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Everything posted by evmori

  1. If a Scout transfers to another unit and the SM or CC from that unit request the funds form the Scout's account then we would make a chek payable to the new Troop. If a Scout quits, the money in his account reverts to the Troop account. This isn't a personal savings account. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  2. I must digress a little. The word punishment isn't PC correct? So what! Call it what it is instead of trying to sugar coat it! Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  3. troopmom, Excellent. The punishment fits the crime. As far as the lobbying the dad is doing, this is wrong. The committee voted for it. And unless this dad is on the committee he has no say. End of discussion. If these people want to leave then I say let them. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  4. Thanks Marty! Nothing worse than sitting through a Powerpoint presentation & having the presenter reading the slides word for word. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  5. Another Powerpoint tip - don't read the slides. Your audience can do that. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  6. My unit give 75% of what the Scout sold to their account & 25% to the Troop fund. They either sell or they don't. We don't have the option to pay or sell. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  7. OGE, Thanks. Excellent examples! eamonn, If the QM was never on a canoe trip then it is his job to ask his PL what the patrol will need. Still don't see any delegation necessary. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  8. I had the same problem. Try not putting anything under the positions & see what happens. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  9. Great topic! Great examples! And that's all they are - examples. The delegation example isn't really delegation. it's the QM doing the job he was appointed to do. There really was no directing/telling example. Just reasons it would be used. How about a positive directing/telling example, Bob! Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  10. Great topic! Great examples! And that's all they are - examples. The delegation example isn't really delegation. it's the QM doing the job he was appointed to do. There really was no directing/telling example. Just reasons it would be used. How about a positive directing/telling example, Bob! Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  11. I'm out of here till August. Chuurch camp. Have a great week! Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  12. Oh boy! Merlyn is here with his atheist rhetoric! Did anyone mention atheists? I think the crux of the thread is someone questioning the existence of God. Never say the word atheist till Merlyn decided that's what we were talking about. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  13. acco40, you were doing so good then WHAM! right into the wall!
  14. "Jesus is God" might not be universally accepted but it is accurate! The Holy Spirit is also God. Ergo the Holy Trinity. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  15. jerryz, My district does a training program titled Learning Leadership Training. This is sort of a pre-JLT course. I have it on CD. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  16. Barry, Two excellent posts! Very well thought out. Thanks Bob, I know I'm not one of the 7 or 8 you referred to. And that's OK. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  17. I found the misplaced comma!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did I win?
  18. What Bob White is talking about is covered in Risk Zone training. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  19. SMT376Richmond KY, Excellent! Fantastic! Make copies of the G2SS & give one to each parent in the Troop & sign 'em up as ASM's! Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  20. It's still ugly but after re-reading the article many many questions arise. If this was so devistating, why did the Scout continue? Since he does have difficulty processing things, did he mis-interpret what was going on? Was there any physical sexual contact? These are just a few. Ed Mori Scoutmaster Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  21. I guess we kinda figured his gear was wet form the original post. Rain does that.
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