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Everything posted by ErickTheRed

  1. Hi. We are going to ry something new this year to help us out. We have gotten together with our local mall and we are planning to help out with the taking pictures with Santa Claus. We provide the Santa (the mall lets us use a suit), the picture taker and the camera/film and we get to keep all but 10% for ourselves. We are hoping to make up some of the difference on what we dont make on popcorn sales. We have 23 boys in the pack and Popcorn doesn't do very well in our town. We also don't collect dues, so the Pack is always tight on funds.
  2. Does any one know of any desk top themes with a scouting theme, I have looked on the net and have come up pretty dry. I have found several icons but I am looking for a whole theme. Thanks
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