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Everything posted by evmori

  1. Be alert! The country needs more lerts!
  2. Football, hockey & basketball are all contact sports & they can be used for the requirement. Has to be something else. Ed Mori 1 Peter 4:10
  3. The Silver Beaver can be given to ANY Scouter at ANY level of Scouting. Like Bob posted, the main componont is service to youth. Scouting is only one part. If a Scouter is only involved in Scouting & does no other youth related work then this Scouter might be passed over for a Scouter who is involved with youth in his community. It is more than just Scouting! Ed Mori 1 Peter 4:10
  4. Actually I think it's more like gas. A little uncomfortable but after a while, it goes away! Ed Mori 1 Peter 4:10
  5. EagleInKY, I'm in Greater Pittsburgh Council. Ed Mori 1 Peter 4:10
  6. My understanding is the primary information is gathered from the SB application. It is then looked into further by the committee. And the from my understanding the award isn't just for service to Scouting, it includes service to others. If the award is only given to the well known, then it becomes a "Good Ole Boy" award and diminishes it completely. Ed Mori 1 Peter 4:10
  7. Excellent joke. And it made an excellent point! Don't get hung up on the little stuff! Those who are humor impaired didn't get it and should be shot! Ed Mori 1 Peter 4:10
  8. My Council only wants their part when we pay. We keep our commission out. Ed Mori 1 Peter 4:10
  9. Your Pack will probably be better off if this guy quits! Ditto to what many have posted! When I was a CM, the Den's decorated & I played MC. We did do a really neat indian theme one year! Ed Mori 1 PEter 4:10
  10. I gotta ask the same question! If he doesn't show up for the PLC's or Troop meetings, how is this considered active? Ed Mori 1 Peter 4:10
  11. cubscoutmom3, I don't agree. The fundraiser was for the Den. The boy is a member of the Den, not his parents. His parents might have sold the bulk of the popcorn but it is still the responsibility of the boy to turn the money in. You are correct, this is a hard decision to make. While it might not be the boys fault, it's lesson time for the boy & mom & dad. If you sold it, you owe for it. Simple. Ed Mori 1 Peter 4:10
  12. Excellent! Loved it! Right on the money!
  13. Since he is a PL the SM needs to determine if he met the requirements as PL. It sounds like you have a Scout Spirit issue based on your posts. Your SM will also need to define "active" as this might also be a sticking point. Ed Mori 1 Peter 4:10
  14. Mark, By signing off YiS it gives people the impression you are still a member of the BSA. Since you are not, I would suggest you change your sign-off. Your church thought it was "immoral" to discriminate based on sexual orientation? What church did you belong to? Curious to see what they considered "moral" & what standard they used to determine either. By stating Fat Old Guy is wrong are you saying that the BSA once admitted the godless & perverts? I din't think so. Ed Mori 1 Peter 4:10
  15. nosretep, Before I made the decision to become Cubmaster many moon ago, I talked to a lot of experienced Scouting people. They all told me many different things but they all did tell me the same thing. You can only be there for the boys who are there. If they don't show up, you can call & remind them but you can't force theme to show up. If they want to be there they will. Sounds like this is sort of the situation you are in. You have gone out of your way & bended over backwards for this kid & he still show up very infrequently. I think you said he missed 9 den meeting in a row! You have done your job. If he show up he does. But it doesn't sound like he will. Ed Mori 1 Peter 4:10
  16. While I agree flag football is safer than tackle but to say it removes the risk of injury caused by impact contact with the ground and other players is flat out wrong! Have you ever played flag football, Bob? Obviously not. It can be more injury filled than tackle! And by pick-up game I meant a pick-up game of touch or flag football, not tackle. Ed Mori 1 Peter 4:10(This message has been edited by evmori)(This message has been edited by evmori)
  17. The exact wording in the G2SS is Varsity football teams and interscholastic or club football competition and activities are unauthorized activities. Nothing about a friendly game of pick-up footbal at summer camp or two Troops getting together to play flag football. Nowhere in the G2SS does it state "football is prohibited". This is the stuff urban legends are made of! Ed Mori 1 Peter 4:10
  18. Why do "bad" things happen to "good" people? Define "good"? Ed Mori 1 Peter 4:10
  19. Pompous know-it-all Scouters! Parents who think their kid should "get it" just because. Ed Mori 1 Peter 4:10
  20. All we do is traditional camping! My Troop loves it! We cook over fires, work on pioneering projects, work on advancement stuff & just generally have fun! Ed Mori 1 Peter 4:10
  21. Shared leadership is a great! It let's the SM delegate responsibilities to ASM's. This is also a great training & teaching tool for ASM's! Ed Mori 1 Peter 4:10
  22. "It has to do with acceptable risk levels. Impact contact is not acceptable." It is about acceptable risk but not impact contact. Tackle football can be used to meet the requirement as can basketball, field hockey, ice hockey & lacrosse. All can and do contain impact. I agree with OGE's reasons as to why boxing & karate are not allowed. Ed Mori 1 Peter 4:10
  23. I still think "Oh Great Exalted One" is the way to go!
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