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Everything posted by evmori

  1. Competitive Swimming. This would give the Scouts who want to learn racing turns & dives a forum. Then National could move those requirements to this merit badge. Naturally, swimming would be a pre-req. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  2. evmori


    I agree the Scout should be responsible for sewing on his on patches. I like the idea of making it a requirement for rank, too. Maybe 2nd Class. Definitly 1st Class. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  3. Once the Scout has completed the tenure for the position of responsibility & another Scout is elected to that position, the patch comes off. If it is sewed on correctly, it is very easy to get off. I don't like using velcro. It doesn't always hold & still must be sewn to the patch. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  4. ScouterPaul, We got shirts with our Troop logo on it for the informal stuff. If we are doing something special or holding a court of honor, the uniforms are required. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  5. In my Troop, we do uniform inspections periodically. Some announced, some not. I feel as does the other adult leaders in my Troop that proper unifroming in Scouting is important. We as adults set the example by wearing our uniforms to all Troop meetings. While I only require my SPL & ASPL to wear their uniforms to Troop meetings the rest of the Troop must wear their Troop 1 shirts. If we plan a uniform inspection, the word is passed to the SPL & it is his responsibility to make sure the rest of the Troop gets the message. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  6. While I don't consider push-ups to be corporal punishment, I believe in the punishment fitting the crime. I have used "tent arrest" or "bunk arrest". The Scout who breaks the rules is not allowed to leave his tent/bunk nor is he allowed to interact with the other Scouts. And the other Scouts are not to interact with him. If they do, they receive the same treatment. This has been an effective deterent. Naturally the time spent on "tent/bunk arrest" depends on the nature of the action. I have also given my SPL & ASPL the ability to use this form of punishment when necessary. They must consult me 1st, though. All the Scouts should be treated the same. They are expected to act like Scout during Scouting functions. The only ones who should be treated differently are the SPL, ASPL & PL's. They should be setting the example for the other Scouts so they should be held to a higher standard. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  7. Rooster, I have always looked forward to you comments, blunt or not. At least you speak from the heart. Thanks for contributing here and on other boards. A blessed Christmas to you and yours. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  8. The same thing happened in my council (Greater Pittsburgh) for the exact same reason. The amount we received was $1,000,000. It makes me smile wh I hear stories like these. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  9. Gays can become straight just as drug addicts can kick their habit. (different methods, though) As far as a 17 year old knowing whether he is gay - I think this is possible. We were all born with a sinful nature. God gave us the freedom to choose to pursue that sinful nature or not. So it is possible people were born this way. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  10. In my course, the bobwhite cheer was "yo bird" Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1 "I use to be an Eagle ......"
  11. What are everyone's tap out ceremonies like? The one in my lodge is terrible. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  12. There is a guy in Virginia who sells Woodbadge stuff. His name is Ken K(can't remember the spelling). I have a link to him at my Troop site. The URL is http://www.bsa.net/pa/t1. Go to the Scouting Resources page. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1 NE-V-120 Eagle Patrol "Im a talon you, we're the Eagles!
  13. >> I agree that some specific homosexual acts are perverted, but in using that language I shut down the minds and ears of the people I am trying to convince.
  14. When we hold the popcorn sale, the Troop gets 39% of the gross sales. The Scouts get 75% of the 39% & the Troop fund gets 25%. When we hold our hoagie/pizza sales, the Scouts get $1.00 for each hoagie & pizza sold & the Troop gets the difference which is between $0.50 & $0.75 per item sold. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  15. I have always viewed fundraisers as a Troop or Pack function, not a Patrol or Den function. In my Troop, we use fundraisers as a means for Scouts to earn their summer camp fees. If a patrol needs new gear, it comes from the Troop fund. Each Scout pays $5/month in dues to help offset this cost. Now, if a Scouts earns enough $$$ from fundraisers to cover summer camp & has $$$ left over, it can be put toward dues or camping trips. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  16. >>The "we can't judge" idea is a falacy, because we judge all the time. You even judge my stance as wrong. What is really being said is that no one can disagree with whatever is currently politically correct.
  17. Steve, National allows liquid fuel stoves. Some councils don't. Mine (Gr. Pgh) being one of them. Check with your council camping chairman. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  18. OGE, Excellent post! I couldn't agree more. In my opinion, the morality of this country was going in the dumper until September 11th. That tragic event seems to have helped people realize what was happening. The moral high ground is the only way to go. Yes, times change but that doesn't mean the changes are good. Scouting has stood strong through these changes and I pray will continue to stand strong in the future. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  19. OGE, I completed my ticket in 1995 in the Eagle Patrol. When I took the course, it was a problem solving course geared for Scouting. I understand it has changed since. I loved every minute of the course I took and I learned a lot. Hope this helps. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  20. Morally straight - by itself can be interpreted in many different ways. By interpreting the Scout Oath in it's entirity morally straight has a single meaning as defined by God. "On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country." Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  21. I applaud the San Deigo City Council on it's decision. BSA, like all other private organizations, has requirements for membership. Those not meeting those requirements are not allowed to be members. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  22. sctmom, Being adopted I can sympathize with your post. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  23. jmcquillan, There have been a few Scoutmasters in my district who have quit for the same reason. I must be one of the lucky ones. The parents in my Troop want to help & are willing to learn the BSA way. From your post, you Troop is the one loosing. Good Scoutmasters are hard to find, especially ones with your experience. My son, too, is long gone from Scouting (he is an ASM in my Troop but currently in college) and I still love working with the boys. That's why I am still here! Plus, I love camping. Maybe you could get involved in a JLT program! Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
  24. I must be missing something. I agree with Rooster to a point. It seems the three were horsing around & it got out of hand. It is also possible the Scout tossed in the dumpster might be the kind who can dish it out but can't take it. I am in no way condoning what was done, but I do feel holding a mock judicial court is a little harsh, not to mention a little out of the scope of responsibility of the committee. It seems to me a good explaination to all three of proper behavior is in order. I also think a warning to the "tossers" if this type of behavior continues something more severe will happen. I might include all three in the warning depending on what actually happened. This falls under the Scoutmaster's responsibility, not the committee and should be dealt with that way. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1
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