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  1. I mistyped on my last post and it wont let me correct it, so i have to do it this way. I researched this for well over a month before placing my sons scribe patch on the right sleeve, if you really look at the inside back cover of the BS handbook, that patch is the ending of the Historian position and it is on the LEFT sleeve right below the Patrol patch and the American flag, if you want to look further, check out Badge Master or even look it up online and you'll see what goes where. The Historian position patch is on the RIGHT sleeve below the Patrol patch and the american flag.....not on the LEFT. Don't mean to make people angry.
  2. scoutldr and gold winger, not to say your wrong but proven facts are this.....leadership patches such as SM,ASM,JSM,JASM,PL,APL all belong on the LEFT sleeve. Job patches such as Bugelar,Scribe,Quartermaster,Historian,Chaplin etc.....these are not leadership positions and belong on Right sleeve. Only leadership positions belong on the LEFT sleeve. We had COH lastnight and I confirmed this with a KAC member. The SC is aware of the boys unknowingly mess up and is having the removed and placed in proper position. I researched this for well over a month before placing my sons scribe patch on the right sleeve, if you really look at the inside back cover of the BS handbook, that patch is the ending of the Historian position and it is on the LEFT sleeve right below the Patrol patch and the American flag, if you want to look further, check out Badge Master or even look it up online and you'll see what goes where. Eamonn, The older kids in this troop aren't what you would call "good role models" for younger scouts. The PL is 1 sided and says things to the younger scouts, that yes are very inappropriate. I told the SM about what was said and an appology was issued and the situation has never come up again. I agree to letting the boys do their own uniforms to some extent, but having help from others in the troop or even the SM could lend a hand to help these boy. I am am on the committee for the troop and this has come up numerous times and the troops uniforms being wrong or messy....it goes in 1 ear and out the other. I guess this should be 1 of those issues that just dies, but I'll be damned if I will stand back and let my boys uniforms become a mess and a disrespectful to the BSA.(This message has been edited by fastbow)
  3. Here's a very good question for eveyone....... With 13 boys in the troop, should everyone's uniform match???? What I mean with "match" is all patches in the same location. I have noticed in my oldest son troop, out of 13 boys there is only 1 scout who has his patches in the correct location. My oldest became the troops scribe right before summer camp last year; I placed his scribe patch on his right sleeve. He came home from camp and told me everyone told him I messed up and it belongs on his left sleeve and that only leadership patches belong on the left sleeve. I should him the location chart and agreed with me that I was right. Now his new PL is telling him he has to move it or be forced to resign that position. I mentioned this to the SM and got nowhere; I went to the troop's committee chairperson and told him. He did some checking and told me I was correct with the location. I remember from when I was in the scouts, we had uniform inspection about every 3 months, and if your uniform was found to be improper, you had to fix it. I've looked at all the other boys uniforms in the troop and everybody else's patches just seemed to be placed where ever they want to set them. Some of the boys uniforms are all stained and falling apart. I know these unifirms aren't cheap but show some respect for your troop. I'm a Webelos Den Leader, and we did a sit down with all the parents and walked them through the patch placement. I may only have 4 webelos but at least when they are standing in line, their uniforms all match. Can somebody give me some insight on how to go about discussing this with the SM. (This message has been edited by a staff member.)
  4. I totally agree with you Ken, they should bring back the skill awards. I dug mine out and installed them on my scout belt. I probably not supossed to have them with my Webelos Den Leader uniform, but I busted my ass to earn them when I was a scout in the mid 70's and I'm pretty proud of it. My youngest son is in my webelos den and he loves getting his belt loops. My oldest son is in the boy scouts and is pretty bummed out that they don't offer them anymore. Those skill awards gave the boys pride. They wear their class A's to every meeting, what do they have to show besides rank for their accomplishments????? BRING BACK THE SKILL AWARDS!!!!!!!
  5. This mite sound dumb, but who the heck ib Bob White?????? SA, The SM is there at every meeting, he does a very brief chat with them and then patrols left alone to go over whats coming up. Most of the time the patrols little meets are more like a bunch of pre-schoolers messin around and what should be a 15 minute discusion turns into a hour of bull. Form what we've been told over and over again by the SM is "the boys run the troop" The SM picks each summer who he thinks is good for leadership camp and sends them. Now I have joined the troops committe so I can have a voice in what goes on inside the troop, should my mouth stay shut until both my boys are up or open it now and rock the boat about the "non-leadership" I really feel the SM doesn't like me being around, but I informed him from the begining that I'm very hands on and would very much like to help out with the troop as much as possible. I became the Webelos Den Leader, because I enjoyed the scouts and want to see my boys enjoy it like I did.
  6. 1st I would like to say, I'm not "tainted" by this troop just dumb founded at the lack of leadership. It would be great to see some kind of leadership, but all I see is playing. It's a very small troop, right around 13 boys. They have 2 junior assistant scoutmasters, only because they are getting ready for eagle and are both turning 18 this year. They just reset all their troop positions as of feb 1st. The only time I saw any kind of orginization was when they were wotking on their electronics merit badge, with another local troop, and still they had to stop and go play. Like I said before, I used to sit in on their meetings but got upset at how things were done. Back when I was in scouts, things were done so much different and yes.....better. Maybe because we had 40 boys in our troop with 5 patrols. Each of us PL's knew what we had to do each and every week, only because the SM sat with use at the end of each meeting and went over the agenda for each month, and the troop scribe took notes. Now this troop, sits down and discusses things on a sunday for the coming saturday only if something has been planned, other then that....it's a free for all. I'm wondering if anything is going to change now that they 3 fresh cross-overs, so that will give them 4 scouts working towards their tenderfoot badges. 1 of those boys should have been ready to recieve his tenderfoot this coming weekend at court of honor.....but after reviewing his book, it seems that all they have managed to work on is 1st and 2nd class requirments and none of the tenderfoot requirments. Ok, I need to stop because I can go on and on, so I'll leave some stuff stuff to chat about another time.
  7. Ok, I'm new here and just got done reading this thread and this is 1 of the reason I decided to join this site. My oldest sons troop is what you call "run by the boys" kind of troop. After sitting in on numerous troop meetings, I got really fed up with the bull that was going on. The meeting is 2 hours long and they say they have to go and play after an hour of doing troop stuff. Never did that when I was in the scouts. The latest "fubar" I watched was this past weekend at their Klondike Derby. Heres the lay out.....theres 4 older scouts, ranging from 1st class to life and 3 scouts ( no rank ). They come to a station where they have to stake out a claim and map it with a compass and input all the degrees. I'm watching this with 2 of my webelos and couldn't under why none of the older scouts don't know how to read a compass. My 2 webelos got tired of watching these older boys mess up royaly. I asked the older scouts if any of them knew what they were doing and got told "no". I feel that letting the boys run the troop....the SM picks who he wants to send to leadership school, none these boys should have never been sent to leadership class. So you tell me....why should the boys be allowed to run the troop.
  8. Thanks everybody OldGreyEagle, we are in Perry county....ya ya I know, i've heard almost all the jokes about perry county Ok so the questions might not be odd, just confusing situations that raise these questions
  9. Hello ya'll, I'm new to this site but not really new to scouting. I was a boy scout back in the mid 70's and have gotten back into scouting with my 2 boys, My oldest son is in the boy scouts and my youngest is in webelos II, as to which I am his den leader. I will be asking alot of odd questions from time to time, so please bear with me. Most of the questions will be directed about troop activities and how it is run....so please don't think I'm clueless.....Nice to meet you all...
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