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Everything posted by Engineer61

  1. My first "Mile Swim" turn into more like 2 or 3 miles, took over and hour. I was swimming offshore the Outer Banks of NC, when a riptide eroded the bottom and sucked me out. Most of my stroke for that swim was Treading Water. I had two swim in the last 300 yards or so.
  2. Yet another Utah Scout killed... http://azdailysun.com/news/local/d68dc478-ba2b-11e0-ad09-001cc4c002e0.html
  3. Might want to dry clean that coat Vicki... GP residue might get picked up as well.
  4. Well, I've attended each type . By the way, technically, all CoH's are Adult Planned, specifically by the Advancement Chair, who has to verify all awards, complete the paperwork, get the materials from the n+1 Scout Shop(s). The only variable is the actual proceedings. Basically, from my own observations, the "Boy Led" CoH 1. Takes twice as long, one took nearly 2 1/2 hours. 2. Has numerous cases where the wrong award is given to the wrong kid 3. The printed program isn't followed because they boys can't remember where they were in the program, 4. You can't hear what the boys up front are saying anyway, because they talk to soft and the rest are too loud. There is never any improvement in this path, since a different Scout is running each CoH, and they don't learn from each other. All this tends to infuriate the parents in the audience who are proud of their boy's achievements. Adult led CoH's are the polar opposite...
  5. This is some interesting stuff. I wonder how they will handle that? Based on the location and population of the area (that county has about 46,000 residents and the largest city is only about 7,500) I don't see how you can expect a lot of local EMT support, only 1,400 in the Health Services Industry in the whole County. Hopefully, someone's considered that. Or did they just expect the military to cover it? (This message has been edited by Engineer61)
  6. The Gatorade v. Water and Caffeine issues are largely controlled by individual physiology and metabolic processes, according to my kids Dr. who sat on the medical advisory board for Gatorade for a number of years. The underlying issue in some is electrolyte loss, especially sodium. Those that lose a large amount of sodium through sweating are far more susceptible to heat-related illness or injury than those that don't. My son loses are large amount of salt in his sweat. When engaged in physical activity, he has open license to drink nothing but Gatorade. At the end of an extended workout, his dried shirts and hats will have a white salt band, sometimes 1-2 inches wide. Interesting enough, he does not lose that much Magnesium or Potassium.
  7. "The alleged prejudice of this young man does not diminish the personal achievement and value of the rank for any other individual Eagle." Of course it tarnishes the image, but I think that the oxidation is likely limited to those in near contact with a Scout that behaves in a prejudicial way. Anytime a group is identified with a crime, some of damage is transferred to the group. I think the fact is that in our society, no one, whether they have a Scouting background or not *wants* to consider Scouting and especially Eagle's to be anything less than upstanding. There are plenty of counter examples and most appear to have some pathway to racial or social prejudice. Now, if said Scout were to go out and commit a hate motivated crime and somehow involve Scouting or his Eagle rank, then you might have a larger area of tarnish to deal with.
  8. I'd also be checked for Valley Fever ... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valley_Fever
  9. "But, dont ignore the Girl Scouts..." ... unfortunately the GS program suffers from a different socio-political-religious conflict. When my daughter was a Girl Scout, none (and I mean zero) of our LDS neighbors would buy GS cookies from here...and after several Mom's verbally blasted her on their doorstep, she decided to quit. Apparently, Planned Parenthood and several other women's organization financially supported GSA (at least at that time)... so the widely held view by the LDS was that GSA was promoting abortion...hence no LDS members buy cookies. It is true even now. Go figure.
  10. There's been a bit of talk, off and on, about the Eagle Mill. So I thought I'd toss out a question... It seems we can identify them. But what is the underlying cause of the formation of an Eagle Mill? 1) The boys? Is it a competition thing? 2) The parents? Do the parents all get this idea that Eagle opens every door in life? Parents who are bent to get Johnny to Eagle, because they didn't? 3) Adult Leaders? Do the SM's and ASM's thing that their success as a Leader is directly connected to the number of Eagles they produce during their tenure? 4) CO or District? Do they measure the success of the Troop on the number of Eagles? Of course, there is the possibility that it doesn't make a difference to understand this.
  11. "But there's a whole group of new GenX and GenY parents out there who have avoided Scouting precisely because it discriminates. They would join in droves if the conservatives lost this battle in the culture wars." Hmmm....an interesting thought... I'm not certain that it would hold. There are many other aspects to Scouting that GenX/Y don't like. The training the use of firearms and other weapons for example. IMO...Scouting, in whatever form, will likely always appeal to Rural America, and have much less appeal in Urban America. Suburban America will fall in the middle. I also doubt Scouting will ever have a huge following in the Hispanic Community. My own observations are that the Hispanic community is very closed to cultural influences that are not native to Hispanics.
  12. If you can still find it, Chiggerid worked on Chiggers quite well...contained ether to kill the little bugger. Gold Bond powder is on my boy's list for Scout and Band camp. Puts out the crotch-fire really well....just don't get the "Foot" version! I highly recommend UnderArmor underwear as well. After a nasty result with my wife and anti-biotic ointment, it's verboten from my house and first-aid kits. Bactine or any other product that allows the wound to dry out is best according to the Dr. (This message has been edited by Engineer61)
  13. There are a couple of working farms, one near Akron (can recall that one) and Slate Run, SE of Columbus.
  14. I'd suspect that this will end up being a highly variable based on regions and demographics.
  15. Wow....glad the trip wasn't to Mexico ... he'd still have a few months and a $$$$ to get out. Another thought: A BSA diving trip to the Bahamas ... no way I could afford being in that troop. .32 ACP -- Browning M1922 .. not your average hunting pistol.(This message has been edited by Engineer61)
  16. I'd recommend not-ironing (or drying in the dryer) is you are using "Patch Magic". Ick, what a mess.
  17. Ditto from me Q! Unfortunately, there are too many SM's/ASM's who believe that the Troop is their own little kingdom to run (or not run) as they see fit, and the parents who are ultimately responsible for their kids are unwelcome interference. And when a kid is injured or killed, those same SM's are the first to step back and say, "that's not my fault".(This message has been edited by Engineer61)
  18. Ok...so I had some time to kill today ... In my state (AZ)from the Arizona Revised Statues : 13-3401 (37) "Transfer" means furnish, deliver or give away. 13-3409 (2). Sell, transfer or offer to sell or transfer to a minor any substance if its possession is prohibited by sections 13-3404, 13-3404.01, 13-3405, 13-3407 and 13-3408. B. A person who violates this section is guilty of a class 2 felony and is not eligible for suspension of sentence, probation, pardon or release from confinement on any basis until the sentence imposed by the court has been served or commuted, and if the minor is under fifteen years of age it is punishable pursuant to section 13-705, subsection C. 13-3405 pertains to the illegality of Marijuana. So, before you all go start arguing semantics (give vs. sell, for example), first offense and "boys will be boys" ... you should understand what the laws are in your locale. 'Cause it's pretty clear here in ole AZ. I suspect most other states are similar. Now if you a Scout Leader decide to put yourself between such activity and the law, and you get found out ... I would expect that there is going to be some serious crap rain down on a lot of people and organizations.
  19. Eagle007 - kudos. The only call to make in this case is to the Local Law Enforcement.
  20. I guess the hiking lesson would be to say on the trail and not stand on overhanging boulders.
  21. As a parent, I cannot imagine the loss of one of my children ... nothing anyone can say or do for those families.
  22. Actually BadenP ... I believe that it is your indifference towards the welfare and safety of children that makes you a clear and present danger to every youth you come in contact with. I suspect that you are more concerned with collecting paraphernalia for your Scout uniform than making certain that the Scouts in your charge and whom you have responsibility are properly protected. (This message has been edited by Engineer61)
  23. "There aren't any states that have laws that are that expansive, eh? " Try Arizona. "And whatever the actual text, da state reporting requirements refer to a confidential report made to da state child protection agency which is required by law to keep it confidential. It does not mean publicize to everyone in the child's youth group. " Then, the adult leaders, CO and BSA are at legal risk ... eh? (This message has been edited by Engineer61)
  24. I'm raising three kids and have coached 100's of others over the past 12 years. As such, I have no delusions that there is any such thing as a perfect kid or perfect parent...or perfect SM/ASM/CM/CC. Last season was the first season that I ever had to remove a kid from my team. He was disruptive and disrespectful to the other players, coaches and even umpires. The last straw was when he stole from another player. So, he got booted. I am not a social worker and I did not sign up to be one. I have an expectation that the adults who run the Troop are first and foremost concerned with the safety of the boys. If that is not the case, it is not in my boys best interest to be in your Troop. The Adult Leaders, CO and BSA all share a moral and legal responsibility to ensure the safety of the boys. If one boy jeopardizes that safety due to his criminal behavior then everyone is put at risk.
  25. Wow guys... We're not talking about the parents here folks ... but the boys ... specifically their safety ... From some of these replies, it sounds like some of you are more interested in the ego boost you'll get from the challenge than doing what's best for your boys. If you want to do that, fine...do it outside the Troop. From... http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/HealthandSafety/GSS/gss01.aspx Member responsibilities. All members of the Boy Scouts of America are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with the principles set forth in the Scout Oath and Scout Law. Physical violence, theft, verbal insults, drugs, and alcohol have no place in the Scouting program and may result in the revocation of a Scouts membership.(This message has been edited by Engineer61)
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