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    Reno, Nevada

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  1. I never realized so many scouts and leaders are skilled in the art of writing poetry. Perhaps they should post their poetry on another web page such as "On Line Writing Community". That way they can have their skills evaluated by other authors and poets.
  2. I have a question that is a little bit off subject. I wonder how a new merit badge is created? I can think of two new merit badges: 1) Americana History: That is the study of American History from the start of WWII to present day. This is more of the products and life styles rather than the study of events and dates. An example of this would be the study of the hamburger or soft drinks, drive in theaters, life without electronics and etc. 2) Old West: This would the study of the westward migration, manifest destiny, The California Gold Rush, Wagon Trains, pioneers, life on the trail, the forts along the way, the hardships faced on the trail, the reasons for going west, Native Americans, homesteading, ghost towns, and of course, the law men and the gun fighters. There really could be a merit badge on or about Native Americans and their true history. What is the procedure for creating new merit badges? Thanks for the help.
  3. I wonder how a new merit badge is created? To whom would I send a suggestion for a new merit badge? What is the procedure for creating a new merit badge? I can think of two new merit badges: 1) Americana History: That is the study of American History from the start of WWII to present day. This is more of the products and life styles rather than the study of events and dates. An example of this would be the study of the hamburger or soft drinks, drive in theaters, life without electronics and etc. 2) Old West: This would the study of the westward migration, manifest destiny, The California Gold Rush, Wagon Trains, pioneers, life on the trail, the forts along the way, the hardships faced on the trail, the reasons for going west, Native Americans, homesteading, ghost towns, and of course, the law men and the gun fighters. There really could be a merit badge on or about Native Americans and their true history. Thanks for the help...
  4. I am new to this web page and forum. I am an Eagle Scout and received the rank way back on April 29, 1959 and the Bronze Palm a year later. I see this in a different light. First of all, separtion of church and state has to do with a government entity only. The last time I checked the BSA is a private organization not subject to that clause. The next point is the Scout Oath which in part says, "On my honor I will do my best: To do my duty to God and my country: and to obey the Scout Law...". When a young person joins the BSA they also agree to the Scout Oath. Being that is the case, the Eagle Board of Review does have every right to ask the Eagle candidate about their faith. That is my opinion.
  5. I am an oldie but goodie. I received my Eagle Rank on April 29, 1959 and received my Bronze Palm a year later in May of 1960. I am very proud of my achievements and I would like to frame them so I can show them off. However, over the near 50 years since I received my Eagle and Palm they have been lost. I would like to know what I need to do obtain replacemant badges? Who would I see? Is it as simple as just going to a BSA uniform shop and purchasing them? Thanks for the help.
  6. I have been out of scouting for many years, I made my Eagle Rank in 1959 and my Bronze Palm in 1960, my last active year was 1961. I now have the time to become active again and would like to be a MBC. I have expertise in two areas: Drafting, I drew plans for new homes, additions, and remodeling for more than 30 years. Who would I see to be a MBC for the drafting merit badge? My second area of expertise is in the old west and the westward migration. I have been told that I am an expert in this area. But I don't see any merit badges where I can apply my knowledge. Can anyone help me?
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