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  1. Thank you all for some really good information and advice. We try to stay within the guidelines, but there are lots of them, and we have slipped up occasionally, usually trying to let the boys have fun. I've got a call into my insurance agent to go over my umbrella. A friend had to use his a couple of years ago due to a bad car wreck he unfortunately caused, and if he didn't have it he would have been wiped out. I got one then, but haven't reviewed it since. Thanks again.
  2. Thanks for the reply, Beavah. I thought we had some cover from BSA, but never knew we had the other protections. If you have any references handy I'd appreciate it as I want to show a couple of other leaders who are concerned. As far as the incidents...In one incident, a scout got sent back to camp without dinner after causing some trouble in the dining hall at summer camp. The mother went ballistic on the leader without even hearing the leader's side of it, brought it before our committee in witch trial fashion wanting the leader thrown out, went to council, and according to some may have threatened a lawsuit. I wasn't involved, except she went ballistic on me when I suggested her son may need to come clean and take responsibility for his involvement in burning tent straps, shooting airsoft guns in camp, etc.,(we prohibit posession of any gun on any scouting activity, but in her view it was the leaders fault the boys had the guns). You get the idea... So I think to myself, what is going to happen when something bad happens? I have probably been lucky that we have never had a kid get seriously hurt or anything, but it could allways happen. BTW, Elviswahoo....catchy name, right? If you don't want to waste time on duplicate name rejections when you sign up on a new board or website, use a ridiculous name, like elviswahoo. Works pretty well.
  3. I'm an Asst Scoutmaster, and have been in scouting about eight years now. Unfortunately, based on some recent relatively minor incidents and severe parent reactions, I'm worried I'll get sued sooner or later. I heard leaders in California are getting liability insurance. Help! Any references or advice would be greatly appreciated.
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