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Everything posted by Engineer61

  1. I think that there are some critical thinking skills missing here. While I realize that there is a tremendous need for programs to support at risk and criminal youth, BSA is not it... IMO, the issue is full disclosure. Parents have right to know that dangerous individuals are associating with there kids. And juvenile records are not universally sealed. Minors who are sex offenders still must register on the public registration. Further, in some states, if you are aware of any person who you may suspect may endanger the health or safety of a child, you are obligated by state law to report it....even if no physical evidence exists. What exactly are the adults and scouts supposed to do if a rival gang follows this kid to a meeting and then decides to open up on the Troop with automatic weapons? Fact: Meth can kill in a single dose. So this kid, in a whimsy of stupidity might decide to spike someone's water bottle. The next thing you know, you have a dead kid on the ground. No. This boy should not be in a BSA troop without full disclosure.
  2. Time will tell.(This message has been edited by Engineer61)
  3. My stepson has been back for 5 days now. My first impressions have been that he was relieved to get back. While he was quiet initially, he soon opened up and spent a good amount of time goofing of with my son, the dogs, etc. So far there have been no swings in his mood.
  4. Change your socks when they get wet! Change your underwear daily! Pack Gold Bond powder. Avoid the bears in Yellowstone.(This message has been edited by Engineer61)
  5. Might consider LED lighting inside with a single battery pack just inside the door. One set of batteries would last a long time. If you put in the flat screen/video game system, don't forget the generator fridge and microwave....that's my kind of camping!
  6. If you want bugle calls....try here. http://bands.army.mil/music/bugle/
  7. GKlose, Trumpets are used in Drum and Bugle Corps, in addition to other brass instruments (Mellophones, Baritones, Tubas) there are variations for trumpets in different keys. For those wishing to practice bugle calls on the trumpet, the best valve setting to use is 1-3. It gives the most harmonics in a reasonable playing range. (G - D - G - B - D - G), although ANY valve setting can be used. When I was in high school, I was asked to play the "echo" of Taps at a Memorial Day ceremony. The first player was a WWII vet with a bugle in an unknown key. I was 100 yards away behind a tree to play the echo. I spent most of his time trying to figure out what key he was playing in, so that my taps would sound the same...of course is was somewhere between keys, so I had to adjust 3 of my slides to make the pitch match....which I did. I came back to the band and showed my band director what I had to do to my trumpet to match pitch....he smiled and said, "Why do you think I sent *you* out there?".
  8. The Marine Color Guard I watched a few weeks ago at a performance of the Phoenix Symphony carried the flags on center, not under the arm. That matches ever other color guard I ever recall seeing. I'd consider that the standard to be followed. I've seen the Scouts do that whole left are thing as well...irritates me to no end when the colors touch the floor. Of course, to do the centered flag, the Scout should probably have the yokes.
  9. Yeah...my first instinct would be that horrible 2 letter word. To call a 48' span of of bridge a small CE project is an understatement. Does the State have credential requirements for the design and construction of publicly accessible bridges like these? I would expect a CE with a PE cert would be a minimum requirement.
  10. Well to be consistent, if there is a significance, it's lost to the non-Scout parents as well. I personally find the ceremonies to be offensive. I did not like the constant Native American references in Cubs either.
  11. Gaaaaccckkkk! Best Practices? Really? What? ISO9000 meats Boy Scouts. What's next 6-sigma? The problem with best practices, is that they are ALWAYS moving. By the time you have them defined, they've migrated about 50 ways. I can't tell you have many times I have to go through the drill of defining and documenting "best practices" in the last 15 years and the end is always the same...you end up with a document that describes and outdated process. We affectionately refer to this and other Process Manager gook as "False Economies".
  12. In 1897, the Indiana House of Representatives considered a bill that would define Pi in one of three ways. 3.2 4 3.23 The bill eventually died. "Go figure." (I just HAD to add that.
  13. I learn just a bit ago that his father passed away overnight. He will return next week.
  14. Thanks for the insight...the end has not come as yet...but the DNR and releases for Organ Donor have been signed. -E61
  15. Do they have West Nile Virus? We have in AZ now....
  16. Hi all, I know this is not a typical topic to cover in a Scouting Forum...but I'm asking for help on what to do next... My stepson, a Scout, age 13, will likely lose his Dad within the next few days. He has said his goodbyes...and now it is just waiting. The events leading up to this occurred within the last 4 days...there is almost no chance for recovery without divine intervention. If there was ever a kid that worshiped his Dad...my stepson was poster boy. I know of no one this young who has lost a parent...so I'm in totally new territory. I just hope I have the strength and courage to do what this boy needs. -E61
  17. Ok...so I've let this sit for a bit...so I could try to give you the "outside looking in" perspective. Unfortunately, I could not bring myself to dress down a child ... But I will leave to say that if my Scout was in your Patrol, I'd find another troop.(This message has been edited by Engineer61)
  18. Ok. So everyone knows that I wasn't a Scout, don't particularly agree with it...blah, blah, blah.... ...that being said, even I am amazed at this blatant "advertisement". It's definitely targeting the parents who see Eagle as a requirement. It's like someone in BSA *wants* to become an Eagle-or-nothing kind of operation. I mean, what's next? A sub-store at the local Sear's? I kinda feel bad for you old-timers you have to sit and swallow this...kinda like me and the "designated hitter" in baseball. -E61
  19. "Less fun = more boys drop out = less chance to build character through the program." I would rephrase that to say : "Less fun = more boys drop out = less chance to build character through the BSA program." That does not mean the said boys won't get these attributes from their parents, sports, band or other academic or non-academic opportunities.
  20. Jet - Yeah I caught that too...then I stumbled across some web hits on the 2010 Willow Fire....I think that's the issue...there was also a 2004 Willow Fire.... They gotta watch the naming.....
  21. >> I understand why......... >> >> We get them in Scouting before Little league or flag football starts >> competing for their time and interest.... >> >> Do I like it....Not with out other changes...... Sorry...you're too late... T-ball and Soccer start as early as 4!
  22. Hey jet... Willow Fire : http://www.fs.usda.gov/wps/portal/fsinternet/!ut/p/c5/04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os3gDfxMDT8MwRydLA1cj72BTFxdjAwgAykeaxRtBeY4WBv4eHmF-YT4GMHn8usNB9uHXDzYBB3A00PfzyM9N1S_IjTDIMnFUBADEf0RM/dl3/d3/L2dJQSEvUUt3QS9ZQnZ3LzZfMjAwMDAwMDBBODBPSEhWTjJNMDAwMDAwMDA!/?navtype=&cid=stelprdb5309981&navid=180000000000000&pnavid=&ss=110301&position=News.Html&ttype=detail&pname=Apache%20and%20Sitgreaves%20National%20Forests-%20Alerts
  23. "We voluntarily get all crazy and fearful about lawyers waiting in the bushes with subpoenas." This is a problem in every organized youth activity...not just Scouting. Baseball and football are replete with new requirements and restrictions...what equipment you must have, what equipment you can't use. In youth baseball for example, there has been numerous equipment changes and restrictions from when I played. Catcher's helmets vs. Skull Caps, breakaway bases, weight and composition restrictions on bats, footwear restrictions, pitch limits. All in the name of player safety. Ok...I might not agree with some of them, but I'll deal and teach baseball anyway. Depending on where you live today's world will not tolerate teaching a 12 year old how to field dress a deer, or become proficient with an M1 in an organized group, especially one that has made some really boneheaded decisions. I see it that you have two choices...go with the flow and do what can be done...buck the system and get sued enough times that you go out of the business.
  24. ...heard on the radio this morning that we have 500 firefighters on standby in central AZ...to pounce on the next fire as quickly as possible. 113 here tomorrow...single digit humidity in the deserts.
  25. Not a negative at all ... more of an imperative ... the FS has first dibs on the camp anyway. My only concern is if they do get the evac order, how fast they can move 400+ scouts + staff out. The camp has no transport. Fires this year are being measured in miles per hour in some cases.
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