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Everything posted by evmori

  1. Public schools are not government agencies. They are educational institutions. Silly or not, that is my belief. If your basis for a government agency is one that receives public funding, we are all government agencies! Ed Mori Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  2. A public school is a educational institution. If you are saying it is a government agency because it receives funding from taxes, then that is a little bit of a stretch. Do you realize how many businesses & organizations receive some type of government funding? Are you planning on going after the ones who have references to God? What about student loans for college students attending Christian colleges? Better stop that practice! If a public school is a government agency because it receives tax money then anyone who receives a refund on their tax return is a government agency! Ed Mori Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  3. Merlyn, A public school isn't a government agency. And from your non-response it's safe to say you have no intention on going after the religious symbols in the Supreme Court chamber or on the Supreme Court building. Selective prosecution! Now back to your list! Wouldn't want to mislead anyone, would you! Ed Mori Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  4. Merlyn, Yep I made an accusation that was unfounded. Sorry. Your list did nothing but inflate the numbers in your favor! That's fair! But I guess that really doesn't matter to you. Removing God from everyday life seems to be your mission. When do you plan on going after the Supreme Court itself for all the religious references it has on it's building and in its chambers? Ed Mori Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  5. C NJ, Don't over think it! It's an easy question based on the definitions given by tortdog. Ed Mori Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  6. I DON'T CARE IF THERE IS A MENORAH ON THE STEPS OF THE CITY COUNTY BUILDING. AND I WOULD NEVER CONTACT THE ACLU. first, Never said the BSA was paying the legal fees. All I stated was the ACLU is collecting them. If you look through the other threads regarding the San Diego case & others you will find the ACLU settled these cases for big bucks! Merlyn probably has the figures. Merlyn, Your telling me to get the facts before criticizing? How's the editing of that public school list coming? Ed Mori Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  7. Ed, I think the next time you see a Menorah on the steps of the City County Building (whatever that is), I think you should contact the local ACLU office and sue, I am sure Merlyn would be happy to assist you in finding the right person to contact. However, if you do not intend to contact the ACLU over this, don't talk about it. Actually, OGE, I don't care if there is a menorah on the steps of the City County Building (local government offices & courts). But since there is it seems the ACLU has no problem being selective in it's persecution. And I wouldn't contact Merlyn to find a rest room. Ed Mori Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  8. I still think if there is a Sticky SM he needs a good hot shower!
  9. If you think it's baloney then why can't a crche be placed on the steps of my City County building but a menorah can? Excuse me while I scrape my rights off the ground. Take a look a the monstrous pile of legal fees the ACLU is collecting from the cases involving the BSA! They are making money had over fist! Sure they win some & lose some. When they lose, the ACLU seems to seek out ways to make life miserable for those who beat them. Now that's civil! Ed Mori Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  10. Ed, repeating this question is wasting our time. Bob has already stated that there's nothing wrong with a troop putting something like their meeting times in writing, and nobody else has disagreed. I only repeated it because no one answered it. Where did Bob state this was OK? He has stated he thinks Troop bylaws have no place in Scouting. And Ed, I assume you agree that a troop's bylaws should never contradict any of BSA's rules or requirements, right? Yes I agree. Hunt, To answer your questions. 1. Not really. 2. These would be OK. FScouter, 72 pages????? Way too much! Anything more than one page is too much. Ed Mori Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  11. OK assigns was maybe the wrong word. So is otains. Hunt, I think the wording in the SM Handbook is similar to the BS Handbook which is similar to the Requirements book. I don't have any with me now to refer to for the exact wording. But, "obtains", "gets", "is given" or "assigns" still yields the same result. The Scout obtains the name of a qualified MB counselor from his SM. Ed Mori Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  12. The ACLU is been driven by minorities (atheists & gays & others) who want their agenda pushed. The ACLU pushes their agendas by stating their civil rights are being stepped on. And what happens is the majority of the population has their civil rights stepped on. But that's OK since the ACLU is involved! ACLU = Another Cash Lover's Union The ACLU is neither American or civil or about liberty. Ed Mori Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  13. Try this - The Troop bylaws state "Troop dues are $5/month and due at the 2nd Troop meeting of the month." How is this dealt with in the Oath & Law? Ed Mori Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  14. My district held a Compass Camporee. The entire camporee was a compass course that took the entire day. The Scouts loved it! I am working on a plan for a cooking camporee. My thoughts are to have the Patrols cook all day using different methods - wood fires, propane stoves & in dutch ovens over hot coals. Haven't worked out the details completely. Ed Mori Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  15. Let's not forget that when a Scout wants to start a merit badge, he needs his SM to sign his blue card & assign a merit badge counselor. Ed Mori Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  16. Actually, Fuzzy, I would be the same in person as I am here. I don't believe in having different persona. Ed Mori Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  17. Hunt, Excellent idea! FAQ's on the National site or each Council site would be great! Try this - The Troop bylaws state "Troop dues are $5/month and due at the 2nd Troop meeting of the month." How is this dealt with in the Oath & Law? Ed Mori Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  18. Barry, Excellent story! Thanks for sharing. I can relate. One of the BOR members told the ASM who took my son to his Eagle BOR "This was one of the most moving Eagle BOR's I ever sat on". That brought me to tears. Seattle, I guess the point of these stories handicaps can be overcome. It just take common sense & the willingness to go the extra mile. Forget those other guys who are all hung up on if you are an ASM or a Committee Member or a UC or all three. Keep up the good work. Scouting needs more people like you. Ed Mori Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  19. I think updating the bylaws would be up to the Troop Committee.
  20. I wonder when this will hit the USA! http://www.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/asiapcf/05/04/scout.badge.ap/index.html
  21. Seattle, I commend you for getting involved with this Scout. My son is deaf & earned his Eagle so I know a little about dealing with disabilities and how tough it can be. Barry gave excellent advice. Keep up the good work. Ed Mori Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  22. schleining, I have argued the exact same thing many times! Ask NJ! I still have yet to receive a satisfactory answer. Ed Mori Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  23. FScouter, You obviously are missing my point. I am not saying just because it isn't required we shouldn't be doing it. What I am saying is not everything is a required like some believe. And your assumptions about my way of thinking is wrong. Ed Mori Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  24. FScouter, They are the Methods of Scouting not the Requirements of Scouting. Should we follow them? Yep. Do we have to? Nope. Posters on this forum want everyone to think everything in any BSA manual or publication is a requirement. Not true. That's my point. Ed Mori Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
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