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Everything posted by Enigmanupe

  1. Let me just say how much of a valuable resource you guys are. THANK YOU for spelling some of that stuff out. (printing page)
  2. Thank you everyone for your input. When we thought about starting a unit, we were told that we need 5 kids and 6 adults. These 11 people would consist of committee members, Cubmaster, and scouts. I was under the impression that we had to have all 5 kids within the same den (not pack). From what I am reading, I see that some dens have only 3. Is that ok? Would you recommend that we do both the cub scouts AND boy scouts or start first with cub scouts? In asking that, I am being a little more open to the fact we CAN do Tiger, Wolf, Bear, and Webelos all at the same time. If our volunteers are limited, can we run the meetings all at the same time and place? How close are their programs? I will look to find out when we have our next set of trainings. Thank you again.
  3. Ok, I think I'm beginning to understand. Regardless of what you're working on, Tiger or Bobcat, you still have two den meetings, a go see it, and a pack meeting? Should every meeting be an opportunity for them to earn a bead or work closer to their next badge? As we head into another year of tiger scouts, can you provide for me a general overview of what happens in your pack? Ex. September to January we're working on Tiger Scout Badge. From February to May we concentrate on our other achievement badges. Do you mix it up? When would a normal scout reach Tiger status?
  4. Ok, one other question along with this. If we DO have just Tiger Cubs, how will we handle Pack meetings if they are the only group?
  5. Howdy! As a new Cubmaster and member of the chartering organization, I didn't want to start out too fast. My idea was to start with a single den of Tiger Scouts and as these kids move up, we increase the number of dens/troops/units. Ex. As the Tiger Cubs move up to Wolf, we then maintain our Tigers AND Wolf. The year after that, as we move our Wolves up to Bear, we now maintain Tigers, Wolves, and Bear. Does that make sense? Has anyone done it this way? Was it effective? Do you see any problems in doing it like this? Thank you for you're advice.
  6. Hello! I am a beginner in leading a pack. My organization has recently chartered a new pack and I am taking the lead in starting a Den of Tiger Scouts. As I look through the Tiger Cub Handbook, I see that there are 5 sections which include activities that will help the tigers achieve their next bead (family, go see it, and den activity). From the look of things, the first five months are taken care of in those 5 chapters (assuming these scouts can earn all three achievements during the month). The question I have is what happens after those 5 months? If we're shooting for a 12 month program, how do we handle the next 7 months? Anything you can offer would be greatly appreciated.
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