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Everything posted by evmori

  1. You don't wanna see me in a dress. Actually ...... Prove me wrong! Prove gays are hard-wired. Prove it isn't a choice. Ed Mori Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  2. Raquel 65! WOW! I don't believe gays are "hard wired". If they were, explain Anne Heche! She's gay. Now she's not. Now she is! Plus what about those gay people that "turn from the lifestyle" and become straight and visa versa? Let's not forget Ursala Andress in Dr. No! Ed Mori Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  3. Troop 17 sure does look sharp! And they have tough rules! BTW, are all those ribbons & do dads BSA approved? Spizerinctum is a term meaning "ambition to succeed" Its geneology is unclear but it was a favorite of Jack Baker and he used it frequently. The term has been used for many years to designate the silver stars (ie "Spizerinctun Stars")on ribbons such as honor camper and honor patrol. This is appropriate because, where used, it indicates special effort or achievement. Found that on their site. Ed Mori Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  4. I agree Scouts need to learn to tie knots, build fires, lash poles, tell time on an dial watch, etc. Just because "we don't use these" is only an excuse to take the easy way out. Ed Mori Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  5. It was Ann Margaret in Murderers' Row that convinced me I liked girls! Jill St John was a looker, too!
  6. Kids have changed. When I was a kid (post-electricity) I was always outside during the summer. I wasn't a Scout. I was either playing baseball, playing basketball, riding my bike, swimming, etc. Do kids do that today? Only if it's organized for them. Most of the fun I had as a kids was the unorganized variety. Scouting teaches kids to think & do for themselves. It teaches them to make their own fun. Sure Scouting is organized but not to the point of managing the kids every waking minute. I sure wish when I drive past my old stomping grounds I would see a group of guys choosing up sides for a baseball game. Sigh Ed Mori Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  7. It's actually pretty simple, jd. If a human is born to straight parents and they become gay. Why? They chose to. Same as a human with homosexual parents deciding they don't want to be gay. it's a decision. Ed Mori Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  8. Hello? Hello? Must be a wrong number.
  9. Merlyn, I understand the issues just fine. You just can't explain your position. So is that number down to zero? Ed Mori Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  10. Merlyn, Don't you mean the #1 charter partner among educational organizations? Remember, more organizations charter BSA units that schools! And by chartering a BSA unit a public school is not violating anything except your feelings. So, how many units are NOW chartered by public schools? Do you have any current numbers? Ed Mori Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  11. acco, 5 beader - served on WB staff at Gillwell? Are we allowed to wear our hearts on our sleeves?
  12. Here comes Merlyn with the numbers! 8 year old numbers! About as relevant as his list he maintains. Merlyn, How many people have been helped by Scouts? How many Scouts have helped others? How many communities have benefited from Scouts? I would say countless more than your 8 year old numbers represent. And I'll bet no one asked or cared if anyone was an atheist or homosexual or bisexual. The important thing is people and communities have benefited from Scouting for many years and will continue to benefit from Scouting for many years regardless of how hard you and your ilk (yeah ilk) try to stop them. Ed Mori Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  13. If one of my Scouts (or any Scout for that fact) asked me if homosexuality was a sin I would tell them yes. If they asked me if stealing was a sin I would tell them yes. My point is we are to be good examples to the Scouts in our charge. If we don't answer their questions truthfully, what are we teaching them? Ed Mori Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  14. Ed, anyone who wants to change the DRP obviously doesn't agree with it as written, so by the rigid, everyone-must-subscribe-to-the-DRP standard, anyone who wants to change it doesn't quite agree with it, so they've kicked themselves out, and their opinions on what it should be are ignored. Not true. What if someone wants to move paragraph 2 in front of paragraph 1? That's not disagreeing with the DRP. Why do you interpret BSA policy rigidly & not the Constitution? You interpret the Constitution to fit your own needs! Don't think that was the original intention of the document. Ed Mori Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  15. Kristi, It sucks when you are let down like that. You would think National would step up to the plate & admit if they made a mistake or lost them or tell the truth about what happened. Kinda make ya wanna drive to Irving & give 'em what for, huh? I feel for ya! I'm gettin' steamed and it's doesn't even involve me! Ed Mori Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  16. 1) only members of the BSA should decide the membership policies of the BSA 2) all members of the BSA currently have to agree with the Declaration of Religious Principle (DRP) I pointed out that this meant that the DRP could never change, due to the Catch-22 situation that any member proposing a change to the DRP obviously doesn't agree with it as written, and so immediately loses their membership - and, since they are no longer a member, they have no business deciding BSA membership policies... Change doesn't always mean disagreement. It might be something should be added or deleted. Maybe there's a better way to state something. Maybe there's a typo. Change doesn't always mean disagreement. Ed Mori Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  17. If growing up in a gay household has no increase in the rate of homosexuality, then can it be claimed it is learned behaviour? Sure can. How about those growing up in straight households becoming gay? Ed Mori Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  18. Thanks Bob. That makes more sense.
  19. What about the hot dog field book!
  20. I'm stuck on the caution of John 8:11. This is the last verse in the account of the woman who committed adultery & was about to be stoned. Jesus tells her He doesn't condemn her then tells her to leave her life of sin. Where's the caution? I understand this as Jesus forgiving her for her sin & telling her to sin no more. Where's the caution? Ed Mori Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  21. The uniform is a method of Scouting. We are Scouts 24/7 but we don't wear our uniform 24/7. I don't have mine on now but I am still a Scout. Scouting is more about who we are than what we wear. Sure it's nice to "dress the part" but it isn't a necessity. There are more important elements of Scouting than the clothes we wear. Ed Mori Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  22. Homosexuality is a choice. There is no proof that a person is born that way. And it is a sin. As a Christian I can't condone homosexuality as OK. It isn't. Ed Mori Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
  23. Position Of Responsibility. Like SPL, ASPL,PL, TG, etc.
  24. ronvo, I agree with your statement about needing the program most. We have had a few like that. As leaders, we can only do so much. When the rest of the Troop starts to suffer is when it is time to put an end to the problem. If that means revoking a Scouts or leaders membership, so be it. I like the idea of holding the Scouts & leaders to the Oath & Law for discipline. What the Troop committee could do is develop appropriate consequences for violations of the Oath & Law. Ed Mori Troop 1 1 Peter 4:10
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