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Everything posted by evmori

  1. Affordable food sells. A $3.50 box of cookies or a $3.00 hoagie or a $3.00 pizza sells. A $10 box of popcorn doesn't.
  2. Many professional singers have stated the National Anthem is one of the hardest songs to sing. Knowing that, don't you think a professional would make an attempt to make sure they actually knew the words or at least had them in front of them? No excuse for not knowing the words.
  3. No it's not too much to ask. And I agree, it is a disgrace.
  4. And yet, Merlyn, that opinion of yours is based on nothing! And the OP is definitely a troll.
  5. So, Merlyn, when you state you pointed out how idiotic the BSA policies are, you are only voicing your opinion which is based on your opinion, correct?(This message has been edited by evmori)
  6. So, Merlyn, because you think BSA policy is idiotic that makes it a fact? Sorta like I think therefore I am?
  7. Merlyn, You claim the BSA's policies are idiotic. What are you using as criteria for your opinion?
  8. House, "Everyone lies" Reagan, "Trust but verify" Never trust a politician and Regan was clueless!
  9. I have always thought of bylaws as those things that aren't part of the Law and Oath. More like operation procedures like meeting times, when dues are due, etc.
  10. These are yummy if ya bake them in your Dutch Oven with some garlic and cheese!
  11. No - they would irrationally fear predators because people like you keep making false accusations against homosexuality. I would agree with this. People think homosexuals are sexual predators and they aren't. I think the fear is the values they appear to represent, at least for me, is what people don't like.
  12. Gary makes an excellent point. The only thing I would add is if they can't or won't do what they signed up for and won't get out of the way they will be removed.
  13. Correct me if I'm mistaken, but isn't the Cubmaster's primary responsibility Pack Meetings? Cubmaster and Scoutmaster are not the same thing. While I commend you for want to see these boys succeed, it really isn't your issue.(This message has been edited by evmori)
  14. OGE, Just because the BSA has an ad for a product in one of their magazines doesn't mean it is required on campouts or anywhere else.
  15. Well, Merlyn, your comment about the BSA's dishonesty is what brought it up. I was just making the point you never give both sides, only the one that favors your opinion.
  16. OGE, In your example we were both caught. Merlyn fails to state the government is just as guilty as the BSA because they entered into the charter agreement as well.
  17. Not sure I understand your point, OGE.
  18. From the BSA Charter Agreement: Provide adequate facilities for the Scouting unit(s) to meet on a regular schedule with time and place reserved. Ya make an excellent point, John, but nowhere in the agreement does it state this facility must be provided free of charge.
  19. The BSA has been far more dishonest than any individual scout, as the BSA has knowingly and willfully defrauded the government by having government charters for decades and getting funding like HUD grants that require nondiscrimination. Yeah yeah and let's not forget the government was just as guilty as the BSA, but Merlyn will not tell you that since he only want to present his side of the argument.
  20. PS: Ed, you still can't learn things. I learn just fine Merlyn. The BSA is a private organization. You don't have a right to belong if you don't meet the membership requirements. None of your rights are violated.
  21. I agree with Frank. Ask them if they are charging other groups for room usage.
  22. It is not discrimination to be denied membership because you do not meet the requirements. Of COURSE it's discrimination vol_scouter. In the BSA's case it's legal discrimination, but it's still discrimination. No it's not Merlyn. You don't meet the membership requirement, you can't join. Your rights are not being violated, either.
  23. The back-end paperwork greater? Who cares! Girl Scout cookies are affordable. Boy Scout popcorn is not.
  24. Most of us do not find the values of theism and heterosexuality to be a core part of our Scouting experience. It really makes no difference how many feel this way. The BSA feels these are core values and until the BSA changes, these core values will stay in place.
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