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Everything posted by evmori

  1. I love free speech. Tell me again how pooping on our nation's flag is free speech? I've never understood that one.Some people talk from that orifice! Ed Mori 1 Peter 4:10
  2. Does Scouting prepare kids for life? BILL GATES' SPEECH TO MT. WHITNEY HIGH SCHOOL in Visalia,CA. Love him or hate him, he sure hits the nail on the head with this! To anyone with kids of any age, here's some advice. Bill Gates recently gave a speech at a High School about 11 things they did not and will not learn in school. He talks about how feel-good, politically correct teachings created a generation of kids with no concept of reality and how this concept set them up for failure in the real world. Rule 1: Life is not fair - get used to it! Rule 2: The world won't care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something BEFORE you feel good about yourself. Rule 3: You will NOT make $60,000 a year right out of high school. You won't be a vice-president with a car phone until you earn both. Rule 4: If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss. Rule 5: Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your Grandparents had a different word for burger flipping - they called it opportunity. Rule 6: If you mess up, it's not your parents' fault, so don't whine about your mistakes, learn from them. Rule 7: Before you were born, your parents weren't as boring as they are now. They got that way from paying your bills, cleaning your clothes and listening to you talk about how cool you thought you were. So before you save the rain forest from the parasites of your parent's generation, try delousing the closet in your own room. Rule 8: Your school may have done away with winners and losers, but life HAS NOT. In some schools they have abolished failing grades and they'll give you as MANY TIMES as you want to get the right answer. This doesn't bear the slightest resemblance to ANYTHING in real life. Rule 9: Life is not divided into semesters. You don't get summers off and very few employers are interested in helping you FIND YOURSELF. Do that on your own time. Rule 10: Television is NOT real life. In real life people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs Rule 11: Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one. Ed Mori 1 Peter 4:10(This message has been edited by evmori)
  3. Is Wood Badge worth it? Sure is! Still the best course I've taken in or out of Scouting. Ed Mori 1 Peter 4:10
  4. I found round double sided cast iron griddles at Dicks! Great for those big stoves! Need one for each burner & ya don't have that "not so hot" spot! Cost was $13. Ed Mori 1 Peter 4:10
  5. Welcome to the campfire It's Me! If I had to choose between a griddle & a dutch oven, I would choose the dutch oven. You can use the dutch oven like a griddle & don't forget you can use the lid of the oven, too! A dutch oven is more versatile and come in many sizes. We have fed a camping trip of 20 with one large (14qt) oven. One more thing - only by cast iron. That other metal doesn't heat evenly. Ed Mori 1 Peter 4:10(This message has been edited by evmori)
  6. Tried & failed because some wanted to be more common than others!
  7. Congrats Dave! You're only 3 hours away from myself and eamonn. If you are in the Pittsburgh area, look me up! Ed Mori 1 Peter 4:10
  8. kasane, It sounds like this teacher was rewarding expected behavior not exceptional behavior. I as a parent expect my kids to follow the rules and have good behavior in school. My wife & I don't reward it. We do punish bad behavior. Exceptional behavior is rewarded! Sort of like the real world! Ed Mori 1 Peter 4:10
  9. evmori


    Suspenders but only if they are RED!
  10. Not a problem. Just pointing something out. I need more to do with my time! Ed Mori 1 Peter 4:10
  11. Merlyn, Atheists are not allowed to be members of the BSA. Public schools are allowed to charter BSA units. You argument is by chartering a BSA unit they are supporting atheisism. Well then if a school has a club for homosexuals, are they supporting homosexuals? No. They are supporting our 1st Ammendment right to freedom of speech & religion. By not allowing a public school to charter a BSA unit is a violation of the 1st Ammendment. Ed Mori 1 Peter 4:10
  12. System glitch. I had the same problem. I couldn't even see my posts! A temp fix till Terry fixes it is under Internet Options or Preferences (depending on your browser) delete all your cookies & history. Then restart you browser. Ed Mori 1 Peter 4:10
  13. Terry, Same problem as matua except I can't see any of my posts and it seems many other's. Ed Mori 1 Peter 4:10
  14. Fat Old Guy, No. Germany & France are countries in Europe. The United States of America is a country in North America. Ed Mori 1 Peter 4:10
  15. How is a public school discriminating by chartering a BSA unit? They aren't requiring the students to become members? And by not allowing public school to charter a BSA unit, isn't that also discrimination? Ed Mori 1 Peter 4:10
  16. Don't know if it would make a difference but I'd like to see it! Ed Mori 1 Peter 4:10
  17. While I consider myself an American, I am really a citizen of the United States of America. America isn't a country. The USA is. Just a technicality. Ed Mori 1 Peter 4:10
  18. Merlyn, My opinion is not as worthless as your cause. If you won't defend your point you have no point. Ed Mori 1 Peter 4:10
  19. And how is chartering a BSA unit practicing religious discrimination? And maybe you better start giving me lessons because I have read & re-read the 1st Ammendment & find nothing that prohibits a public school from chartering a BSA unit. Ed Mori 1 Pster 4:10
  20. How is it unconstitutional for a public school to charter a BSA unit? What part of the constitution does it violate? Ed Mori 1 Peter 4:10
  21. Merlyn, So what you are saying is you have no proof except for someone saying so? Well, unless you can produce something your credibility seems to be in question. Ed Mori 1 Peter 4:10
  22. A legal document that shows a public school district is the charter owner. In other words, a copy of the charter.
  23. OK Merlyn, since you threw down the gauntlet, the proof is up to you. Prove a public school owns a BSA charter? Ed Mori 1 Peter 4:10
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