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Everything posted by evmori

  1. I am a Troop Webmaster 1) I maintain the site by myself. The content comes from the entire Troop. 2) No team. 3) The Clip Art & other resources. 4) More time for improvements. 5) National has unit guidelines. As far as I know, my council doesn't have any guidelines. No, my council doesn't offer hosting and actually this is not encouraged by National. Ed Mori Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  2. Laurie, I was actually responding to Fat Old Guy's post. Being involved in my district's winter swim program, I have seen many a Scout who was afraid of the water overcome that fear. I have also seen many a Scout not overcome that fear. It happens. But by making the statement (not you) "Because if they have been Second Class for two or three years then there are bigger problems in that unit then the uniform will solve." isn't accurate! Ed Mori Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  3. Define cool. If cool means wearing our pants so low most of our boxers (in my case) are hanging out then no Boy Scouts isn't cool. If cool means referring to women in a derogatory manner then no Boy Scouts isn't cool. If cool means learning why a chameleon changes color, then Boy Scouts is cool. If cool means hanging out with you friends by the campfire roasting weenies, then Boy Scouts is cool. Define cool. Ed Mori Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  4. Maybe they can't swim! And maybe they are afraid of the water!
  5. Good uniforming comes from how much you like and respect the program, not from the fashion of the uniform. (typos corrected) Interesting. Especially since the uniform isn't required. I feel it is more fashion. Why else would kids not want to wear the uniform to school or even to and from Troop meetings? Don't get me wrong. I fully support wearing the uniform and have always in my Troop. Actually, I like the uniform! Ed Mori Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  6. Do you mean Barry "Chemically Enhanced" Bonds? My district has camporee this weekend at Camp Bucucco which is in Slippery Rock. I plan on checking out the mountainboarding this summer. It is supposed to be a hit! Ed Mori Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  7. And based on that, Merlyn, you are trying to point out that someone will do the same against the BSA? Don't think so. Flawed analogy. Ed Mori Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  8. Eamonn, Heritage Reservation added Mountainboarding last year! I didn't get a chance to check it out. Call GPC & talk to someone in Camping to find out more. Ed Mori Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  9. Eamonn, WOW! I guess your Boy Blunder never bothered to contact my council to see how they run their programs in areas like that? You're right. It ain't Scouting just another after-school program that happens to be run by the BSA. Ed Mori Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  10. Either way, that IS discrimination. Dressing it up as an "exclusionary membership policy" does not change anything. Yes it is discrimination. And yes it is an exclusionary membership policy. Girl Scouts has the same thing. You MUST be a GIRL! The I.B.E.W. does, too! You MUST be a REGISTERED ELECTRICIAN! And don't forget, the Supreme Court ruled the BSA was within it's rights to restrict it's membership to whomever it pleased. This makes the discrimination and membership policy legal. Ed Mori Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  11. I guess he has swimming already. If not, Lifesaving is out of the question. Environmental Science is a toughie but if he gets the paperwork done before camp & don't forget the eco-system then it's not that bad. Wilderness Survival isn't Eagle required and not all that tough. I would let him go! Sounds like a good plan to me especially since he wants to get started now! Ed Mori Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  12. Mom isn't the Scout. So what she wants doesn't really matter. Go with Eamonn's post. Ed Mori Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  13. Nothing like a snappy tune to liven things up!
  14. Toss me in the geezer section! I started in Scouting when my son joined Cubs. I was a Cubmaster for 3 years & a Webelos Den Leader for 1 year. I moved up to Boy Scouts with my son as an ASM. After a year, I was asked to be the CC & was in that position for 4 years. I then was asked to be SM and stayed in that position for 7 years. Currently I am an ASM. I served on Cub Roundtable Staff for 3 years & District Boy Scout Training Staff for 5 years. I currently am a member of the District Camping Committee. I am also an OA Vigil Member and a recipient of the District Award of Merit & Silver Beaver. Next! Ed Mori Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  15. Merlyn is to the BSA as Martha Burk is to Augusta!
  16. Nope, it's just easier all around if the BSA doesn't dishonestly try to use government money to support its discriminatory private club. And fighting government support of religious discrimination IS fighting the good fight; the BSA is on the wrong side. Are you also actively going after all those students who use their student loans to attend Christian colleges? If not, why not? Aren't these people(according to you) dishonestly using government money? Ed Mori Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  17. I went to Catholic grade school with a girl named Gay!
  18. Just to show that I am not an unreasonable fellow I did a search of the last posts made by the originator of this thread, to see if his content has improved since I squelched him several weeks ago. Of the last 20 posts 30% were soley personal attacks or contained personal attacks. If this is the personal gift he is sharing I need none of it. I made the correct decision to squelch and will continue to do so. Since I originated this thread, I did a search on my last 30 posts. I mentioned Bob White in 8 posts (26%). 3 (10%) could be considered an attack and there are 2 (7%) where I support him. 17 (57%) had nothing to do with him. Ed Mori Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  19. Good idea! I would vote Yes Please!
  20. I know you did not find as much of either as you would have liked. Is Mrs. Smith two people? I'm confused (normal for me ) Ed Mori Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  21. While I hate to admit it, the statement by Merlyn is accurate! Discriminating against someone for NOT being married is still discrimination on the basis of marital status; discriminating against someone for not holding a religious creed is discrimination based on creed. Now, is discrimination still discrimination if the Supreme Court rules it legal? Ed Mori Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
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