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Everything posted by Engineer61

  1. My Scout is klutzy enough just walking, that I'd hesitate on him carrying any significant blade.(This message has been edited by Engineer61)
  2. The local troops do this en-mass in this area...calling it "Advancement Day". It's usually two or three back-to-back Saturdays at one of the LDS Stakes. It's usually a 8-10 hour event...some kids will knock down 3 MB's (maybe more) each day.
  3. "But now, the blue cards are no longer used, everything is passed in through the computer.. " Scout's troop still uses the Blue Cards, but they are turned in when completed and the data has to be entered by the Advancement Chair into Troopmaster. I have 600 filled out cards stacked up....
  4. My Scout's troop schedules 2-3 during the school year. Only one got executed due to weather. None over the summer...
  5. Staten --- Cloud computing eh??? Boy, my engineer friends would love to get a hold of your profs. LOL E61
  6. Wow....talk about a thread with legs.... As a non-believer in Scouting, I expect to take a lot of hassle and dismissive counter-posts when I put something up here. That falls under the category "my problem". I try to extract what I can from the Forum...and try to apply it to what I see my Scout doing/learning ... (or not, as the case may be) as well as to what my wife is having to deal with in her dealings with the Troop/Leaders/District. The rest...is just 1's and 0's...and I have a big bucket to catch the ones that leak out. Oops...it's full again...little buggers are hard to sweep up.
  7. I heard today at lunch that there are now 9 wildfires in AZ. One is about 20 miles east of the Scout Camp Geronimo. Without a serious wind shift it should not be threatened, however the Forest Service can decide to kick the Scouts out to use it for a base camp.
  8. Wow...no wonder that kid hasn't been back since the first reply... I don't suppose any of you bothered to think for a moment that maybe it's not the Scout but the Board with the attitude eh? Maybe the BOR's should be run by the boys as well...
  9. Tent Inspection : here you better make sure the tents are closed, unless you *like* Scorpions, Rattlers and Tarantulas in your tents! Might want to shake out those sleeping bags in the evening. If you want to "inspect" something ... at least make is useful....try inspecting socks to see if they are getting changed.
  10. Peri- I'm pretty sure he's 1st Class at this point...just finished his 2nd year of Scouting... I know all of his buddies that he joined with are 1-2 ranks ahead of him. It seems that the farther ahead his buddies get, the less he is interested...also, the less the SM/ASM are interested in him as well, but I would expect that... Wife and I talked about this a bit the other night...after this next year (8th grade), Scout will likely join the Marching Band (with his older step-brother) ... this means that he will miss all the troop meetings and most of the weekend outings for the first three-four months of the school year. Wife has observed that all but one of the boys in the Troop that have joined Marching Band have dropped out ... and the one who has remained can't get elected to any leadership positions that I guess he needs for further advancement ... so he's basically done as well. Unfortunately, I think the whole Eagle thing was "oversold" a bit by the SM and ASM ... Scout might be doubting that a bit.
  11. The original thread was interesting... and probably more typical .. but ... ...what do you do when the advancement issue openly pits boy v. parent? My Scout, while having "drunk the Kool-Aid" on the "importance" of getting Eagle from his Mom/Dad/SM/ASM's, has made no real effort nor progress towards that endeavor. While interested in the outdoor aspect and some of the "fun" merit badges, he is almost completely adverse to most of the Eagle required MB's. (It took almost the entire school year for him to bother to complete CoN ... and then it was a cat-fight between Mom and Scout.) Do you every tell a parent to "back-off"?
  12. Here is a photo of the VLAT (Very Large Air Tanker) on loan from CA to work on the Wallow Fire. It's a converted Douglas DC-10 airliner, it will drop 12,000 gallons of water or retardant in one load in 8 seconds.
  13. Lb - No where close to me. The fire is about 150 miles ENE.
  14. For those not noticing the wildfire season this year... the Wallow Fire in Arizona (and New Mexico) is now the largest wildfire in Arizona state history...over 725 sq. mi. consumed. That area is larger than the combined area of Los Angeles and NYC. Containment is 18%, humidity is 1% and winds will pick up again today. Investigators believe was caused by a person, most likely by someone who abandoned a campfire, on May 29.
  15. "If there is a restraining order against one parent and that parent tries to remove a Scout from an event early, shouldn't the Scout be the one saying, "I'm not allowed to go home with this person?"" Generally, Judges order parents specifically NOT to involve the children of divorced parents of the nature of any rulings by the Court regarding access or custody limitations. Doing so is a great way to get on the bad side of a Family Court judge. So...the Scout may very well NOT know (and cannot be told so by his parent) that one parent is NOT permitted to transport him from the event. This kind of arrangement also happens when one parent is not permitted to transport a child due to issues with intoxication or drug use while driving...again, something you don't generally tell a child. This becomes the Troops responsibility for the same reason it becomes the school's responsibility...because the Troop basically has legal custody and responsibility for the safety and well being of the child while he is there.
  16. No camp for Scout again this summer... Troop's week was too far into the summer... Scout had to be back in Ohio with his Dad...he didn't want to bother setting up a provisional Camp ...
  17. I use Statistics and Economics interchangeably.... There are lies, damn lies and Economics.
  18. Beavah wrote: "He's not responsible for anything other than taking da action authorized by the committee. " Huh? Maybe according to BSA, but not according to the Courts. The BSA does not indemnify the CO from legal damages should they be sued by a parent of an injured Scout. The Oregon Case proved that....BSA is paying as is the LDS. The Florida Case, will like show that Adult Leaders are culpable for damages as well. The only thing that BSA and CO's can do is promise not to sue each other, or their Volunteers.
  19. 1. Does your Troop actively recruit 2nd year Webelos Cub Scouts? Yes. 2. If it does what methods are used and what is the approximate success percentage per method? Promoting troop at Cub Meetings, Webelos Campout, Open Meeting Nights. 3. On average how many Cub Packs does your Troop recruit? Varies. 4. If the Troop does not recruit where do find your new Boy Scouts? Any additional information will be very helpful. Some Cubs consider AOL to be a "graduation ceremony" and an end to Scouting, not a transition point to more Scouting. Many adults do as well. My Scout's best friend (and parents) viewed it that way... "I'm glad that's over with..."
  20. A good friend of mine divorced 15 years ago...a devout Catholic... they were married for 25 years, they had two daughters. Her husband, a salesman, had multiple affairs (sometimes affairs with two or three mistresses at the same time), was an alcoholic, used and trafficked drugs, evaded taxes, etc. When the youngest daughter turned 18, he packed a suitcase and left the state. The house was foreclosed on, he filed for bankruptcy, never paid his spousal support, the creditors came after her...she ended up paying all of his debts off. He blamed the divorce on her to the kids, they moved away and no longer speak to her. He died a couple of months ago....deep in debt...the creditors are coming after her again. Not certain what her "sin" was.
  21. "Divorce is too easy and simple to do." Eh? I don't buy that one for a micro-second. BTDT. Divorce takes a long term toll on everyone. Parents, children, grandparents, friends (of both the adults and children). Anyone who believes otherwise has been reading too much "research". If you want to know what divorce is like, go talk to people who have done it. A day in my shoes folks ... a day in my shoes. (This message has been edited by Engineer61)
  22. OK...so I'll offer my 3.1416 cents on this. My thought on this is that CC is covering his/her legal backside. By signing (i.e. approving) the Tour Plan, CC likely takes partial legal responsibility for whatever happens on the outing. Sad, but true... You might want to inquire with CC if that is part of the issue he/she has.
  23. Scout's troop did not do anything on Memorial Day. I drank a toast to my cousin Mike, a Marine who was killed in 1968 in Cambodia while trying to rescue a fellow Marine during a mortar attack. ==== Racial bigotry is alive an well in most rural communities in this country. There are plenty of organizations out there, overt and covert, and that continue that particular "cause". They do so by infiltrating other organizations and subverting them.
  24. If you want a real flag-folding challenge, try folding the flag for the State of Ohio. Darned if I remember how to do it.
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