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Everything posted by evmori

  1. You are correct shortridge, they don't. But going to church to JUST fulfill the 12st point of the Scout Law isn't being reverent.
  2. Too easy acco since Mother's Day is on the horizon! What's your point? Well shortridge if the boy isn't a Buddhist, your argument is moot! And if he is just going to church to fulfill the requirement, I would say he is being the opposite of reverent.
  3. Well, shortridge, how can you be reverent to something you don't believe in?
  4. Care to explain how Trev?
  5. You are not going to change this dad so I wouldn't waste my time trying. What I would do is tell him his attitude is detrimental to the den and the Pack and his presence is no longer need and he will not be allowed to attend any more functions with his son. You might lose the kid, which is sad, but you can't let one parent ruin your entire unit.
  6. I just heard this on K-Love! Lord, Please protect these Scouts and Scouters. Amen
  7. Interesting! I think the best advise is to talk to the parents and see if they even know what their son is professing. You might find out they are Atheists or that they had no idea there son feels this way. I am wondering if just attending church is being reverent toward God if you don't believe there is a God? Can you be reverent if you don't believe?
  8. Superman is actually an illegal alien! Doesn't even have a green card! You can't renounce something you never had!(This message has been edited by evmori)
  9. Not doing your assigned duty roster assignment is behavior deemed wrong
  10. Let's see - not doing your assigned duty roster assignment = not being able to do something else = punishment.
  11. That is quite an honor! WOW! My daughter is getting married in September and while it will be a happy day, it will be extremely emotional for me.
  12. When the PL tells Little Johnny he either clean the pot or spends the night in his tent sure is a form of punishment. Spending the night in his tent will not let Little Johnny play Capture the Flag with the rest of his unit!
  13. If there was a powerful, deaf Representative or Senator who went to Gallaudet, you better believe there would be a line item in the budget for them. Looks like it's slippery slope time!
  14. Scouts should not hand down punishments. But saying things like "no games until cleanup is done" is not a punishment, although it could be interpreted as a way of administering discipline. Not letting someone do something until they complete a task or assignment is a form of punishment. What if the kid resists "confiscation"? Do you use physical force? That's Theft with violence - AKA mugging. A call to mom and dad to come get their son should end the problem. And you may be right. You may not be arrested. If you wrench the item away, you may just be sued for battery. This is why a call to mom and dad to come get their little prince would solve the problem. Allowing the youth in our charge to disobey those in charge creates chaos and an unproductive unit.
  15. Well, perdidochas, the rank requirement states While a Star Scout, use the EDGE method to teach a younger Scout the skills from ONE of the following seven choices, so that he is prepared to pass those requirements to his unit leader's satisfaction. Second Class - 7a and 7c (first aid) Second Class - 1a (outdoor skills) Second Class - 3c, 3d, 3e, and 3f (cooking/camping) First Class - 8a, 8b, 8c, and 8d (first aid) First Class - 1, 7a, and 7b (outdoor skills) First Class - 4a, 4b, and 4d (cooking/camping) Three requirements from one of the Eagle-required merit badges, as approved by your unit leader. The EDGE method is the only method allowed.
  16. In the G2SS it states Separate accommodations. When camping, no youth is permitted to sleep in the tent of an adult other than his or her own parent or guardian. Do you see the word legal?
  17. The method I proposed on 4/8/2011 is similar to the one qwazse posted on 4/6/2011 in that neither are dependent on the individual or what needs to be taught. The big problem (actually there are a couple) I have with EDGE is the BSA is more or less saying this is the only way to do it! All other methods are no longer endorsed. A fancy acronym makes it cool and neato but that doesn't mean we should throw all the other tried and true methods out the window!
  18. Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't most of these requirements done by the Cub with the parents?(This message has been edited by evmori)
  19. Is a working knowledge of hyperbole possible? I'm not a "birther" because I CAN be persuaded by facts. Good for you! One would hope actual verifiable facts would set one straight. Personally, I this topic makes me giggle!
  20. Right or wrong, BSA youth protection training states that we don't "use good judgment" to decide if we should report to the SE or not - we should report it and let the judgment fall with the SE and others. And therein lies the problem. This is similar to a zero tolerance policy. Tossing the baby out with the bath water, so to speak! I don't think anyone is advocating "playing fast and loose" with YP. I think what is being advocated is using common sense. And, in my opinion, "planning to keep my eyes open to how this troop does things" is underhanded.
  21. Are you prepared to take over the reins as Scoutmaster, runintherain? Why am I asking this? It seems you are getting ready to toss this guy under the bus without even discussing what you observed and you will need a new Scoutmaster when he gets wind that someone is watching his every move and making judgments about them without discussing them with him. Good post qwazse.
  22. Yeah it's a violation. What do you intend to do about it since you don't seem to know the circumstances?
  23. So - in a scouting context, have you ever told a parent that they need to get help to improve their parenting skills? Have you told a parent to seek counseling (either for themselves, or family counseling)? If you have, was this parent also a registered scouter in your unit? How did that work out? Is there a good way to do this? Or is this just beyond the boundaries & responsibilities of a scout leader? No. Never have. Never will. It's none of my business how a parent parents. I might not like how they parent, but it is not my place to tell them they are doing it wrong.
  24. Well, everyday life includes Scouting but isn't limited to Scouting. I love your answer Lisa!
  25. I thought the course had text along with audio, but apparently I was mistaken.
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