Hey All,
Thanks for the replies. This is a tough situation, as the boy in question has a "checquered" past- drug use, rehab, counciling, expelled from a couple of schools..but has straightened out in my view. Sure, a little off-beat, listens to different music than most of the kids, has a couple of earrings, but really seems to be making an honest effort to leave his past behind.
The drug discussion came up in a campfire discussion, where the kid of the accusing parent discussed in length the drug problems of his older brother. This gave the accused boy an opportunity to reveal in (what he thought) was an open, safe environment. He was not comfortable with hiding his history, and felt safe with these boys in his patrol. Obviously, this past was revealed to a parent that flipped out, maybe because of the negative outcome of their experiences.
I know for a fact that the discussion was blown out of proportion, as the school could find no kids with tales as extreme or harrowing as the ones told by the accuser and his parent. Even the kids that were in the fire ring that night say, "uh, thats not what was said, exactly". But the parent in question has the undying loyalty of the Troop- former SM, current committee member, etc. This family has since withdrawn their son from all extra-curricular activities at the school that the two boys attend, and has made ugly, personal attacks in writing on the school adminstrators that did the investigation and came up blank (the accusers parent wanted the boy expelled from the school too!), claiming the school was biased towards the family of the accused boy, simply because they tried to get the facts before acting. They were entirely prepared to take action if the allegations were true, but no evidence bore out the charges. When the school suggested that the families in question meet to work it out, they became belligerent, wanting the boy expelled without even KNOWING WHO HIS ACCUSERS WERE! They lost with the school, who exercised due dilligence before acting, but won with the troop, who IMHO, screwed up royally.
I do not know what the real issue is, but a serious attempt was made to get this boy OUT of their sons circle at any cos