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Everything posted by evmori

  1. I commend you and your son for pushing ahead & not asking for any modifications. My son is also disabled & we never asked for any modifications for him & he earned his Eagle. I hate to say this, but it sounds like this SM doesn't want a disabled Scout to advance. Using this troop training as a reason to deny a SM conference is nothing more than an excuse. And it sounds like the CC has a nit to pick, too. I agree with Twocubdad. This guy is bad news! It might be time to get your COR involved.
  2. I think it all comes down to training or lack of. The BSA doesn't require training for the adult leadership and I think it should. Granted training doesn't take on all people but expecting volunteers to follow the many BSA rules & regs & guidelines without requiring they be trained for the position signed up for is a recipe for disaster. Good questions Stosh. I don't know if that would qualify for a SM conference!
  3. OK, let me throw this out there as well, not only is our troop not accepting them until they graduate 5th grade, but I just found out that it appears the troop CC has made this decision on his own. Can he do this without it being a committee vote? The CC can make any decision he wants as long as it is in line with BSA policy. There doesn't need to be a vote. But this decision flies in the face of BSA policy. Has this guy been to training? What does the SM say about this?
  4. Now air puppies could be downright dangerous! INCOMING~
  5. Yeah Bob does give information based on BSA materials. But you always get his interpretation of what they mean & he spouts them as gospel.
  6. As Gern posted, membership can be revoked, but once an Eagle is given or earned, it is not taken back.
  7. Denied a SM Conference because he didn't attend a unit training session? I'd ask this SM to show you where in the Boy Scout Handbook, Scoutmaster Handbook & the Advancement manual where it says this unit training is required to advance. Bet he can't find it. If he is still being staunchy about this, I would appeal to the Advancement Chair. And remember, a Scoutmaster Conference is not a pass/fail requirement. It only requires participation.(This message has been edited by evmori)
  8. Live long and prosper! Wanna bet Vulcan didn't have abortion!
  9. Put 8 in one den & 7 in the other! Why not let the Webelos make this decision? Sometimes if we get out of the way kids will surprise us!
  10. Are most Webelos mature enough to crossover to a Troop? Probably not, but that has nothing to do with whether they can or not. If they have earned their AOL, they can no longer earn any Cub stuff so why not crossover! When I was a SM, I loved getting new Webelos!
  11. I don't think I like cows!
  12. I would agree The Scout but that doesn't make it a fact! Religious nuts? Is that a new type of nut? Are they more like walnuts or peanuts? I love nuts!
  13. The Church even says You should clarify that by stating "The Roman Catholic Church even says.
  14. One can sin without intending to.
  15. Simple answer - Now, the Scout in my district. When I was with a unit, the Scouts in my unit.
  16. ASM915, I like that lashing project! Would make it tough to walk but could ride a Segway instead! 53. Ed
  17. Yup! Us taxpaying citizens of the USA are footing the bill for houses of worship & other non-profits! We also subsidize illegal aliens! I would rather subsidize houses of worship & non-profits!
  18. ASM915, I'm not from Buffalo or the south & I'm a lot older than you think! Doesn't a sin require intent? No it doesn't. In the case of radiation treatment killing the fetus, that's a little tricky. However, it is different from intentionally killing the fetus because you couldn't keep your legs crossed.
  19. Well ya can't ask that kinda question then state "Those without sin cast the 1st stone"! This is an intolerable thread!
  20. African's were only slaves because we made them slaves. One human should never own another human.
  21. Tell 'em get trained or you are not going to be rechartered with the unit. Make sure you let your COR know what is going on & what your plans are.
  22. Wonder if they completed the Unit Money Earning Project form & turned it in? Kinda doubt this would have been approved.
  23. This provision upholds constitutional standards established by the U.S. Supreme Court I always thought constitutional standards were established with the actual document. For 37 years, the law of the land is that the government can't pay for buildings that are used for religious purposes. Technically the government is paying. House of worship are tax exempt! The taxpayers are footing the bill!
  24. To me, abortion is always wrong, but sometimes unavoidable. Unavoidable? This isn't like an auto accident! How is it unavoidable? Clump of cells, Lisabob? We are all a clump of cells! And the law doesn't distinguish at what stage of pregnancy! If a pregnant women is shot & killed & her fetus dies, too, the shooter can be prosecuted for TWO murders! One for the women & one for the clump of cells.
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