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Fat Old Guy

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Everything posted by Fat Old Guy

  1. "2. The requirement is not more specific because of the problem of Eagles getting the rank and disappearing." Who said anything about being specific? It just wouldn't take much ink to state that leadership activities for palms can be outside of Scouting. No need for enumeration.
  2. OXCOPS, you must remember that Bob White knows EVERYTHING about how BSA is run and that since that is the way that BSA is run that is the only way that BSA should be run (unless someone up the ladder decides to change things) and for you to question things is to be disloyal and a bad Scouter. Common sense doesn't enter into things. The council wants the thousands of dollars that you generate each year but they aren't willing to spend anything on maintenance. When your program is shut down, I'm sure council will complain about the loss of revenue and then raise fees elsewhere to make up the shortfall. Every business in the world has some activities that generate little or no revenue. The janitors at IBM have little to do with revenue generation so they get paid out of the excess revenue from computer sales. However, if the choice had to be made that either new soldering irons or mops could be bought this month, it is most likely that the mops would be put on the back burner because you can't make computers without solder (don't start with talk about surface mounted devices and wave soldering, etc. this is a metaphor). Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to work that way with BSA. To you an any other rational person, it would make sense to say that COPE generated $5,000 last year and since they need $2,000 for repairs, that $2,000 could come from the $5k that it generated and the general fund would still be ahead by $3,000. Unfortunately, that $5,000 is gone. Long gone. BSA style thinking is why every church that I've ever attended has dozens of little funds set up by the men's group, the women's group, the choir, etc.. They know that if the money that they are raising ever gets into the general fund, it will be GONE. "New robes for the choir? Sorry, no money." "What about the $3,000 that we raised last year?" "Oh, we spent that on new candlesticks."
  3. boleta, my question still stands, why can't BSA just state that explicitly and eliminate all confusion?
  4. I like the new hybrid cars. They are amazingly quiet. It's taken 30+ years to get hybrid cars on the road. I remember reading about similar concepts in Popular Science back in the early 70s. Folks just don't know how long engineering developments can take, especially if you want to make them affordable. Toyota is saying that they are going to release a hybrid SUV soon, the power of V8 and the fuel economy of a 4 Cylinder. Personally, I'm confused why every family that got by with a medium sized sedan 20 years ago now needs a Suburban. Or even two Suburbans. I know silly people who commute 30 miles every morning in their Suburbans and then complain about the cost of gasoline.
  5. This type of situation and many others could be resolved if BSA would spend a bit more on ink and not publish vague requirements. Is it not reasonable to expect that a requirement for a Scout program be be met by Scouting activities? I would say it is unless the book states otherwise. When you are in college, they explicitly state what will and what won't transfer. How hard would it be for BSA to say, "Make a satisfactory effort to develop and demonstrate leadership ability which need not be in a Scouting context"?
  6. " Ultimately, squeaky wheels get oiled" Or removed and thrown in the trash.
  7. " We are only asking for %15 of what we made in profit over the past year. They can have the other 85%. Personally, I don't think that is an unresonable request. Or is it?" Not in my mind but probably in the minds of the pooh-bahs. I've seen many organizations take all revenue and mix it into the big pot for everyone to dip into. Usually, one or two programs are the big revenue producers but they don't get any extra consideration when it comes to funding requests. At some point things get critical and the big money maker gets shut down for lack of money and then everyone cries because the pot of money dries up.
  8. Maybe he just hates getting wet and has no interest in learning to swim.
  9. Okay this is really strange. I was getting errors every time that I tried to post something but it looks like my posts were getting posted.
  10. I just disabled some software to see if that would allow me to connect.
  11. "Yo Foggy, does this mean that Cubs should be known as Cub BOY Scouts?" Not at all. GSUSA calls them "Brownie Girl Scouts," BSA calls their little ones "Cub Scouts."
  12. " Because if they have been Second Class for two or three years then there are bigger problems in that unit then the uniform will solve." Not really. Maybe they just don't want to take the swim test.
  13. "As for me, I'm proud to be a geek (speaking leet), 'cause you can't spell geek (and leet) without a double e's (EE) (MSEE that is). LOL RAOTF! (laughing out loud, rolling all over the floor!)" Oh boy! Geek humor.
  14. "I personally consider cutting the Flag into pieces during Flag retirement ceremonies as desecration and I will not participate in that. Cutting the Flag up for such a purpose is not mentioned in the US Flag Code either but it is routinely done, even by Scout units. The preferred method of retirement is by burning and or burial." I had never heard of this until a few years ago. I don't consider it necessary but I think that the VFW recommends it. It may not be code but neither is the triangular folding of the flag.
  15. "If the rest of the world watches MTV and thinks of us in those terms, uugh. Tain't good." At one time people came to America expecting to find gold in the streets because that's what they had heard. Now, people around the world watch American movies and TV so they wind up believing that we have running gun battles in the streets on a daily basis.
  16. "If the rest of the world watches MTV and thinks of us in those terms, uugh. Tain't good." At one time people came to America expecting to find gold in the streets because that's what they had heard. Now, people around the world watch American movies and TV so they wind up believing that we have running gun battles in the streets on a daily basis.
  17. "If the rest of the world watches MTV and thinks of us in those terms, uugh. Tain't good." At one time people came to America expecting to find gold in the streets because that's what they had heard. Now, people around the world watch American movies and TV so they wind up believing that we have running gun battles in the streets on a daily basis.
  18. "SCOUTER-Terry, Please don't be offended by the habitual whiners and complainers. I think the site is great." Hey, I think that I'm one of the biggest habitual complainers (never a whiner) and I haven't said word one about any problems. Never look a gift horse in the patoot is what my Granny always said.
  19. TP, come on, get into the 21st century. It would be racist for a white man to earmark money for only white Scouter and really, really bad if he said he'd only give money to white men. However, it is perfectly okay for a black man to not give money to whites or for a woman to say, "this money is only for women."
  20. "AK was right. The head shed asked non Scouts what turned them off Scouting. Uniform was high on the list. This isn't to say that by changing the uniform they would join." I've seen this happen more than once in other organizations.
  21. "AK was right. The head shed asked non Scouts what turned them off Scouting. Uniform was high on the list. This isn't to say that by changing the uniform they would join." I've seen this happen more than once in other organizations.
  22. "AK was right. The head shed asked non Scouts what turned them off Scouting. Uniform was high on the list. This isn't to say that by changing the uniform they would join." I've seen this happen more than once in other organizations.
  23. Pinewood Derby trademark http://tess2.uspto.gov/bin/showfield?f=doc&state=89759q.4.3 A search does show that one someone else does use "Pinewood Derby" in their mark. As for dads building the cars, unfortunately today that is often the case.
  24. "We will continue to find the right way to display this flag." A really, really big flagpole
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