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Everything posted by evmori

  1. Have any of these adults completed Scoutmaster Fundamentals? If not, I would strongly suggest it. I make all the new leaders attend this training course. They will get a better feel for what the Scouts go through. I would also stress that the Scouts are responsible for theis own stuff. Tell the parents to back off from picking up after their sons & then after everyone leaves, pick up all the left items. At the next meeting inform the Troop that some Scouts seem to have lost some things at the last meeting. Hold them up & have the Scouts claim them, BUT don't let them sit down until all the missing items have been claimed. Then, have them perform a Scouting song! Eventually, teh Scouts will get the idea! Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  2. As adult leaders, we pass judgement all the time! Many rank requirements and merit badge requirements are judgmental. This is part of our job. Another part of our job is to set a good example. We are supposed to be the ones the Scouts look to for guidance. If an unmarried adult leader is living with someone, does this set the right example. I don't believe it does. P.S. Rooster7, it seems your posts are turning up twice! Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  3. Well, I personally don't believe that this behavior is right. I also don't believe if it's OK for society it's ok for Scouting. Actually the opposite is true. I think a discussion the the ASM is in order. I would explain the reason I was talking to him & express the questions raised by the Scouts in the Troop. Would I ask him to step down? If this is the only issues in question, no. I would ask him to try to apply each point of the Scout Law & Scout Oath to his situation. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
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