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Everything posted by evmori

  1. HIPPA does not now nor has it ever applied to the BSA.
  2. Yep electronics are here to stay. And they should stay home. If a kid can't spend a couple of days or a week in the woods with out his iPod or smart phone or gaming device then there is a bigger problem afoot. Just because electronics are here to stay doesn't mean they are needed 365/24/7. I love electronics but when I'm out in the woods, I enjoy being away from all that stuff.
  3. I agree that this prank was in poor taste (pun intended) but it was not hazing. I don't think expulsion is in order either. Maybe some extra latrine duty on the next years camping trips would be appropriate.
  4. evmori


    This boy doesn't get baited sherm.
  5. evmori


    And let us not forget SCOTUS ruled the BSA is a private organization and can set it's own membership rules. So the BSA doesn't discriminate illegally.
  6. evmori


    We also know what Ed thinks, and obviously he has a lot of time on his hands to continue this spitting contest into the tenth page. What is the point of this comment?
  7. evmori


    What are you babbling about now? I'm talking about preventing government entities from practicing religious discrimination. That babbling as you call it is the Constitution, Merlyn. Ya know what's funny? The rights Atheists claim they have are the same rights everyone has. And a government entity chartering a BSA unit is in no way impinging on those rights. Bad facts make bad law.(This message has been edited by evmori)
  8. You're kidding you tasted it or you are kidding it was urine?
  9. I have always felt the punishment should fit the crime. Shirk your dish detail, ya get extra dish detail. Keep a sloppy tent, ya get site clean-up duty. None of these are corporeal punishment.
  10. evmori


    Scoutfish is right on the money Merlyn. The 1st Amendment says nothing about the church and state being separate. Never has.
  11. OK. Was it actually urine? All three Scouts should have been reprimanded. And this is not hazing. Not all pranks are hazing.
  12. Why on earth would the BSA not release the files to him? Maybe because they don't have any hard facts in them? Maybe they are just accusations they keep?
  13. evmori


    How is a public school owning a BSA charter a violation of my 1st Amendment rights?
  14. evmori


    I'm still waiting to hear who told you, Merlyn.
  15. OK so the site was down for a few days. Wonder if there is any news?
  16. evmori


    I am not yann. Maybe yann is one of Merlyn's personalities~
  17. evmori


    Beavah, There ya go again confusing Merlyn with common sense and logic!
  18. You can do it however you want.
  19. evmori


    Like I keep saying, the BSA is dishonest. Even after the BSA split Exploring into Exploring and Venturing, I was told that BSA officials were pushing Venturing on government entities instead of Exploring. Keep up with the line, Merlyn, and eventually someone beside you will believe it. You were told? By who? Did you investigate to see if this information was accurate?
  20. With the lack of a BSA ruling on how many hours Not true. I think in the latest version of the Eagle Project Workbook it states there are no minimum hours required. I know Twocubdad but it chaps my shorts when people come up with their own personal reasons for things like this. They seem to think it's all about them.
  21. The answer is as much as is necessary for you to demonstrate your leadership of others. It really makes no difference how your district interprets it.
  22. evmori


    But the point, Merlyn, is you don't know if they are private or public law enforcement agencies. Just like your school list that wasn't all public schools but you refused to check into that because that would have lessened your you numbers.
  23. Let's see. A destroyed fence is being replaced. The value being added is replacing the fence. And where does it state an Eagle project must add value?
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