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  1. jmcquillan and Eisely: We have got liability coverage when the trailer's in tow, as well as coverage against fire and theft. The basic problem is insurance against fire or theft when the trailer is sitting. Our charter organization owns no property, so they don't have a policy to which we can add a rider. Since the Troop can't hold the policy, as Eisely pointed out, we went to several agents and were quoted $250 - $300 which would provide basic coverage (don't know the deductible - I didn't do the research). I thought maybe someone had had a similar dilemma and knew of an organization through which our charter organization could get a cheaper group rate. Thanks to both of you for your responses. Mike D.
  2. My troop has purchased a trailer to store and transport the troop's camping gear. Our charter organization holds title to the trailer, as it must. Our problem is that the charter organization doesn't have property insurance and a stand-alone policy is very expensive. Does anyone have any suggestions or recommendations for group insurance that could reduce this premium? Thanks for your ideas. YIS Mike Doyle
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