What if they never buy a handbook? They are good to own for the reasons I stated before but they aren't required. A Scout can print out the requirements pages from the internet!
As long as the parent/scondary contact can be reached by phone it should not matter where they go. Let the parent have a bit of a break if they want/need.
I agree except when they head to Club Med, they don't answer the phone!
We ask for that and some other misc paperwork we have done for our troop but if the boys forget them we hold the board anyway but don't sign off on the board untill he brings it in, usually the next meeting. The date is still the date of the board. We just hold submitting the paperwork to council. Don't punish the boy for extra requirements.
And what if he has lost it & he brings you a brand new blank HB?
Requiring a HB for a BOR is adding to the requirements. And yes I do think each Scout should own one. They are great resources and a great place to keep track of their advancement.
National put the kibosh on WEBELOS attending Camp-o-rees with Boy Scout troops. Now they are allowed to attend but only as a day trip. This use to be a great recruiting tool by having the WEBELOS spend the weekend with a Boy Scout unit. But, alas, it is not anymore!
Is the economy really as bad as it seems? I don't think so. Yep my 401K took a hit as did my other investments. Why? Maybe because what they were invested in was overvalued?
Why are people losing their homes at record rates? Maybe because they couldn't afford them in the 1st place?
And as far as annual fees on credit cards being part of the cost of doing business, I say horsepucky! If I get hit with an annual fee on a credit card, they either waive the fee or I cancel the card. Attributing annual fees to the cost of doing business is just what companies to promote so they can justify them. Bunch of bunk! I use my credit cards a lot & pay them all off monthly. Have been doing this for decades!
The handbook is the Scouts record of his advancement. There is no requirement to even own a handbook let alone bring one to a BOR!
It really sucks when adults invent requirements that don't exist! Was this Scout given the denial reason in writing? If not, the BOR is in violation of the advancement policies. The Scout should appeal & ask the BOR where in the requirements it states his handbook is required. Wonder what other "requirements" they have made up!
I think registering all the SM's as camping MB counselors is stupid! Just because this person is a SM doesn't mean they know what they need to know about camping! We all know what happens when we ass-u-me!
Merlyn understands it but comes to a different conclusion than you do.
And Merlyn is entitled to come to a different conclusion, but if he understands it, it MUST BE CLEAR!
The lad would like you to write a letter stating why you feel he should be awarded the rank of Eagle. Exactly the same as giving a reference for someone for a job.
Maybe it's time to realize the requirements have changed. Maybe not for the better but they have changed. Continuing to spout old requirements ad nauseum is getting old & actually has no point.
Of course, person A or B (or both) could be deficient in understanding statement X in some way, but that doesn't preclude the possibility that X actually is unclear.
And that doesn't mean without a doubt that X is unclear, as you have stated Merlyn.