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  1. I was talking about 2 different uniforms. One adult with the 'trained' patch and one youth with the Arrow of Light. I apologize as my spouse was very vague when I was asking questions earlier and referred to the Arrow of Light in same sentence as OA ultimately confusing me as I put them together. I am not OA nor a long-term scouter so would not have known the difference...but I am trying to understand all of this so would appreciate your patience and not how ignorant I might appear. My spouse is Vigil Honor OA from early 80s so is very opinionated and I was trying to put the patches on my sons shirt without his help. He argued with me about the trained patch for 20 minutes until I showed him every picture of it placed on the new uniform with it on the pocket flap on the sleeve and convinced him. He was the one wondering what to do with the AOL since it does not fit on the pocket where he had known it to go. The bellows pockets are squared off instead of points so it leaves less room and is why there wasn't enough space. He tried to put them in there anyway and I had to convince him not to cover up the scout insignia (I just didn't think it was right). We did put it below the pocket and it looks fine. I assume this is where it will have to go on the new uniform no matter what you may have learned. I learned how difficult it can be to teach an old scouter new tricks. Thank you for your support.
  2. We are in process of transitioning to the new uniform. Long story but many of the patches & insignia are having to be replaced or we are assembling uniform for new adult volunteer. This is normally not a problem but a few things have come up ... the first is the "trained" patch that we found is to now be placed on pocket flap above position patch. There was a minor argument/discussion about this ... now resolved by numerous pictures of the new uniform but no text data to back it up. So on to item #2. On the new scouts uniform, the pocket flaps are bigger and/or pocket is smaller so there is no way to place the OA arrow of light under the rank insignia without covering it up with the pocket flap. I am sure that it can still be placed there but it just seems wrong to cover up insignia. Is there any place where these 'minor' changes are documented and what a scout or adult leader is to do about them? A general search on the subject will bring you to inspection sheets and the like for the old uniform. This is a problem because it just doesn't fit with the new uniform. Also, any help with what to do with/about the OA arrow of light is greatly appreciated. The data to back up the 'pictures' is appreciated
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