"Historically, our troop, which meets on Monday nights, didn't meet on any holiday. But the SM and I had discussed how there was no reason not to meet on the "minor" holidays, like Columbus Day, MLK's birthday, and President's Day. So the calendar presented to the troop committee showed troop meetings on those days."
As a DL, I'm not as familiar with the calendar set up by a PLC, but based on your post, it seems that the boys have very little to do with this problem. The tension is: You (the ASM) and the SM defined "minor" holidays, but then the committee (the parents) decided they weren't minor holidays.
Speaking as a parent *only*, regardless of what the committee had decided my son wouldn't be there. We use long weekends as time to be with our family, and would not change our plans to make a meeting. Even if we were home in time to make the meeting, Monday evening after a long weekend with family events tends to be a time of regrouping, catching up for the next school day, etc. My guess is that other parents would feel the same. Similarly, I would be left wondering why a program that is supposed to emphasize the value of your family is asking a scout to choose? As the person who is required to get my son to the meetings each week, it would be a bit of a turn-off.
While I am all for teaching autonomy and independence, and perhaps the scouts did decide that they wanted to meet on these holidays, it seems somewhat presumptuous that a group of children made these decisions without consulting their families. I would never make plans for any long-weekend or holiday for my entire family without checking with my family. Maybe I have an atypical family? If my son came home and said, "Hey Mom, we set our calendar, and were meeting on minor holidays and long weekends, so I'm gonna need to make meetings on MLK and President's Day," I would be than a little annoyed.
Again, this is speaking as a parent only, not as a member of any committee, and perhaps that was the way your committee was responding? As a parent, if y'all set the final calendar with these holidays as meetings that would be fine though, it would just be 3 meetings that my son couldn't make.