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Everything posted by emb021
"I am looking for short (2-3 paragraphs) stories/situation where a character has to make an ethical decision." Actually, the Venturing program has a whole bunch of those, called "Ethical Controversies". The Venturing Leader Handbook contains them, as the youth should be running some during the year. Leading them is a requirement for some of the Venturing advancement.
"They may not be called ranks, but there is an order. Bronze, Gold then Silver. Silver is the highest award in Venturing." Yes, there is an order. Yes, Silver is the highest award in Venturing. Venturing does have an advancement program. But they aren't ranks.
"The bronze, gold, silver awards are advancement recognitions, see section in the Guide to advancement." Let me see if I can clarify this. The Venturing Bronze, Gold, and Silver are Venturing Advancements. They are NOT "ranks". Tenderfoot thru Eagle and the Sea Scout Advancements ARE ranks. There IS a difference. An Eagle Scout outranks a Tenderfoot. A Quartermaster Sea Scout outranks an Apprentice Sea Scout. A Silver Award Venturer doesn't outrank any Venturer. Advancement doesn't necessarily mean ranks.
"So suppose a chapter or lodge decided to dispense with Indian lore, feathers, dancing and such." Not sure what you mean by that. The OA is NOT and never has been an 'indian lore' organization. Indian lore plays a big part in it, many people in the OA get involved in that, but not everyone does, nor does anyone get made to feel they need to. Those who want to get into do so. Those that don't, don't. There is the server, leadership development, camping promotion and other elements of the OA you can get into, in addition to the Indian Lore stuff (or instead of).
VOA= Venturing Officers Association. Reps from all Crews in district or council who come together to plan and organize district/council Venturing events by the youth.
Gee, there are a lot of things the OA does. Whether YOUR lodge does them, is another thing. Lodges I am aware of do: * Scoutreach mentoring events to introduce Scouting to disadvantaged youth in the area. * Do service in their council camps BEYOND just setup/take down for summer camp. These can include construction projects, clearing/maintenance of camp trails, building/expansion of ceremonial rings/campfire rings (sometimes including stages and sound systems), etc. * Camp promotion for high adventure, council camps and more that can include "Where to Go Camping" books or on-line resources. * Service work within the council and community. * Staffing council events such as camporees, scout shows, etc. * Fundraising for council and camperships to send kids to summer camp. * Leadership development for youth leaders beyond NYLT/NAYLE. Frankly, in many councils if the OA disappeared it would be a TREMENDOUS LOSE for those councils.
Let me piggyback off what Eagle723 said, based on my own experiences with groups and meetings. In my experience, most scout troops meet on a weekday night (Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday) every week, with one camping trip per month (which could be a district/council event). Sunday nights do have some of the advantages you mention. When I organized a VOA in one council, we went with a 7-8 time slot, at a public location (an inexpensive restaurant), for many of the reasons you stated: everyone would be back in town, wouldn't interfere with any weekday crew meeting, etc etc. By and large it worked, and I didn't get too many complaints from the youth and leaders (most agreed with my thinking). When I started organizing a VOA in another council, we started with a Sunday around 2pm or so, and I proposed the same 7-8 time slot. NO ONE liked it. Felt it was cutting into 'family time' etc etc. (please note that VOAs would meet ONCE a month, not WEEKLY). So we went with a 3pm time, and frankly get LOUSY attendance. Go figure. A slightly different perspective. I advice a co-ed fraternity, and MANY of our chapters have gone to Sunday meetings, either mid afternoon or early evening. This works well as if someone goes home for the weekend, they are usually back by Sunday to be ready for school on Monday, most aren't working on Sunday, etc.
"In regards to the Triple Crown Award, do the now non-existant HA bases qualify? Have one guy I am trying to recruit who's been to Philmont, Maine National High Adventure Area, and Land Between the Lakes National Outdoor Adventure Center." No idea. The form to get the award only has info on Philmont, Northern Tier, and Florida HA Sea Base AND the patch has the logos from those 3 bases ONLY. So the others (Maine, Land Between the Lakes, and Region 7 Canoe Base) are not included.
Just FYI. This policy: "Members may wear only temporary patches (no badges of rank) on the back of the merit badge sash." (please note it ONLY applies to temporary insignia NOT ranks) is something that was changed not too long ago. I want to say about a decade ago. So if you are dealing with older scouters, they may not be aware that this policy changed and what used to be forbidden is now allowed.
The Silver Wolf is the top UK Scouting award for adults. Their equivalent to our Silver Buffalo. I actually find it interesting that many many National Scout Associations have top level award to adults that are all 'silver critters' of some kind. The Bronze Wolf is the top WOSM award to adults. Kind of interesting they went with Bronze and not gold...
"I'm not seeing "triple crown dangly thing" in the Insignia Guide." Not everything is listed in the IG. The "Triple Crown" award is a High Adventure award given to those who have gone to all 3 High Adventure bases. So same rules apply to it as to the other high adventure base patches.
"That said, I personally do not like it as this is suppose to be a YOUTH organization, and there is no national recognition for the YOUTH staff who have gone through the program and are giving back. I feel if you recognize one group of staff, it should be the youth and not the adults." There IS a national recognition for the youth staff: the NYLT belt buckle, which is supposed to be presented to the staff. NLS does the same thing. I think what you meant was a national recognition that is on par with the WB beads, which is a slightly different question. "Further is the two programs are so alike, why not add a ticket for the NYLT participants and give them beads too? " And what happens when those NYLT participants (or youth staff for that matter) get older and then go thru WB? Will they feel WB is a waste of their time/money because its so much like NYLT?
The latest version of ILST is found on-line in the training area. AFAIK, its not sold in Scout Shops.
We've had 1-2 people get their fourth bead as NYLT Course Director. These people had experience as WB staffers. I don't recall the ceremony, but I've not heard any complaints within our council. I've heard no grumblings at our yearly WB Breakfast.
Yes. ANY adult who is a member of the OA, regardless of what program they are in (Cub Scouts, Venturing) or level, can wear the flap. Why? Does it bother you?
"And even for those boys, what about AFTER they're SPL?" For a lot of these boys, its things like leadership within NYLT, Lodge/Chapter leadership, maybe even OA Sectional leadership.
"Sorry I caused such a fuss!?!" There is nothing to apologize for. Your questions are valid. "The reason I felt it was important to try to locate the NYLT patch, for one of the scouts in our troop, was because I feel the patches are important. Not for the recognition as much as for the memories. Not many scouts, in our troop, are photographers or even remember to take a few shots and these patches are the reminders, for them, of their scouting careers." And this is something that too often is overlooked or forgotten. This is why some of us prefer to be scout memorabilists and not just 'patch collectors'. WHAT the patch represents is just as important as the patch itself. And, hence, many want to be able to properly display what they have done. The problem, as I see it, is when some feel they need to wear too many or wear them in the wrong location (for whatever justification).
What bnelson says. Really, only those who hold a position at the Region/Area levels are supposed to wear the Region patches. Those on Jamboree staff who are staffing at that level are allowed to do this, but ONLY during the Jamboree. But, as noted, they've been selling regional patches (even regional jamboree patches) for some time. Doesn't mean you should wear it. (which is a mistake too many make: I got a patch, I must/deserve to wear it!)
"I'd have to assume that your council uses a locally chosen name for its NYLT course (something like "Brown Sea"), and there's no need for the generic patch." Councils are no longer allowed to call their NYLT course something else. This policy was ended several years ago and is clearly stated in the course materials and course directors are supposed to follow this. ALL councils should be calling their NYLT course "NYLT" and nothing else. Also, its Brownsea. One word.
What Twocubdad says about temporary patches is true. Pretty much ANY scout patch that doesn't have a particular place to go can go there. This means pretty much all the activity patches (summer camp, scout show, camporee, high adventure, any council activity, troop activity, oa activity/event, etc) can go there. A few others, like World Conservation, etc, go there as well. If the patch comes with a button loop (some do, some don't), use those and don't bother to sew them on. You can also get plastic patch holders that will hang from the button. This makes it easy to swap out patches. Me, I years ago settled on wearing the Philmont Arrowhead patch there and pretty much nothing else.
Strategic Plan 4-1-1 The Program is Changing
emb021 replied to bnelon44's topic in Open Discussion - Program
BP- While I would agree that Nationals support of Venturing has been poor almost from day one, I'd have to see what your District did before I could get behind it. I know that many of us have been frustrated by what has happened from National, not helped that many of us who have a passion and vision for Venturing seemed to get shut out by the PTB. -
Strategic Plan 4-1-1 The Program is Changing
emb021 replied to bnelon44's topic in Open Discussion - Program
"No mention of Venturing." I noticed that. I've had some people tell me of a "411 Project" looking at Venturing. Either this group isn't doing that (only spoke of the Cub Scout & Boy Scout programs), or there is another "411 group" looking at Venturing. And if so, why have they not reported (was told they would around this time). -
Nothing wrong with that. In one council I've worked with, they would sometimes do a council-wide Sea Scout Bridge of Honor, bringing all the Ships together. One time they did this at a council merit badge college so that other scouts could see it, as a way of promoting the Sea Scout program.
Strategic Plan 4-1-1 The Program is Changing
emb021 replied to bnelon44's topic in Open Discussion - Program
"On the youth training side, what is mentioned in the status report is that they are moving NAYLE to the Regional and Council level." I had heard they were backing off on that, because NAYLE was written such that it pretty much only worked at Philmont, and so had cut back on the planned regional courses already. Since I hadn't heard anything official one way or the other, wasn't certain. -
"The Council Store hands you one and says you have to have it when you buy a uniform shirt. Now I am all for scout global solidarity but why not just pre-sew the dang thing on the shirt." I don't disagree. I remember when the US flag was sold separately, and we had to add them, now they are sewn on already. I find it interesting how other countries do it. With the Boy Scout of Philippines, they have their logo embroidered on one pocket, and the world crest embroidered on the other, so they don't bother to deal with patch. (tho I found that the big wigs would have tailored uniforms, so they had patches...)