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Everything posted by evmori

  1. That puts a whole different light on it! The Pack is out nothing $$$ wise. It seems this boy will not be joining which is a loss.
  2. I would not let this boy back to any Pack functions until the parents pay up and I wouldn't worry about the Pack reputation. You are not the bad guys. Maybe it's time to not front the popcorn before payment is received.
  3. Sounds like this family had their own fundraiser!
  4. Pop tarts (or anything like them) Electronic devices - If you can't live without them for 48 hours then stay home.
  5. Seems the OP started this thread to incite then took his baga and went home!
  6. However, these sheets can also be used in a very negative way. The adult leadership uses it as a weapon to block advancement. The scouts are given very little, if any, feedback during the POR period, either good or bad, yet at the end of the POR period are given a performance rating of only two options: fully performed or not-at-all. And this is a perfect example of why any type of contract or these type of sheets should not be used.
  7. Yeah trickle down worked! We are still paying for that fiasco!
  8. If you are stating girls should be allowed to become Boy Scouts, I completely disagree. If you are claiming girls should be allowed to work at council camps, I would agree.
  9. If ya want a fillable and savable PDF, buck up and buy the full blown version of Adobe.
  10. Why was it out? Was it National's IT fault? Did you ask?
  11. How about working with these boys to get them over their fear of water! Yeah! Ya know that might be the thing to do instead of trying to find ways to get out of doing the requirement.
  12. If there is no disability associated with this phobia, the requirement must be met!
  13. We are still paying for Reganomics!
  14. We don't need no stinking ID cards!
  15. A CoH should be just like a Troop meeting - attendance expected.
  16. Can your unit bank account cover the unit's expenses? If so, secure.
  17. Apparently common sense has gone astray with some. There is nothing offensive about the OP and if you find it offensive there is something wrong.
  18. The troop has a booklet that they give to the parents of scouts. It addresses troop policies for meetings and outings, expectations of parents, gives parents contact information, and also promotes involvement and training. Does this information agree (where applicable) with BSA policy? Does this information address personal medication?
  19. The Troop's Guide to Parents What is this? Is this a document your unit puts together? The G2SS, like Twocubdad posted, is clear on this. Each individual is responsible for their own medication.
  20. Too violent? In what way? The G2SS doesn't say anything about pretend anything! Common sense people!
  21. However, there are those who think Dallas Cowboy jokes are tasteless! So, either roll with it or shut up.
  22. Yeah telling a joke is insensitive! C'mon! Consider the message you send when you pick stuff like this apart and only look for the bad! Be alert! The country needs more lerts!
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