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Everything posted by evmori

  1. Are yins peeved at Mazzuca or peeved at yourself because you resemble Mazzuca?
  2. Wouldn't common sense dictate that the DL they are looking for is the DL of the person doing the driving which in probably 90% of the cases IS the owner?
  3. When we sign the application, we agree to abide by the rules & regs of the BSA but we are never given a copy of them and finding them is next to impossible. All this does is give the BSA an easy out if they want to get rid of a volunteer.
  4. But the requirement is to teach how to tie a square knot. That's what I posted! Yeah the Scout learns the square knot. He teaches it to his buddy he shoots hoops with. He tells his Scoutmaster he did this. The requirement is signed off. Done!
  5. Maybe it's me but unless there is a verifiable problem (legal, behavioral) with a Scout, why would you refuse to let them transfer into your unit?
  6. Ditto to what packsaddle posted.
  7. But it's not the BSA advancement program. It sure is the BSA advancement program. The BSA has been using EDGE but without the fancy acronym for decades!
  8. I'm not sure I see a problem. The Scout will have to adapt to the program he transfers into. Either that or find a different unit.
  9. Yeah the Scout learns the square knot. He teaches it to his buddy he shoots hoops with. He tells his Scoutmaster he did this. The requirement is signed off.
  10. After he's learned, then he gets tested by whomever the SM designates... however that person decides to test him. But it should be a test, proving that this is something he can do well, not a review of what he has done. Huh????? Who gets tested? The person the Scout taught? I'm confused.
  11. Explain Demonstrate Guide Enable This is nothing more than a basic teaching method that has been around for decades! And in about another five years I bet we have another fancy acronym for the same thing! The Scout teaches someone how to ties a square knot. He tells his Scoutmaster he did this. The Scoutmaster signs the requirement. OR in some units, a senior Scout or ASM has been given the authority to sign some requirements.
  12. Lisabob, The presentation to the Troop isn't a formal presentation. This is where the Scout gets a lot of the bugs out before he presents his project to the next level. And actually, there doesn't need to be a presentation at that level, either, unless the district/council wants one.
  13. OK. So little Johnny teaches another person how to tie a sheep shank. Little Johnny does an excellent job teaching how to tie the sheep shank but has no idea what EDGE is. Do you sign him off because the BSA has a fancy new acronym for a teaching?
  14. Yeah, I guess I need to clarify what I'm asking about. What is new to me is the boy having to make a second (post-troop committee) formal presentation of his proposed project to the district committee, in order to get that district or council signature. This isn't something I recall ever hearing about before. Where was the 1st presentation?
  15. I just noticed that looking at the project workbook (not the application!), there is no slot for a district signature. It's there. It's titled Council or district advancement committee member This depends on what level the advancement committee is. In my council, it is at the district level. The Word version is here - http://www.yccbsa.org/advancement/Eagle/index.htm Look on the right side of the page for the link.
  16. 3) The Gen X crowd had Boomer parents with little structure and "do your own thing" emblazoned on everything. This is the 70's and 80's. (parents of today's boys) Well I am a Boomer parent and there was a lot of structure in our house. Same goes for a lot of my friends. Generalizations are never good and usually incorrect.
  17. Using the EDGE method teach another person how to tie the square knot. To me, the key is the requirement says another person, not another Scout. This person could be mom or dad or his best friend at church or another kid at the school bus stop or the clerk at the convenience store or another Scout in his unit. And a Scout is always taken at his word.
  18. It's time to get rid of this guy. Go to your COR and get their backing then call this guy and tell him his services are no longer needed. Then call your council and have him removed from your charter.
  19. I could do the same Beavah, but you and I are not 12 years old.
  20. Beavah, Don't think you can compare swimming and bike riding to knots. Kids ride bikes and go swimming all the time. There is a good possibility the stuff they do in Scouting is the only time these things are done.
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