We are in process of transitioning to the new uniform. Long story but many of the patches & insignia are having to be replaced or we are assembling uniform for new adult volunteer. This is normally not a problem but a few things have come up ... the first is the "trained" patch that we found is to now be placed on pocket flap above position patch. There was a minor argument/discussion about this ... now resolved by numerous pictures of the new uniform but no text data to back it up. So on to item #2. On the new scouts uniform, the pocket flaps are bigger and/or pocket is smaller so there is no way to place the OA arrow of light under the rank insignia without covering it up with the pocket flap. I am sure that it can still be placed there but it just seems wrong to cover up insignia. Is there any place where these 'minor' changes are documented and what a scout or adult leader is to do about them? A general search on the subject will bring you to inspection sheets and the like for the old uniform. This is a problem because it just doesn't fit with the new uniform. Also, any help with what to do with/about the OA arrow of light is greatly appreciated. The data to back up the 'pictures' is appreciated