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Everything posted by evmori

  1. I'm flat out against a Federal ID card, which imho is a clear violation of the 4th, and 10th amendments of the Bill of Rights. Huh? How did you come to that conclusion? I'm not for them because I don't think we need them but the reason you stated, le Voyageur, is a real stretch!
  2. A lot of organizations started for a very good reason, BadenP, but over time some have become a lot more radical.
  3. If the best you can do is call the other side a Nazi, then you don't much in the tank argumentwise What about when posters call other posters stupid?
  4. The testing, to me, is nothing more than repetition of a taught skill with someone, can be an adult or youth, assisting where needed.
  5. A SMC cane be held immediatly before a BOR.
  6. Sorry. Double post.(This message has been edited by evmori)
  7. Yeah bicycle helmets probably do help but I don't think any government, local, state or federal should be legislating personal safety.
  8. #1 has never been a problem for me! Excellent~
  9. You're complaining that you can't use the forums to publicly disparage a fellow forum member. Merlyn does it with regularity and the mods do nothing!
  10. ICE Brent Crude is down 49 at the moment.
  11. I've never been a fan of zero tolerance policies! It's sorta like being politically correct! I like chides and sour cream on my baked potato!
  12. I love a dictatorial democracy!
  13. When I was a SM, I never was my son's MB counselor. Why? Because he needed to learn how to deal with other people plus I didn't want it to look like there was anything remotely questionable going on.
  14. Helicopter parents. Very bad and the root of all evil in childhood.
  15. Ron has a lot of IT experience. Just hope it's the kind National needs.
  16. The press here is the same as it is there John. In this case, the Pack is not the problem and if the press is made aware of this, they will find out the story is the parents if there is a story at all. ScoutNut, This isn't a store so your comparison is moot.
  17. John-in-KC, When the media calls you tell them the parent never turned in their order or money they have supposedly collected to the Pack. Then you give the media the name, address and phone number of the parent and tell them to contact the parent for an explanation.
  18. What they need to be told is the parent who took their order never turned it into the Pack and never paid for it and that they need to deal with the parent who fraudulently sold the popcorn to them.
  19. Making illegal drugs legal doesn't guarantee they won't still kill.
  20. The corner across the street from where I live is a school bus stop. There is a crossing guard there in the morning and afternoon and the parents out-number the kids waiting for the bus!
  21. The problem is not the units, John-in-KC. It's the person who fraudlently sold a product they didn't have.
  22. Heroin and pot and opium and cocaine legal? You must be on something, Merlyn.
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