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Everything posted by evmori

  1. The topic is about chartered organizations and how they select adult leaders for their troop. If we can keep to that topic there is no need to relegate a good discussion to the junk heap. This topic is about a church not allowing a Mormon to be a registered leader in the unit they charter. It doesn't belong in this forum but it appears a competent moderator was unable to move it to a more appropriate forum so we are stuck with it here.
  2. If Kathy gets registered as an ADL, I don't see the problem. Nothing that a WDL signs off is rocket science (and I'm a 3rd yr WDL). Still an end run and circumventing the requirements. Why is it so hard to work within the framework we are given?
  3. Second, to all those criticizing supposedly getting around requirements. Would it be any different if this kid joined a different Pack to finish up? Completely different. There are requirements that are to be done with the WDL. This person isn't a WDL nor is she a registered Cub Scout leader.
  4. To me, this is an end run to get this kid's requirements completed. The problem could be the kid or the parents or whatever. End-running requirements is wrong.
  5. Moose - you're basically right... for next few months he's going to be a lone scout. This is wrong on so many levels and sends the message that, regardless of the reason, if you don't get along with your leader its OK to go outside the unit and find someone you do get along with. Bad form.
  6. My big gripe is what's the difference how the skill is taught as long as the person leaning the skill understands what is being taught? Use EDGE or LATRINE or any method you like. The key is the teaching not the method.
  7. If the school doesn't allow the Troop to use the school to meet they could be sued by the BSA for discrimination if they let other outside groups use the school to meet.
  8. The CO has the right to accept who they want as leaders. Most CO's are in name only so it is nice to see a CO take an actual interest in their unit.
  9. Hmmm....... Sounds like a backdoor move to me. If I was the CM I wouldn't like this. By you stepping in, all you are doing is undermining the Pack.
  10. What is RSO training? Who signed on as SM? There can only be one. Were you applications actually turned in?
  11. Well, NJ, I don't think it's necessary to force people to use a teaching method they might not understand or want to use.
  12. 2.5 & 4 seem to be good. Teach another person to tie a square knot This is exactly how the requirement should read.
  13. Right there you have stated why a boy can get Eagle young. While I am not a fan of really young Eagle Scouts, making a generalization like this is not accurate. There are boys out there who have the maturity and are able to be earn Eagle by the time they are 14 years old. They are not the norm, though.
  14. What's the big deal about the rules? Seriously? What's verboten or anathema in there? Well, when you signed your application you agreed to abide by the rules and regs. If you don't know what they are, how do you know if you are abiding by them?
  15. No hostility, NJCubScouter, just don't think the requirement should be worded the way it is. Not everyone will use EDGE to teach anything and that's OK and the requirement should not include EDGE.
  16. As Crew21_Adv posted, there can only be one Scoutmaster in a Troop. Lots of questions. What do you mean by "sworn in"? Did you complete the adult application and pay the fee? Scoutmaster Training???? Without more information we are just tossing darts at the board.
  17. Another thing that comes to mind is what good are rules if nobody is ever going to see that they are being followed? Great point Eamonn!
  18. Tell me moosetracker, what, other than a fancy acronym, does EDGE have that hasn't been in place for decades? And that's what it has come down to, Venividi. A pi**ing match. EDGE has been part of the BSA for decades without the fancy acronym. It is nothing new!
  19. EDGE is nothing more than basic teaching principles the BSA has been using for decades with a fancy new acronym. The OP was complaining that their SM - "insists that our younger scouts be seen teaching someone how to tie a square knot". While others might do this differently, Shrubber's SM is NOT WRONG in how he is handling this requirement. And the OP has a valid complaint. The requirement states "teach someone" not "teach someone only when the SM is available to watch" Shrubber's SM is adding to the requirements by requiring a Scout to do this teaching so they can watch.
  20. Yes it does say that ScoutNut. Where does it say the Scoutmaster gets to pick who the Scout teaches the knot to?
  21. Eagle Mill = advancement before anything else.
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