer but was mine to take with me when I left (it went out of date so it went into the trash can). If the committee said, "You are allocated this much of the troop's money to spend on Scout stuff," that is one thing. If they said, "You raised this money, it is yours to spend on Scouting expenses" that is a different matter altogether.
  6. I need to find the Way-Back Machine so I can go do Wood Badge 1.0 with Baden-Powell
  7. I wonder if there is any litigation over "Spiral Scouts" or "Earth Scouts."
  8. As expected Bob White's responses are straight from the publicity slicks for MS Woodbadge 2001. I have no desire to attend Woodbadge. I don't need to spend hundreds of my dollars to attend yet another new age management seminar. I'll just wait for MS Woodbadge XP. When you look at the way that the skills and knowlege part of Scouting is being watered down, soon all Scout Master training will be on-line and Wood Badge will be a one afternoon of looking at Vue-graphs.
  9. Goshen may have a good program but they have mos-kee-toes the size of B-17s.
  10. Eagledad said, a whole bunch of new age, touchy-feely stuff that has led American business right into the crapper. I've been involved with so much TQM and TQL stuff that has done nothing except get in the way of generating a good product.
  11. New Jersey Dude asked, ": If little Johnny wants Grampa to see the pictures, and Grampa has Internet access, wouldn't it be better to just e-mail the pictures to Grampa anyway, rather than directing him to a web site? " Maybe Johnny doesn't have the pictures as they were taken by the Troop Photographer. Far easier to say, "Hey Grampa, look at www.mytroop.org and see what we did" than to say, "Hey Troop Photographer, burn me a copy of all the pictures so I can cull and edit them to send them to my grandfather."
  12. "The unit funds belong to the unit not the CO. And if a unit dissolves the unpaid bills are paid & the rest of the money belongs to the council. The gear if not owned by an individual stays with the CO." Ed, that part about gear is arguable since the BSA policies mention money and property.
  13. http://www.scouting.org/webmasters/units.html
  14. I suppose that it is ironic that Boy's Life, Scouting and council publications have pictures of Scouts with their names. Now you might say, "Hey, those are limited distribution" but they really aren't. Boy's Life is available for subscription and can be found in many libraries.
  15. I was looking at BSA's guidelines for unit websites and found this: "Names, images, and especially contact information pertaining to youth members should never be gathered or published over the Internet." Okay, names and contact information makes sense. Heck, I think that it is stupid to let a kid wear a jersey with his name on the back. What's this about images? No pictures of the Scouts? That makes for a fun web site. "See that picture of a tent, Gramppa? That's me in the tent with the door zipped."
  16. johnsned, does your Council not offer camperships for summer camp? My council has money that it can't give away in the campership fund.
  17. "This is straight from the mouth of a Reynolds Aluminum co. consumer education rep that did a cooking session for us at scout leader training." I know that it is cliche for me to disagree with Bobo but in my kitchen it has and does make a difference which side of the foil is out. If Bobo's expert was right then flashlight reflectors wouldn't be shiny. After all, heat is nothing but infrared light.
  18. johnsned, read Eagle Dad's original comments.
  19. "Wood Badge is an excellent course which gives a leader an abundance of effective leadership tools and an organized implementation plan." Odd, I thought that Bob once ranted at us that adults aren't supposed to be leaders, the Scoutmasters primary function is to train the Junior Leaders.
  20. He responded, "I already did that and I do not believe in boyscout!" Can a person who doesn't believe in Boy Scouts be a member of the Unitarians?
  21. "I notice you didn't comment on the actual point I was making." I had no idea that you had a point. You just constantly blather about this and that but make no sense. By the way, the Feds also discriminate on the basis of sex and race. Why? Because the laws don't apply to the governement unless they want them to.
  22. Many years ago, there was a "Trained Scoutmaster" patch that was fully embroidered with shiny thread. The colors of patch and border were the same, it was the thread that was different.
  23. baschram645, "FOG, I was agreeing with you" My bad. OGE said, "So, Mr White admits he was wrong, can we move on?" This is a first and probably prompted by him "not reading" my comments.
  24. Let's see the New Version of Scoutmaster School doesn't apply the Patrol Method and now MS Woodbadge 2001 doesn't either. Where the heck are leaders supposed to learn how the patrol method works? I still find it ironic that in my troop that the two graduates of MS Woodbadge 2001 are the ones that act like Den Leaders for Webelos III.
  25. "FOG, just for another example, discriminating against someone who is single is discrimination on the basis of marital status. " Gee, the federal government does that all the time and I haven't heard you complaining.
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